[DAO Proposal] Due Diligence over Wonderland's team

Dear FrogNation,

By way of introduction, I’m Francesco, investment Associate in a Venture Capital fund managing +€800 million worth of assets (AUM).

The reason why I’m writing this is to gather the consent of all of you guys to perform some Due Diligence over the members of the team of Wonderland.

We all have heard about the rumors around @0xsifu, and in the light of this, I believe it is now FUNDAMENTAL for the community to have some clarity on the people managing the project (I also believe it should be done for all the projects of the FrogNation, not only Wonderland…).

With this said, I would like to establish a formal discussion to have full access to the identities of the people behind Wonderland - I’m referring to Curriculum Vitae, previous working experiences, educational background, LinkedIn profile etc… anything that would be useful to conduct a thorough Due Diligence on the team.

In my work (we invest in startups and growth equity ventures), this is a vital step in order to understand the possible success of a project.
Right now, we, the FrogNation, are giving our investments to a bunch of Twitter’s names … and we saw where it led with SIFU.

Thus, If you would like me to continue with this idea, please, comment and I will then start an RFC proposal.

I have also started a thread on Twitter about this, but I believe this forum is the most effective, direct way to get to the point. Anyways, If you’d like I could also leave the link to the thread in the comments so we can spread our voices even more!



Would this include a full Financial Audit of the Treasury and Code Audit on Wonderland? We need to make sure all is above board.


I like the idea and I support someone doing this. But I don’t know who you are.

So lets separate this into two proposals, firstly your idea that we do an audit of the personnel, secondly looking at who could do the job.


Hey, here’s my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-terraneo/
I shared this topic with the idea to see if you guys liked the proposal. In case, I could (and happy to do it) even help with the process.
But maybe, Wonderland could just simply share publicly the information/real identity of each of the members of the team.


I like the idea of auditing also the treasury and the code, but no, I was referring only to the team members. We can, of course, then raise a proposal for the treasury and the codes

Absolutely! including source of wealth for Daniele and others…


Thank you Francesco, I agree 100%. I have a short but intense background in VC and I have studied finance in an Ivy league level college in Europe and what you are asking is totally and completely reasonable.
I have listened to the Twitter Space initiated by Daniele yesterday and I am sorry Dani, but lying in plain sight is just awful. Yesterday, tou said that Wonderland keeps the promise to buy at the reserve price and the price was at treasury/reserve value when you spoke. How so? When did it happen? Come on. It’s a joke.
In any case. A couple of suggestions, credibility is everything if you are trying to move markets while owning a treasury/currency.
Markets react based on the credibility built by the organization and sometimes single person beyond a project from the ECB president to Tim Cook at Apple.
Let’s work together on a plan to increase CREDIBILITY, FFS.

I am truly sorry for the team. I think you have a genuine spirit but right now it seems this machine is way beyond your skill level and we need some serious restructuring from you guys. Team needs to be upgraded. Honestly, I was shocked that Sifu has $8mn in personal funds from the project. With that budget you can build a team of 10 very high-end and very high performative people. Time to invest in the team and stop investing in non-sense projects, airdrops and other stuff hard to understand and with a bad impact on price.
As I said, the first step is to step this VC non-sense since I don’t see any experience in running a VC and pick-and-cherry opportunities. Somebody mentioned this during one of the Spaces yesterday but Daniele was a bit ‘evasive’ in the reply. I am glad that we collectively start to understand what’s wrong with team decisions and what’s good.


I agree 100%. A first step to show that we have learned from our lessons today.

Hey Ramigo, really happy you like my idea, and I completely agree with you on the credibility.
It’s time to do something!

Given the grave status of such a large project as Wonderland, I would ask that your proposal go further and include criminal background checks as well as a full financial audit conducted by an independent, professional firm.


Dear Francesco,

I find your proposal a necessary and urgent task that needs to be performed rapidly. This could be a last attempted to regain trust towards a team that has the demonstrated the capabilities to build extraordinary things but lacked managerial skills for involving a person that has already scammed millions of people. For how much we like to say that the “suits” take advantage of these ecosystems, the one thing that they don’t lack is the due diligence towards who is behind what. I would like to raise as well a necessary transparency in the Treasury assets, to give a complete outlook to the community about the transactions coming in and out and for what reason. In case things go south and we don’t manage to reinstall trust the community should be in charge of deciding how the treasury should be utilised to compensate the people that have been financing this initiative.

I therefore support this proposal and hope that Daniele will take this as an attempt to reinstall faith and trust, which once broken is the hardest thing to rebuild.


I agree with this. 100%. I am a much smaller frog than a lot of you here, and now I will be doing much more KYC for projects I invest in


I support the proposal. Furthermore, I request a vote to demand full refund of Dani and Sifu’s WL enrings back to the treasury. We should also consider the possibility of class action lawsuit

This is DeFi, DE stands for decentralized.
The trust should not be on the people but on the contract.
In wonderland case there is a treasury with a multisig. The treasury is not controlled by code.
Checking the CV of whoever is part of the multisig IMHO is pointless, if you don’t trust better staying out instead of APEing in a project randomly.
Rather than checking CVs the community could propose a trusted person to be added to the multisig

And just how would you know if their CV is legit? a couple of weeks ago, I moved all of my defi funds to WL because of it’s size and Dani’s name. I thought it would be the safest place in defi. They only needed to do one thing to avoid this. Buyback below backing price as announced by them.

I’m 100 for an audit of The Treasury and the Code and all members of the team verified. Not sure if the protocol will survive that long but I’m all for it.

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Thanks mpow.
Decentralization is one thing (and I’m a true believer of the technology), but having criminal people behind a decentralized project/organization/business, is another thing!
It’s not about the technology that I’m talking about, it’s about being sure that the people behind it have the right competences and background, especially when they have access to a large amount of capital (WL).
Because, don’t forget it, but even if it is decentralized, there’s a team behind each project.

Full Audit on Wonderland and Treasury - support this as well for the full audit

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I believe crypto and defi should be trustless (as much as possible).
Did I trust wonderland enough to add all my money? No, I just invested based on my perceived risk reward and I’m still happy with that.
We should definitely not invest because a person creates a protocol (which happens a lot) but taking into account other factors, if your money depends on a multisig that’s a weak point and you should invest with that in mind.

You can dox everyone in defi but you can’t be sure they will be the ones actually managing it (e.g. a multisig).
A malicious but clean person could just be the face of a project while having criminals using the keys to sign transactions.
In all of this, there is no evidence of activities against WMEMO holders by Dani nor Sifu. While I still believe Sifu should get out.

Nothing new here, we are not investing in a regulated fund or a legal entity.
We are investing in protocols/DAO and WE made the choice to accept the anon nature and the risk that comes with it.
I think doing a parallel between what is done in traditional finance (and I myself come from a strong due dil driven business) and crypto is not always that straight forward.