Do not bailout liquidated individuals with treasury funds

The DOA shouldn’t be paying back anything. Borrowing isn’t playing the 3,3 game. Those of us that are playing the 3,3 game should get rewarded. That’s what Wonderland was all about.

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Exactly what happened to me. Thank you for speaking up anout this.

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Non-leveraged holders are against leverage until they realize the fees from abra contributed to the Wonderland treasury.

Non-leveraged holders are against the announcement for the refund below backing, but don’t have any problems with a backing price being advertised on the main page and the tweets from the team that it would be supported.

Non-leveraged holders are against any assumed (and it’s been made clear that it won’t!) reduction of the treasury, but haven’t considered that any treasury maintenance is pointless when faith has been lost by investors.

No-one is also addressing the AVAX congestion issues that occurred to prevent those who did want toe deleverage as well.


To be clear, as someone who got liquidated well below the backing on the first black swan on the 18th, I’m all for not refunding liquidations ABOVE the backing. I even deleveraged twice before the 18th and even then still got liquidated 50% below the backing.

This vote needs to be clarified that refunds will not occur for liquidations ABOVE the backing. It could even be extended that your refund is proportional to your liquidation % below the backing.

Lastly, this discussion will be biased as those who got liquidated below the backing would’ve lost faith in the project and therefore won’t contribute to the vote/discussion.


Respectfully disagree - a good leader takes accountability for something like this. They are at fault for not implementing a better fail safe or hiring more people to keep watch to ensure buy backs happened before liquidations started (even though it’s a multi-sig). This is on them not the wMEMO holders.


The 3rd option should have been: giving bailouts like 40 - 50% (partial amount not full)
but I personally oppose the idea of refund those who got liquidated, overleveraged people signed up for this and other frogs who play 3,3 since the beginning will lose trust in the project, as a consequence the team implicitly suggesting all frogs should leverage. This idea is dangerous for the project in long term, careful


only if voted against here. Otherwise the plan was to make them whole with wmemo from buybacks (aka tres)

I don’t think most are understanding what happened here…

At time of leveraging, lets say the price was $60k and you take out 25% loan/leverage against your current position and you see the liquidation price is at $29k. Then you look to see what Wonderlands backing price is (this means that when the price falls below this price, Sifu will use treasury funds to buy memo to bring the price up to help prevent liquidations), its at $40k. You think ok my liquidation price is $29 and thats well below the backing price of $40k.

Now there is one thing that over time if you see the price slowly reach the bottom you would have time to pay back your leverage…now the big issue here is the price dropped a TON in one hour. Not alot of people can keep an eye on this all day and no one would of thought the price would drop that much that fast. Never in the history of this project has that happened that quickly.


case seem to be pretty clear. no bailout. if they want to bailout at least make it half for bailout guys and the other half across every other holder equally, so that at least everyone profits from it and not only the gamblers. otherwise you arent better than the big bad suits that get bailed out by governments from everyone elses money.


The first thing sifu said was that they were gonna pay people that weren’t over leveraged with liquidation price well below backing.


why are we voting on leverage? leverage is a known risk. what’s the point of taking the risk if you know you’re NOT going to lose anything because you’ll just be bailed out? how many “black swan” event excuses are we going to give? this project is BRAND new and we’re already acting like BIG BANKS getting bailouts because of greedy leverage.


just dont leverage. easy. or take the risk. its your own free decision, you took the risk and got burned. that happens. everyone knew that the positions arent unlimited and that buybacks happen AFTER the crash to get back to backing price. which is why its called buyback.


I’m for the bailout. There was a backing price, we all had faith that sifu & team would uphold that. I put in more money because of that trust that was given to me. I leveraged responsibly and still got liquidated. On top of that, there was so much traffic it was difficult to even manage or deleverage your position; borderlines impossible. As others have stated, this was a coordinated attack.

This was a different kind of liquidation. If you were injured while working due to an aggressive attacker, you’d want to be fairly compensated right? Same concept. Just because we are taking a bigger risk doesn’t mean we deserve this harsh abuse.


But being a good leader is qualitative. I mean, this is something they’ll decide if they will or not do. My point is, we don’t the power to vote and decide on their wallets. If they chose this way great, but we’re better off with an alternative ready.

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agreed - I deleveraged last liquidation runs and took a fat loss to protect my position. I literally submitted all tx 5-10x GAS price


This discussion will be biased as those who got liquidated below the backing would’ve lost faith in the project and therefore won’t contribute to the vote/discussion.

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I am a non leveraged holder and I am totally ok with people leveraging if they so please. Just like you said, it benefits the protocol. The problem I do have is bailing out those who took that risk. Anyone who leveraged knew they were taking on a great risk and to bail them out only encourages over leveraging. If you’re not ok with losing your investment, don’t use it as collateral. If you are, be damn sure you are ok with that because if you do lose your investment it’s on you.


How much is over leverage exactly?

Here is my message to over leveraged individuals and FUDsters alike:

Not sure :thinking: why do we have to endure the emotional saliva or degens who over leveraged and got rekt in the due course… I need an umbrella FFS

I believe in the project and it’s prospects, believe in the people behind it… and also believe that there is huge amount of labor involved to achieve big things…

If anyone thinks they’ll become Dan Bilzerian overnight… that’s not the place, you need to pack your sack and go.
Fcuking tired of whiners and FUDsters…
I have invested considerably, I’m down 78.42% (as of this moment) however,
I made conscious decision that I’m investing into something with high risk, but also high potential reward, and with capital which I can live without. Then harvest if successful… or not… better do it and not regret later that haven’t done it.

Grow some balls and continue the ride or piss off …it’s Crypto and that’s the future of finance, sooner or later, one shape or another….
If you’re unable to find the pair of :peanuts: in your underpants … choose your next endeavor more carefully…
That’s it from my side!


if you start bailing out people then you have to continue to do so. so everyone will now leverage their positions and the next cascade will be significantly worse. hard stance. no bailout.


came here to say this exact thing. refunding them now creates incentive to do it (or do it again).