Do not bailout liquidated individuals with treasury funds

The team should not be rewarding bad behavior. If you want to repay your buddies, you need to do it out of your own pockets. That should be the default. This is bad management tbh. This is guaranteed to happen again, are you prepared to bail them out again???


Without those who use leverage. This project is worth far less. You want the value of the individuals without the individuals.

Leveraging is not bad. Dropping 50% below backing is bad.


everyone asking for bailout are a bunch of children. i honestly cannot believe it. you didn’t learn your lesson the first dip. and went right back to leverage for the second dip. a backing price doesn’t mean that it’s ALWAYS worth that amount. HAS ANYONE EVER TRADED ANYTHING BEFORE?! the open market sets the price. period. if you’re leveraging you know the risk.


How is leveraging bad behavior please explain.

We cannot blame others without first analyzing what happened; It is true that the liquidations of some Frogs are quite unfortunate; but I think we also have to study Abraca’s bots instead of mitigating the risks of those who are carried away by emotion, not to say greed, leverage is high risk, and it is in the documentation. But I understand that bots and other factors have to be evaluated to stop such cascading operations.

Why is there an option for frogs to leverage then?

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9,9 leverage help build the treasury faster for one thing

I was leveraged and noticed the price over the past month and started reducing my leverage to 0. If an investor is not smart enough to know when to stop leveraging, they are making mistakes and have bad behavior. Just zoom out on the chart. Its been going down for a while, are you blind?


I understand that this can be viewed as a black swan event. However, the backing price as a soft floor was clearly communicated and everyone leveraging their position should be aware of the risks involved.

There was a perfect example of a liquidation cascade on January 17. How can we reward people taking on additional risk after witnessing this event first-hand one week earlier? At this point it is just greed.

This bailout would only further hurt long-term holders and responsible investors by diluting their holdings.

Quite frankly, the enablers for BOTH of these large liquidation events have been founders themselves with huge leveraged positions. I am a long term holder and very happy with the team and vision, but in this case it is clear who is to blame. It is sad to see them being targeted, but IF there is a bailout and they feel responsible, they should pay out of their own pockets.


If they want to bail people out, do it from their pockets…not mine. That’s all I am saying


As someone who just got liquidated due to AVAX network being bogged down. This is shit and stop making proposals for this shit. I just lost over half my wMEMO, lost a good 3 months of rebases at least on top of DCA added wMEMO but noone should pay for the risk I took, even I know slow congestion on new technology is bound to happen. Lets start a proposal to stop these proposals plz

Exactly. Most of people are making this decision from a place of hate, it seems like. There was the backing price promise and it should be addressed next.

Well the leaders said they had a new system in place to prevent the cascade.

Which gave those leveraging confidence they could keep there positions.

It’s a free market and any lending platform can list the token. Doesn’t mean you have to leverage your funds.

No the person said frogs don’t leverage.

Abra was created by the big frog. I’m asking how the leader frog both uses and created but it’s not for frogs.

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This is a way of Sifu and Dani meeting their obligation to hold the backing price. They would have spent the money either way. Let them pay it from the Treasury- BUT THEY NEED TO FIX THE WHALE-SONG BULLSHIT. Hire a USA-based Dev who can run the buybacks when they are sleeping, establish some staking locks, exit fee, whale control OF SOME KIND. Whatever the result of this vote, this needs to the be the LAST TIME IT HAPPENS.

I agree a backing price was promised and they even said that they were planning on allocating 100 million for the backing price to prevent what happened earlier this month with the liquidation Cascade

That would be fine for me - all the leveraging frogs are ruining this project anyways - if you twke risk accept responsibility

If a person had a 50-75% healthy position.

Saying a 50% crash can happen any hour is completely ludicrous.

Especially if they advertise a backing price.

50% is basically no backing.

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why do you need confidence in leveraging? because of risk. risk of what? being liquidated. why would you get liquidated? because the price dropped below your threshold.

sounds like you want leverage without risk. i recommend you consider quitting trading, speculating and investing all together if you cannot handle risk.

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