[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Core Team Growth & Structure


Wonderland has proven to be the most successful DAO so far in terms of treasury size (thank you Sifu) and overall ecosystem strategy (thank you Dani). However, exponential growth of Wonderland is dependent on a defined structure, hierarchy, processes and resources that allows teams managing the project to provide the best return on investment to the community (AKA: stakers).

A recent flag for the ecosystem growth has been the backing per time metric, which has been decreasing due to the amount of TIME being allocated to stakers, reduced number of new stakers and impossibility to growth treasury as fast as the current APY requires to sustain a higher backing price.

This proposal is a first attempt to outline the details of a DAO organizational structure for Wonderland’s core team, that will allow the them to sustain Wonderland’s growth while providing oversight and transparency to the community.

Below the main proposed changes:

  1. Propose and vote on main roles for core team (Division Heads):
  • Daniele Sesta as Master Hatter (Project Head);

  • Sifu as Master of TIME (Head of Treasury) - No need for second vote as the community has already voted on this;

  • TBD as Chesire Cat (Head of Development).

  1. The Master Hatter, Master of TIME and Chesire Cat, as well as their teams, will be the ultimate responsible people for the continued growth strategy (protocol development, expansion and business development), as well as its’ communication to the community. They will also be responsible and accountable for managing the current team and expanding it as needed to fulfil the growth strategy.

  2. Treasury multisig will remain under the current members, unless the community requests a transition through the formal governance process. However, transparency on current members assigned to the multisig needs to be provided.

  3. The core team (as defined above) will establish a clear mandate and propose to the community which decisions have to go through a governance vote and which ones should be left at their discretion.

Proposed Collective & Restructure (Some ideas from Sushi proposal and open to suggestions)


The goal of this new recommended structure is to:

  • Align the collective through clear governance oversight;
  • Create clear leadership and hierarchy within the core team to allocate resources, dictate growth strategy and business decisions, and the power to on and off-board contributors.

Core Team Structure

Master Hatter: The Master Hatter or Project Head will have oversight of growth through business development, marketing strategy, human resources, roadmap, and go-to-market strategy. They will also work with the rest of the leadership team and Wonderland governance forum (in accordance to the governance oversight section below) on executing partnerships. They will work to assess profitability on all business lines and work with the rest of the collective’s heads to allocate resources accordingly. They will work with all teams to outline objectives and key results and well-defined timelines on current and future plans.

Master of TIME: The Master of TIME or Head of Treasury will oversee the financial and procurement strategy as well as their execution. They will work to assess profitability on all business lines and work with the rest of the core team heads to earmark all resources accordingly.

Chesire Cat: The Chesire Cat or Head of Development will oversee the development of Wonderland application and roadmap. They will manage all Solidity, Frontend, and Backend and allocate development resources to each of these teams in accordance with the roadmap and governance-approved strategy.

VP (Vice Heads): Core team heads will -at their discretion- appoint vice heads to execute and retain discretion over specific areas and teams. They will be selected and promoted from teams at the discretion of the Heads to work with and extend specific responsibilities. VPs report to their respective Heads. If a Head is unfilled, they will report to any available Heads in tandem.

Marketing: Marketing should include product marketing, content marketing, digital marketing, and work with other product teams to have consistent brand and marketing efforts across all business lines. The marketing team will cross-coordinate with other products.

Designers: UX and UI designers are responsible for building the frontend interfaces, iterating user personas, and designing user tests. Other areas include supporting marketing with marketing assets.

Frontend: FE devs should be responsible for implementing mockups as well as a deep understanding of web3 and developing apps that interact with smart contracts.

Solidity: Solidity devs are in control of the core functionalities of the product and ensure infrastructural compatibility with the rest of the product.

Business development: BD focuses on bringing the product to retail and institutions, as well as onboarding inbound leads.

Human Resources: Human Resources will manage relationships within the team(s), along with onboarding/offboarding procedures and salary/bonus structure.

Finance/Accounting: Finance/Accounting will manage funds and process payments within Wonderland. They will be responsible for monthly invoices as well as other expenses.

Procurement: Will manage all purchases and expenses needed to for the team to operate the Wonderland application as well as to put in place the growth strategy.


The leadership team will work together to develop and execute a roadmap. They have discretionary powers to allocate resources to the different product teams based on the roadmap and opportunity set. They also have the power to onboard contributors as well as set OKR’s for each contributor to hit.
All decisions will go through a vote between the Master Hatter, Master of TIME and Chesire Cat. This will ensure that all aspects of Wonderland and its products are represented in the decision-making process as well as prevent one team lead from taking too much power. In terms of offboarding, the Master Hatter will work with the leadership team for on and off-boarding but ultimately has the final decision on that process.

Wonderland Treasury Multisig

The operational multisig should remain under the current people assigned to it and must include the core teams Heads.

The core team should provide visibility and transparency of the people assigned to the operational multisig to the community no later than 2 weeks after the successful vote of this governance proposal and every time changes happen or are needed.

Transition Period

We see this proposed structure as an outline of what could provide scalability and transparency. However, it relies on the core team expertise to put in place a strategy, present it to the Governance and execute it.
If the majority of the Wonderland Governance if in favor of this proposal, a transition period of 1 month after the vote is recommended. During this transition, the core team Heads and extended team will:

  • Create/modify and present to the community the Wonderland roadmap and growth strategy;
  • Select and/or communicate (if already in place) to the community the extended team members;
  • Develop and present to the community the 2022 budget which shall be subject to subsequent voting as outlined below;
  • Any other items the core team deems necessary.

Additional Checks and Balances

To structure in accountability the following additional checks and balances are proposed:
Aggregate core team leadership (Heads and Vice Heads) will be reviewed by the Wonderland Governance one year after their original appointment.

Leadership from the core team will develop a yearly budget approved via governance proposal and by the community, to then allocate resources effectively to each area. If additional funding is needed during a quarter, leadership can submit an additional proposal for governance approval. Salaries, compensation should also be part of annual budgeting and proposals. It is up to the discretion of leadership to handle the dispensation of salaries and bonuses within the service collective.

Leadership from the service collective will develop Quarterly and Yearly updates for the community.

Leadership from the service collective will participate in Monthly AMA’s to update and hear from the Wonderland community.

Outlining Governance

Governance will continue to oversee the allocation of all Treasury assets. This includes overseeing all yearly budgets. This will include any DAO-level partnerships. Examples of this include the creation of the “Sports Betting Platform” to be launched in Jan 2022.

In accordance with this proposal, governance will now have discretionary power over the core team. This includes annual reviews of the quarterly reporting to be provided by the service collective.

Governance will also continue to have oversight on protocol modifications and tokenomics, including any changes made to TIME, MEMO and wMEMO.

Governance will have the ability to issue a mandate via governance to the core team. This restructuring proposal as well as a future Code of Conduct proposal will fall under this category.


This is, by far, one of the most detailed proposal we received so far.

For some reason, people in the community aren’t a fan of governance structure. I believe it is an important part of the DAO. A lot of people don’t even think we are a (real) DAO. However, like we’ve seen with some of the SUSHI drama. Governance structure isn’t always without it’s issues.

Your proposal is good., but it may be too big for the community to truly understand it and vote on it at our current stage. I’d suggest for it to be broken down in different sections as we go along, especially since we do not have half the size of the team showed in your post.

As an addition, 0xWicked is currently Master DAO. Not sure if he is meant to be here for most the long run, but he should be in there somewhere in general.


I agree on both fronts:

  • Proposal length/details: I’ll wait for more feedback from the community and then modify accordingly.
  • OxWicked: Any idea on how to incorporate? I wanted to keep the core team down to three people so there wouldn’t be any situation where an internal voting would get locked with 2 votes “yes” and 2 votes “no”.

Thanks for reading it and giving feedback!

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Best postion for 0xWicked in your structure would be Chesire Cat.

He did mentionned that he would be working on setting up governance and blog to improve communication/planning and stuff.

That said, dont think he is involved in the Dev stuff. Dev stuff could be under a VP for Chesire Cat?

It’s interesting to think of Wonderland this way. I figure this needs Dani, Sifu, etc. to give us their insight on this one, as it’s essentially mirroring how you could build a major corporation, and it’s possible they may not want to go that direction. Either way, it’s an excellent thought exercise and could serve as an applicable framework to aim for. A few comments and questions for you:

In your vision, are VP, Marketing, Designers, Frontend, Solidity, BD, HR, F/A, Procurement, full time salaried positions or are they part time/voluntary?

Before we get into OKR’s, I think we would need to be able to answer these questions:
Where should Wonderland be in 5 years?
What’s the vision and mission of Wonderland? Maybe going a bit deeper into the explanations around this?
(I think I saw other posts where someone identified the need for the vision/mission, but this is a critical first step IMO). Once these have been defined, the leads should be able to set targets for their respective teams, which should fluently cascade to all members in the org as you’re suggesting.

Additionally, creating meaningful OKR’s is not always simple and the skillset required may not exist within those selected for the leadership positions. So going this direction - I’d recommend either consulting or leveraging those with experience within the Wonderland community; surely there are some who can help work this part out.

Leadership from the core team will develop a yearly budget approved via governance proposal and by the community, to then allocate resources effectively to each area. If additional funding is needed during a quarter, leadership can submit an additional proposal for governance approval. Salaries, compensation should also be part of annual budgeting and proposals. It is up to the discretion of leadership to handle the dispensation of salaries and bonuses within the service collective.

I think that for internal activities this can probably be planned annually once the roadmap is defined, (i.e. I need x number of man days to work on this feature, I need y number of man days committed to operational activities); though quantifying this can be a challenge, I imagine there will be a high margin of error in the first few budget planning attempts.

I feel like there needs to be a lot of flexibility here as new opportunities may require quick decision making. I would opt for a portion of the budget dedicated to Wonderland evolution for which no proposals/line items need to be submitted in advance. Just x$ or x% of the treasury will be used at the discretion of the core team for growth opportunities. Pre-emptive advisories before the moves happen should always be communicated, but this category would serve to avoid unnecessary delays caused by requiring governance vote.

Governance will continue to oversee the allocation of all Treasury assets. This includes overseeing all yearly budgets. This will include any DAO-level partnerships. Examples of this include the creation of the “Sports Betting Platform” to be launched in Jan 2022.

How would you see this working in practice? For example, the recent moves (dump AVAX, move into stables, buy CVX) are these all topics that would require governance to weigh in on before they happen?

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Definitely agree with the need of a roadmap/vision for the project before we go too deep in the governance rabbit hole.

I think by continue to oversee he just meant looking at the bigger picture/performance and not move by move.

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Thx for taking the time to write this.

I agree with your comments and my main idea here is: Set-up a team and structure to deliver on all the things that need to be done (vision/strategy, hiring, defining goals and OKRs, etc.) without having to go through a DAO Governance vote every time; while at the same time providing visibility to the community every quarter on what’s hapenning (plus AMAs and discord announcements).

Maybe I need to rephrase it for better understanding?

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Yes, correct. Community votes yearly/quarterly on big picture and the team decides on day-to-day operations.

Okay perfect, that definitely makes sense to me. Looking forward to seeing other responses here as well. Could be very interesting to explore this possibility.

I’m not sure that rephrasing anything is necessary. It was a lengthy post and it’s possible that I got a little deep in the details; upon revision, the summary you put together is fine. I definitely think working towards this level of structure could be a point that helps Wonderland stand apart from many other projects in this space.

Regarding communications/transparency - in the interim, I figure that putting together a quick public facing Kanban board to itemize the ongoing initiatives with a brief description (the explanation of the initiative, the Functional Requirements, and the Conditions of Success) would be a simple to implement quick win in the comms department.

This would give everyone the same level of visibility into what’s going on as well as the facts/latest updates.

Hope to see some more feedback on your post from others in the community :slight_smile:

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