[DAO Discussion] - We are losing great ideas, lets change this!

Hello everyone,
I made this topic to ask the community for ideas and solutions to resolve this problem.

The Problem:

Great ideas are being lost because people aren’t debating things in our forum as much compared to discord, where due to the massive amount of text these important debates start over time going further and further up on chat. The second problem is that these debates are scattered around different chats, which makes it even harder to find, develop and improve the ideas from it, not only that but debating in discord is very unproductive too, due to the “noise” from other people writing at the same time, which completely diverts from the topic of the debate.

We really need to centralize our debates from discord to here by incentivizing the community. It will not only make debating important matters faster and easier, it will help us build better proposals for Wonderland.

Fell free to say what are your thoughts and how we can solve this problem.

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First I agree 100% I hate Discord and refuse to go there!

If you want people on here we should use DIscord to pull them here. Like create topic on this forum and just post a link with description on there. If they want to debate they would have to go here.

Same can be done on Twitter, Facebook and Telegram

Other way is(but not one I favor) is to reward people for posting here, like giving them a really small amount of crypto every time they post here(time, spell, whatever the token) If you go that route make sure to have clear rules on eligable posts like minimum ammount of characters and has to be on topic, etc…

Well that is my 2 satoshi’s anyway :blush:


People who have debates on discord bring them to the forum if they think its worth it.

It is much more convenient to discuss ideas on discord.

Collaboration can be had through discord, to draft proposals also.


why do you refuse to go discord?

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That’s ultimately the goal in terms of governance discussion.

Most of the traffic on the forum comes from the Discord announcements. Twitter also helps, but mods don’t have access to the official Twitter.

This is a good idea, but it would require a forum admin. Which we currently don’t have :sob:


There is something planned to resolve this matter?

Yes. Unfortunately, it seems to be harder than expected.

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I disagree with this. If every single debate we saw on Discord were to be posted here on the forum, it would take a lifetime to go through them all. Activity on the forum is pretty minimal as it is, votes passing with 6 or 7 votes for example (I talk about minor votes here, of course).

Rather the debates happen on Discord and then the gems make it over to hear to be dived into, then moved to RFC, WIP etc etc.

Happily, big game-changing things are working well here on the forum, and the DAO continues to progress, picking up speed as we go.

By all means, you could move any debates you find interesting on Discord over to here by yourself, and then post a link in the Discord for people to jump in.

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Well, where to start: I hate the way it is designed, bulky not very convenient.
When you do go through the trouble of getting on it(Which is a pain in the ass in its own right) is chaotic, any meaningful discussion is snowed under by crap.

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I agree with you, discord aint that good discussions should be here more

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@NalX pls close this topic

Who has control of the official Twitter?

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