[DAO Discussion] Wonderland Organizational Structure

Wonderland Organizational Structure

The protocol is currently operating without an official core team due to Daniele’s departure. This discussion will lay out the first layers of Wonderland’s Organization Structure.

This proposal aims to implement a management structure by creating a Management Team with clearly defined positions and duties. The goal of this initiative is to make Wonderland’s workload and responsibilities more transparent and efficient.

Moreover, this proposal opens up the possibility of rewarding the community and volunteers for their contribution without creating fixed positions for them.

Organizational Structure


Ultimate decision maker setting the guidelines and vision for the protocol to operate.

Management Team

The Management Team is composed of key positions that ensure the stability and proper operation of the protocol on a daily basis. Management Team members are elected by the DAO and are responsible for carrying out the DAO’s vision.


The multisig executes the transactions voted on by the Council and relayed by the Operations Officer. WIP #21 has elected the current multisig members.

Treasury Team

The Treasury Team includes any position that is focus on investing the treasury (e. g. Treasury Operators). Investments proposed should meet the DAO’s guidelines/risk limits.

Treasury Council

The council is made up of knowledgeable community members that vote on proposed strategies

Proposed Management Team structure

Despite its necessity, the current system does not come without flaws. It is not flexible, nor is it transparent and it isn’t easy to change without a complete reorganization. In this proposed structure, the organization will be able to establish the positions necessary for day-to-day operations while maintaining and improving transparency and incentivizing the community to participate and step forward, propose strategies and ideas. The Management Team is purely executor of the DAOs guidelines and vision.

The workflow will be equally and fairly distributed while recognizing and rewarding external contributions transparently, openly and fairly. Members of the current elected Team shall be temporarily assigned to fill these positions.

Structure and terms

Members of the Management Team should be long-standing members of the community who have demonstrated a continuous commitment and regular involvement over a period of at least three months. Every six months, all Team members should be reviewed by the DAO, each member individually, through a special forum thread with a poll. In the event that the poll results show less than 70% support, a snapshot vote will be conducted.

If their work is deemed unsatisfactory, they will be removed from their positions through governance processes or by voluntary resignation. Upon removal (vote or stepping down) any open spot shall be temporarily covered equally by the other Team members, until a new person is voted in.

It is proposed to place some of the currently elected Team members for half a term in the positions described below, with the first evaluation scheduled after 3 months to continue the current transition. Wonderland would benefit from this structure by having a Management Team of 6 committed and trustworthy members, to ensure the protocol is well-managed, efficiently operated at all times executing the DAO´s will.


It is proposed that the DAO works towards standardizing necessary positions and keeping costs reasonable, yet rewarding those who step forward and help the protocol on a daily basis.

The level of commitment and trust required for each of the positions is the same. It is also necessary that all positions work together in order for the protocol to function effectively. Thus, equal compensation for all Management Team members is proposed.

These are full-time positions that require daily activity. Each Management Team member is proposed to receive 0.25 wMEMO for every 30 days of service, 50% payable in stables, based on market price, upon request. Management Team members are not eligible for trade rewards.

This would incur the DAO an additional expense of 1.25 wMEMO monthly / 15 wMEMO yearly for a management team of 5 members. It is recommended that wMEMO puchased through buybacks are used to facilitate payment.

The proposed Core Team Roles

Communications Officer - Alice in Wonderland@AliceInWonderland

Alice in Wonderland serves as the face of the DAO. They are generally responsible for managing and handling communications in both directions. They are involved in various activities such as communications, PR, social media, and events.


  • Deprecate the Senior Moderator position and assume its responsibilities.
  • Correspondence and communication with external parties for any non-treasury related topic.
  • Maintaining Wonderland’s social media presence and ensuring the security of the accounts.
  • Planning and organizing regular AMAs and community events to boost brand awareness.
  • Providing regular updates to the community and managing community issues.
  • When necessary, provide factual information to reduce FUD.
  • Managing the Snapshot account and publishing votes.
  • Marketing of educational content on all platforms
  • In charge of holding, securing, managing, and distributing the budget of the Team. *¹

Operations Officer - Queen of Hearts@Bamchicka

The Operations Officer ensures that all operations are documented in detail, conducted efficiently, and with the utmost transparency. Provides support to all departments to ensure that they are working together effectively and assures the authenticity and relevance of all information before reaching out to the community and overseeing the protocol’s councils.


  • Collect key information from all departments and make it available to relevant parties as necessary.
  • Ensure that transactions posted to Multisig have been executed and retain all related documentation.
  • Provide support to other departments as required, such as governance research, communications support, and technical testing.
  • Provide easy-to-use materials for the communications department so that the communications team and moderators remain informed at all times.
  • Participate in all external communications with third parties for the purpose of documenting and disseminating information. Provide transparent info to the Communications Officer, for DAO transparency.
  • Ensure that workflow and information flow are established, both within and outside the Team.
  • Verification of information before communication material is officially published.
  • Feedback from the community is collected and relayed to the appropriate departments.
  • Monitoring of the Treasury Council, relay results/info to applicable departments.
  • Keep track of internal work, document it, and organize departments’ collaboration efforts, when necessary, while ensuring deadlines are met.
  • Ensure proper steps are taken once legal advice is received to ensure legal compliance and reduce liability.

Technical Officer - Cheshire Cat@Catalyst

The Technical Officer is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the protocol’s platforms. Furthermore, they ensure that all relevant technical information is properly documented and available for review by the DAO.


  • Maintaining Wonderland Tech, improving it, and adding new features as necessary.
  • Ensure that Wonderland’s smart contracts are functioning properly.
  • Creating and maintaining bots for Discord.
  • Improvements to the security of Discord and dApp.
  • Ensure that routine technical tasks are completed in a timely manner.
  • Upon approval, community feedback is implemented.
  • Ensure that all token statistics are displayed on an up-to-date dashboard in accordance with Treasury Council guidelines.

This further enhances WIP #24 by adding a Technical Officer role, responsible for managing Wonderland’s technical aspects. Additionally, they would be responsible for the funding allocated for maintaining Wonderland sites and underlying IT, up to a maximum of $10,000 per month. Please refer to WIP for more information.

The allocation will reimburse any costs incurred prior to this vote for maintaining the backend.

Governance Officer - Timekeeper@NalX

The Timekeeper is responsible to enforce the DAO’s frameworks and ensure the proper documentation of the DAO’s vision, roles, votes, etc. They shall ensure that the DAO members have the tools necessary to engage in the governance process.


  • Monitoring the progress of governance proposals.
  • Analyzing proposals for conflicts, risks, and compliance with previous DAO decisions.
  • Following a vote by the DAO, ensure that official documents are amended as necessary.
  • The provision of insight regarding the compliance of the internal strategy with the DAO code.
  • Ensure that the governance framework, voted policies, and legal requirements are adhered to.
  • Contribute to the development of proposals by the team and community.
  • Managing the Wonderland Forum as an administrator, including pins, moderation, and structure.
  • Lead governance discussion and promote engagement.
  • Ensure the legal aspects of the DAO are taken into consideration and professional opinions considered.
    • Until a formal legal budget is allocated, if legal advice is required for the DAO governance aspects, the required expenses will be voted on by the Council. Upon receipt of this approval, the DAO will be notified within 48 hours when applicable.
    • All costs for legal consults will be covered by the treasury and included in the treasury report.

Financial Officer - Caterpillar@ruian11

The Financial Officer is responsible for the organization of repeatable tasks (e.g. claiming rewards, monitoring farm, etc) in the absence of prior standardized DAO decisions or enforcing said decisions when applicable.

In addition, they are the main point of contact for external requests/offers such as venture capital investments, listing and partnerships. To ensure a smooth flow of information and risk management, they must maintain close communication with the Risk Officer and Operations Officer.


  • Point of contact for negotiations with 3rd parties, such as OTC deals, investment conditions, partnerships, etc.
  • Organization and management of deployed strategies and their profitability according to DAO guidelines, protocol owned liquidity pools, rewards claims and Wonderland’s farm.
  • Providing assistance to the newly elected members in developing strategies.
  • Creates monthly Treasury Performance reports to ensure holders are provided necessary insights into the effectiveness of the protocol.
  • Review performance of elected treasury team members and monitor trading rewards.
  • Help coordinate redemptions.
  • Assist is assessing community proposed strategies for risks and conflicts.
  • Work with the Risk Officer to help the DAO establish proper guidelines/risk limits.

In order to qualify for the Financial Officer position, candidates must possess a comprehensive understanding of the protocol, as well as a general understanding of DeFi. Prior to applying for this position, an interview with the Risk Officer is requested, to ensure that the position is filled as efficiently and effectively as possible.

This ensures the execution of the DAO´s guidelines and treasury deployment based on the wishes of the collective will.

Risk Officer - Mad Hatter@0xSifu (interim)

In addition to the description in WIP #22, the Risk Officer will now evaluate potential Treasury Council members and Financial Officer applicants’ DeFi knowledge.

Contrary to what was initially voted, the Risk Officer will now identify and share with the Treasury Council the risks associated with each strategy prior to the council’s vote, if necessary rather than evaluating the strategy after the council’s vote.

Treasury Council - Red Guards:

A council of 5 voting members is to be implemented. Formed by 5 long standing and DeFi knowledgeable community members. The Operations Officer monitors and documents the votes and ensures the information is forwarded to all applicable positions.

Council members shall be voted on each quarter via open call letter and evaluated by the Risk Officer for DeFi knowledge and potential bias - if this proposal is implemented, Treasury Operators and current council members will occupy the positions until the first formal council election vote, without extra compensation.

If not enough community members present themselves for council spots it will be filled up with Team and elected members, based on knowledge levels and evaluated by the Risk Officer.

Council members may propose strategies if applicable, but need to abstain from the voting process for self-proposed strategies.

Any proposed profit bearing strategy to be voted on should include, at minimum:

  • Project name & official links
  • A summary of the due diligence done
  • Risk assessment and profitability estimation

Council members should receive compensation in the form of 0.2 wMEMO per quarter, for their time, support and service, not applicable for Management Team members or other salary receiving elected positions.

This would incur the DAO an additional expense of 1 wMEMO quarterly / 4 wMEMO yearly for a treasury council of 5 members when no other elected team members are part of the council.

Consequences of the Structure Changes to existing elected member Team and their allocation

The current elected Team members who are not proposed for one of the management positions will remain in their current roles. They will concentrate primarily on their community support responsibilities and other duties, such as being members of the current Treasury Council, until a DAO votes on a revised formation for the council.

The previously elected team which served as Moderation Team will be reduced and will be responsible for community engagement. A maximum monthly compensation of three thousand USDC (3,000) per team member (based on equal work) is proposed. The previously allocated budget will remain the same at twenty-five thousand USDC (25,000) monthly. The newly available portion of the allocation can then be utilized for community building, events, and rewarding exceptional community service.

This change will allow more flexibility to reward community members that contribute, without the need for a proposal to have specific community members elected to be rewarded. Everyone will be encouraged to participate as a result.

Members of the Management Team may moderate, but are not required to do so and are ineligible to receive a share of this allocation.

*¹ This budget will remain at the discretion of the Communications Officer role.


I think these roles make sense, not just for the currently proposed candidates but as a structure that should work for Wonderland even in the future. I’m happy to see the DAO progress in its organization and transparency by defining the responsibilities for each role as well!


These roles are essential part of a successful structure, with specified role’s descriptions workload will not overlap and they will be able to focus their given tasks more efficiently, most importantly this will be transparent for all DAO members to see.


Structured, transparent, committed and organized management, needed.


I think the compensation to Treasury council members is quite low. Could be a range for example with a base of 0.1 wMemo per quarter + x amount per proposal they have to look through up to a maximum of maybe 0.5 wMemo?

Also if a Treasury council member has a proposal, the vote might turn out 2-2. Need to define who has the last word on a situation like this.


TC votes require a super majority, so 2-2 wouldn’t pass by default. Will make that more clear.

The compensation part would be an interesting conversation to have. Depending on the vision/work that comes with it. Some votes dont require as much work and are more admin in nature, but others would be more complex :thinking:


From current status, we’re we vote on any and all proposals, even if the multisig members get gas send I would say the compensation is a good thank you.
It involves more general knowledge and some due diligence, but no development of strategies, no admin work, nothing else.
With the new structure they would purely vote on strategies, so a lot of current votes aren‘t part.

I‘d maybe add a possible bonus but it isn‘t a full time position, I wouldn’t even consider it a part time position. Would rather adjust later, if the workload picks up.


Would not pass.
To propose they‘d need to propose via the rewards system, (if implemented) when that specific situation happens we could always add a team member for that specific vote, as we need 5 min voters, needs to be more clear, good catch.


Looking forward to working more closely with the TOs. There’s a lot of overlap there, it would be more appropriate to have the TOs work with the FO to generate reports, harvest rewards and monitor positions. Any of us is qualified to do so.


Amending WIP 15 going forward is planned, but this is setting the base structure, that is already a big change.
Treasury Teams etc would be separate, as these should be generally accessible roles, as support - fully agree.

It‘s not about qualification, more about working out of scope and voted responsibilities and having somebody fixed, that keeps an eye on everything is generally needed.


Moderators took on all jobs and tasks without guidelines or specific responsibilities for many months. It contributed to the chaos we are attempting to eliminate with this proposal. Defining roles, responsibilities, and duties is crucial to ensuring the DAO’s decisions are carried out transparently.

It is imperative to mention how long and difficult the negotiations were in making of this proposal. Despite its high demand, not everyone possesses the strength, agility, and intellect necessary to become a Cheshire Cat. There you have it, if this proposal passes I will be your new Cheshire Cat.

Send it! :rocket:


I think this is well needed. Even though elected Team have been sort of running this project for months through Dani’s absence and transitioning from his mgmt who have resigned from their posts, having a proper organisational structure and defined roles and responsibilities is a step in the right direction.

I support this.


I support this proposal. The compensation should in

  1. in wMemo
  2. rewards based on the Qtr revenue %

It is in wMEMO, with 50% payable in stables upon request. Also, proposal states that Team members are also not eligible for trade rewards, are you saying they should receive additional compensation based on quarterly revenue?


None of these jobs are electively for trade rewards, but needed wether or not the treasury is performing well.

Basing the salary on treasury performance is an interesting idea, though I feel it could lead to extreme volatile salaries for jobs that are always needed - open for ideas though, can you give me an example?

As Hyper mentioned the salaries are in wmemo.
RO and moderation budget were not, we left that unchanged, as they are pre-voted already and it‘s reasonable for these positions. The left over moderation budget gets opened up to be used flexible for community incentives, like raffles, events, quiz nights, participation rewards etc; felt like a good compromise instead of amending WIP #6.


Approval by whom?

Documentation is going to be public for the DAO or per request per transaction if needed?

We need elaboration here, why somebody who is elected as Treasury Operator (I guess) would need assistance in developing strategies? Ability to develop strategies isn’t a requirement?



Approval, by no one. The Technical Officer would be the one doing this. Will modify.

As much as possible documentation will be to the DAO. Could be through monthly, quarterly or special reports. If something is not published, it could definitely be requested.

Third point is simply that they can help the treasury team, not that they would develop the strategies for them. As the FO is meant to be the main point of contact, they could assist the Treasury Team in negotiating or things like that.

Just published the RFC so we can continue the conversation over there :slight_smile:


Topic has been approved for RFC:

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