Don't Panic Proposal

Also, in order to put this to a vote, I think you should consider splitting this up into smaller chunks. What I mean is that people may agree with 80 or 90%, but not with 1 or 2 points in there. They may end up not voting or voting against.
Make it so that each point gets voted on separately.

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Never was an airdrop. NFT start ups can manage an airdrop. It is not technically difficult at all. Kinda difficult when the money doesn’t exist.

YES PLEASE how can we expedite this to RFC

threres alot of things i like about this. clear and transparent structure moving forward.

I have written this as a formal RFC and submitted it. Hope it gains some traction. Every other proposal is either mathematically unworkable or seems too self-serving.

Been half a day and RFC hasn’t shown up. Not sure if it didn’t get approved. I have seen other proposals so hope we vote down the dissolution and vote up one that isn’t filled with populist ideas of making people whole or handing it over to some “fund” gains momentum.

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