DeFi Magick's Proposal for Wonderland - Vote to nominate DeFi Magick as Strategy Advisor

This is the exact thread from @defimagick that could help Wonderland get back on track:

  1. All this talk about treasury buybacks is going nowhere. Imagine if everyone who bought BTC at $69k could suddenly demand a refund, and each of them had their ideas about how much they should receive. This has NEVER happened in crypto for any REASON. Grow some legs tadpoles!

  2. No special deals for those who were were liquidated below backing. What do you do with a child who is throwing a tantrum because things didn’t go his way? Give him a lolly? NO, you ignore him until he sorts it out on his own. Parenting the #frognation 101.

  3. As for the SPELL merger: most don’t understand the tokenomics or revenue capture well enough to realize its potential. Merging/rebranding will likely be seen as a conflict of interest or attempt to sweep wonderland under the rug, which won’t help to restore trust. Leave it.

  4. Recognize that Daniele is on your side, he’s like a worried parent that wants all 300,000 kids to be happy. Dani, it ain’t gonna happen, some kids will curse you and go their way. The REAL community still stands behind you, enlist the help of powerful allies.

  5. Which leads me to @harryyeh from @tombfinance, a stand up guy who is making huge waves in the FTM ecosystem. He also happens to already manage crypto hedge funds worth more than $2.4 bn. Talk about a meaningful alliance. Treasury manager anyone?

  6. Add to that list @TheSkyhopper, a fully doxxed, high volume trader and member of who has already presented a clear, transparent proposal, and is actively sharing ideas. Also friends with Dani.

  7. Daniele is still the figurehead, there is no need to hide in the shadows. STILL, enlist help with ALL communications, hire PR and a team for Mergers/Acquisitions to scout new projects.

  8. Eliminate leverage for wMEMO. One less lever to tempt degens. Cap the supply, add a buyback/burn (LP fees?) mechanism and make it deflationary. Scarcity + revenue generation from existing treasury funds = price MOON

  9. Scratch the APY, distribute profits monthly according to % ownership. Add minimum lockup period of 30-60 days. Make them stake wMEMO to claim airdrop rewards from seed investments, which are announced monthly and strictly followed. Make it plain as day on the dash.

  10. The consensus is that revenue sharing is at the heart of what frogs want. Myself and countless others have held on hoping the original vision will still be actualized. Call me crazy, but I don’t see why this can’t still be one of the greatest rallies crypto has ever seen.

Definitely want to hear constructive thoughts from those who read this far. If this resonates with you, please leave your comments below and we can edit this proposal accordingly.

Thank you.

  • I vote to nominate Defi Magick as a Strategy Advisor to Wonderland

0 voters


Defi Magik should join the team 100

Absolutely agree with you. I’ve been following his YT channel and he knows Wonderland better than most

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I welcome Defi Magick’s philosophy and ideas. I think he has a good head on his shoulders.

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I missed this. He’s my favorite person to follow on YT for WL. He is good at looking at things objectively.

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