Dissolve the project, return the treasury money to the frogs

you do realize that the merger does exactly the same, right? refund you with spell for the backing price. the only difference is that dissolving might give you a stable and the merger gives you a token with revshare. the price you get is identical for both. merging will likely even get you a better price with how they are buying far below backing currently.

Do you know I’m literally using you to reply to my every comment, thus giving this liqudation proposal more visibility? What an literal tool you are, no wonder you’re a fan of Daniel, he’s using you as well.

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funny how you dont have any argument for your position. guess you noticed how stupid you were. gratz :slight_smile:

Keep replying. Bump this thread. Let’s liqudate and salvage something. Wonderland will be in series 3 of Dirty Money. We already have a Bloomberg article. Dani needs to reimburse us or his reputation is ruined. I didn’t mind this project going to zero, but not due to incompetence on this scale.

Lack of airdrops and switching to wmemo during a bear market was incompetence. Employing literally the biggest exit scammer in crypto history, I don’t even know what that is. I’m gobsmacked. There needs to be legal repercussions.

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stupid is wanting to continue with 85-90% losses, we have 3x just to break even… let’s get our money back we lost time and some money but not all in the hopes and dreams of something that might not even get better with the type pf management that we have.

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This project is radioactive, it’s never coming back. Even Avalanche itself is tainted by Dani boy. Might spill over into crypto itself and bring in more regulation. Well done Daniel.


100%. As someone who has never sold, and thought DCA’ing would be the wise decision, I bought the dips. They have repaid the leveragers that tanked the project. What about us, the true supporters? the ones that held through thick and thin? we were burned. we need to be made whole. Give us our money back


Those are not the only two options we have, people just want to rollover accept loss is BS

SAME. They need to make this right.

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but not those who bought wmemo or time in those few days when the whales where playing with the price. if we pay people that bought under backing price we are just giving money to speculators. probably whales

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This is the dumbest proposal I’ve ever seen in any project. But since the majority of investors in most projects out there are low-IQ and simply following the herd, I have no doubt this will pass. Very sad if it does. Project is far from dead. In fact, the guy who proposed this has likely been buying wMEMO all day today. Bet ya didn’t think about that when you voted. :wink:


Even if i did agree, the show is over. It was all over crypto news. No one will be touching any of Dani’s projects including MIM/Abracadabra. Its a wrap man. The reputation is destroyed.

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You all realize you’ll be reimbursed at backing price right? So most of you guys will still be like 40-50% down. JFC

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@OEB the thing is the Treasury will operate buybacks anyway. Assuming there isn’t any grift, the Treasury will fix the wMEMO price via buybacks. Every time the Treasury buys wMEMO below its backing price, it should be burning a wMEMO at a discount, thereby increasing the backing per remaining wMEMO. Buybacks actually enhance the backing/wMEMO. This should force the wMEMO price up over time. Sell out now at a below-fair price, or let the Treasury fix itself, and sell back at a higher price in the future. Why force everyone else to be committed to your decision? Let the Treasury do its thing, and you do yours.

This proposal (and results thus far) are a shining example of the stupidity that we are up against. You people get less if this is approved. :laughing: :rofl: :joy: You’re way better off riding it out. Wow.


Many of the assets in Treasury are TIME tokens and other Wonderland Tokens. If we sell everything we will get way less than if we keep going…

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I’d rather get kicked in the balls 50% vs 100%

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Correct. Because many of the tokens are Wonderland tokens, be it TIME, MEMO or wMEMO.

I disagree, whales will continue to short and eat away the treasury. If we can stop buybacks let some of the current revenue continue perhaps we can pay everyone at least 50% of their investment so they can move on with their life.

Revenu share from what if you pay everyone back from treasury?

Take the rage quit option then