Earn crypto for hanging out: BBS for Wonderland [Web3 decentralised social media]

Wonderland @ BBS: Wonderland Pond

Socialise-2-Earn With Web3 Social Media

TLDR? Here’s a full-length video version plus “how to get started” walk-through on BBS:

What is BBS – and What’s in it for Me?

Are you already spending time on social media following Wonderland and hanging out with fellow frogs – want to get paid for your engagement and generate extra cash for the Wonderland treasury? Then this is for you …

A quick intro to BBS:

  • BBS is short for Bulletin Board Systems, a public network of interconnected message boards.

  • BBS is comparable to Web 2.0 projects such as Facebook or Reddit - but think decentralised Web 3.0: “a public online service, meaning that it utilizes a distributed architecture, distributed revenue model, and distributed infrastructure, built on a public blockchain with no central authority”. (METABBS)

  • BBS rewards content creators and BBS owners with BBS tokens for their contribution to the success of a particular board (page) – like our Wonderland Pond.

  • Every post published on a BBS is stored as an NFT that users can purchase and own (you receive free community tokens to get started).

  • Post NFTs earn a share of the ad revenue generated from the post’s banner space.

In summary: “BBS Network finally provides an ecosystem that allows the users themselves to share in the platform’s revenue.” (METABBS)

And as multiple purchases of a post raise it’s price, this creates an “invaluable signal for predicting a post’s potential popularity within the community, enabling, for the first time - value-based content curation.” (BBS Whitepaper)

Learn more about BBS and get started easily with our “BBS Guide”:
(Includes articles e.g. on how to earn, how earnings are distributed, how to purchase posts, how to create channels, how to cash out …)

And read the Whitepaper available on BBS’ website for more details:

Sources quoted above:
METABBS (The official BBS board of the BBS project):

BBS Whitepaper:

The Proposal

We have started to set up a BBS board for the Wonderland community – you can already go there, share posts, engage with other users’ posts and in doing so start “mining” crypto for yourself and the community. Check out the Wonderland Pond on BBS and hop in: BBS

We propose that the BBS board mentioned become an official Wonderland social media channel and that potential board earnings flow into the Wonderland treasury to benefit the community further.

Earnings on BBS are shared between stakeholders such as the BBS page, the post creator and post owner (you can purchase a post = NFT, i.e. speculate on future earnings, if you think it may get traction and become lucrative – more about this in the BBS Guide linked above). While users keep their own share, there is also a portion that flows into the “Wonderland Pond” wallet.

BBS is still young with limited functionality, so at this stage, consider this an experiment – with nothing to lose, but possibly to gain. The community may benefit from being an “early miner” and accumulating BBS tokens through engagement mining. Besides financial gains, the BBS can also be built out as an important content and communication platform, a home for the community to stay informed and share ideas. It offers the opportunity to build and strengthen the community further, educate on the Wonderland project and crypto, onboard new participants and market to potential new investors, and just have some fun and enjoy the company of fellow frogs. Considering that every BBS is comparable to an entire Reddit platform with subchannels, there may even be an opportunity to offer off-topic channels for anything the community would like to engage with, thereby increasing time spent on our platform and strengthening ties to the Wonderland ecosystem.

And as a forward-thinking crypto-project, doesn’t it make sense to make use of innovative web 3.0 social media …?

Who will manage the board? How can I participate?

BBS currently offers two “user roles” that can be assigned.

First, a board is set up by a user. This user automatically becomes the admin, BBS also uses the term “owner”. At present this cannot be changed, but we suspect it will become possible to add or switch admins in the future as the platform is built out. Note that the admin currently also acts as the “treasury manager” of funds accumulated by the BBS board. More on this below.

The user who set up this board and is the current admin is “DavideSwarup” – a doxxed music artist. Get to know him better in the dedicated section further down.

Second, the admin can assign “moderator” roles to users. Anyone in the community is welcome to participate and the project will definitely need a whole bunch of moderators. At present we have two moderators: the admin plus user RabbitHoleDigest (Cheryl). Check the “About” tab on the BBS board and reach out if you’d like to become a moderator.

Furthermore, the board hosts categories, called “channels”, which can be set up by any user (see link to BBS Guide at the top). Creators of categories benefit from additional earnings (non-cashable, but can be used to purchase posts). Channel managers should be appointed for individual channels, i.e. topics. These channel managers ensure new content is added to their channel as it becomes available (where applicable, e.g. for Wonderland updates, news related to investment projects …). They also moderate contributions from other community members. So if you’d like to take charge of an existing channel, reach out – or create a new channel for a topic that is not yet covered (community rules apply).

The BBS Whitepaper explains that “developers can build new UX, product components, and features for any operator to choose to host.” Background: “The network is made up of potentially infinite BBSs (Bulletin Board Services) where every BBS in the network is a full Reddit-like service, with any number of subreddits, users, comments and community features. All BBSs are interlinked and interoperable because their data resides on a public blockchain which any developer or user can interact with.” (See BBS Whitepaper) This opens up the possibility of customising our BBS for Wonderland. If you’re a developer and feeling inspired, please make suggestions.

The BBS board and may also require some support services. For example, a few graphics may be useful (board banner, logo, in future possibly ad banners).

Support from the Wonderland team will be helpful in getting the word out: if the BBS board is approved as an official channel, it should be added and linked alongside other social media channels. Announcements of the new BBS channel should be posted on other channels. If desired, the BBS board can even be hosted on the Wonderland website.

If you have other suggestions or ideas on how you’d like to participate, please reach out and comment below.

Some Questions and Answers

How are earnings generated on BBS?

There are currently two options to earn “cashable” balances directly from BBS:

  • Revenue shares from advertising (from external advertisers or engagement mining).

  • Speculate on the BBS token price, i.e. accumulate tokens with the above option and HODL. (You earn the Community Currency first, which can be exchanged for BBS tokens and cashed out – terms apply, see below.)

More info here: BBS

Must I invest money?

No. You will receive free WLPOND Community Currency, called “rewards”, for joining and various activities, e.g. visiting the page daily. These rewards flow into your “non-cashable” balance, which can be used to purchase posts, but not to cash out. When your own published posts or purchased posts earn ad revenue shares, this revenue flows into your cashable balance, which you can cash out after meeting certain requirements, see below.

More info here: BBS

When will our WLPOND start earning cash?

Cash is earned in the Community Currency (CC), which is WLPOND. These tokens are already active and can be earned immediately when a user joins. However, these tokens do not leave the ecosystem. When you cash out, the CC is exchanged for BBS tokens. Cashing out is subject to some requirements and approvals.

At user-level, a user needs to reach a cashable balance of 20 WLPOND and be approved by the Wonderland Pond BBS. More info here: BBS

At BBS-level, a BBS needs to apply for validation before being able the cash out. It needs to meet certain requirements (users, engagement) to do so. More info here:

During the pilot phase of the “Engagement Mining Programme”, the board needs to demonstrate an active community with about 50-100 valuable content posts per day. The BBS can then apply for approval to join the “Engagement Mining Programme”. Once the approval is confirmed, the BBS will start to receive a share from earnings generated on the platform. More info about the “Engagement Mining Programme” and earnings distribution can be found here: BBS

How are the funds on our BBS managed?

The BBS board, once validated, can receive revenue shares from external advertisers and from the engagement mining programme. These funds flow into the BBS board’s wallet on the platform. Let’s term this the “BBS Treasury”.

Funds can be spent on advertising within the BBS platform, which may be an interesting opportunity in the future. Ads could be used to grow the BBS community. They could also be used for any other project within the Wonderland DAO to generate awareness and traffic (coordination between future Marketing team and BBS team). Currently there is one ad format: a large banner ad with a short subtitle and destination link of choice, which is displayed at the top of every post page.
[I (Cheryl) happen to be specialised in PPC on other platforms and am now diving into BBS ads – reach out if you have any questions or ideas to share.]

Settings for the “BBS Treasury” are mentioned on BBS help pages, e.g. adjustment of earnings percentage share for users. So far, we have been unable to view any as the BBS has not yet been validated (please share if you have more info). It is likely that more settings for the wallet will appear on validation of the BBS.

We also hope that it will be possible to add more users as admin in the future. At present, only the BBS admin has access to the earnings accumulated by the BBS. See below for more info on the current admin. That said, at least in the first months, the funds accumulated are unlikely to reach a balance where this would become a major concern. By the time earnings are more notable, the platform should offer more options with regard to BBS management (speculative), or in-house devs may be able to add customisation. As mentioned, the project is in early stages and this must be regarded as an experiment to be developed as we progress. We are sharing this info to be fully transparent.

Once the BBS board is generating notable earnings, we propose cashing out and transferring the positive cashable balance to a Wonderland DAO wallet for investment by the Treasury Manager at regular intervals, e.g. once per month on a specified date.

If desired, some of the earnings may be reinvested into advertising on the BBS platform. Ad costs are deducted from the BBS balance automatically before cashing out. One suggestion might be to have the DAO approve a percentage of BBS revenue as ad budget to ensure funds are available for campaigns on an ongoing basis. The allocation of these funds would then likely be decided by the future BBS team / BBS ad manager (ads for the BBS) or Marketing team (ads for other Wonderland projects), once such a structure has been set up by the DAO.

Which Blockchain Is Used?

Initially EOS for low-cost transactions. Bridges and cross-chain operability are planned.

Who is the current admin?

Davide Swarup is a well known musician since 2005, one of the pioneers of Hand Pan. You can find much about him just by searching his name online and streaming platforms.

“I found BBS.market while searching for a decentralised community platform, where free speech is allowed and everyone can contribute and benefit from it, loving the topic of decentralisation. When I discovered WL and the vision and the community, I created a specific BBS for it, with the idea that it could benefit my personal income and support all frogs while getting involved and spending my digital time with something useful, thinking of quality content generated for all in the community. Simple. When RabbitHoleDigest jumped in, widening the picture with the discussion to get WL involved and so on, it seemed a very logical and a great idea to make this discussion proposal and see what the WL community thinks of it."


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