Educational Videos

Instead of trying to modify contracts with complex formulas or methods to incentivize long stake periods, why not simply create educational video content that is accessible from the web? with basic premises such as “benefits of making long term stakes” where the advantages are detailed in a short video and at the same time clarifying and disproving the misinformation that circulates all over the web? there could be a huge agenda to choose from.

I have seen several posts where they talk more or less about educating investors, however I have not seen anything similar to this proposal.

This thread for example, @Raiborn discusses an extremely important topic (overleveraging and its consequences).

Here is another topic where @kr4chinin talks about really important issues that should be taken into account, especially security issues.

Another important issue is the diversity of languages as discussed in this thread, this barrier represents an obstacle (sometimes huge) for a huge number of people who would like to enter the project. @grandezana tells us a little about it

In the Frog Radio channel on Youtube they have released an interesting episode that illustrates more or less what I want to reflect with my comment, although it is only audio it is very useful, however a novice investor does not get there easily.

In the end, as in any community, education is what strengthens us and makes us evolve for the better.

I will update the post as I receive feedback, with the possible content, titles and topics to be discussed in a hypothetical library of knowledge. :nerd_face:


They could also incentivize learning by quizzing the viewers, asking for their wallet address, and sending them small amount of AVAX or MIM for answering the questions right, or even put people who answered the questions right into a raffle for a larger set amount. Other DAO’s are already doing this.

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Have you checked out FrogRadio on YouTube not officially affiliated but there’s an interview with Dani and another one with Trader Joe. All the episodes talk about project optimization…not all TIME talk but definitely all frog talk

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good idea! some projects offer small amounts through taps that are delivered once a month or every 2 months if you meet certain requirements.

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yes, all that is fine (and necessary), however, it is also necessary to have a structured and educational content about investment methods, risks, benefits and strategies, in addition, it is necessary that it is “official” and accessible from the web because the most novice investor will get lost among so much information scattered on youtube running the risk of getting poorly formulated information or directly in a scam, it is not fair that the novice is put so high a bar to enter the game and require him to assume all the risks.


Agreed it’s good to hear from wisdom and fame theory from the King frogs mouth

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We can make a website where different Quizzes are created, I could create a website where they are made and offered to the community, however I would need a lot of help regarding the organization, layout and development of all the information.:grimacing:


Actually that would be a very profitable pursuit. It would MKT and educate for all complex DeFi projects and would pay out rewards set by the project being educated about. Their could be a strong decentralized aspect to it as well. Just would need a level of coding & programming knowledge to make something like that happen which unfortunately I do not have with my Business degree.

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In reality it could be an individual project that delivers a certain level of knowledge and with the authorization of the community it could be shared.


Absolutely that’s a whole niche in the crypto market that needs to be filled. People with youtube channels try, but its not as organized as this, with this you can gage your users understanding with the quiz and reward the viewer with crypto from learning. There are already programs like this on and Coinbase but they do not have quizzes and there rewards are subpar, along with them rarely getting new articles to be educated with I’d say those programs are a flop, and there is a niche to be filled here.

Actually I wouldn’t pretend to do something so ambitious, the simple fact of collaborating in the improvement and education of the community would be enough already, besides I don’t have the technical capacity nor the necessary knowledge to create a platform that gives monetary rewards, I can simply give emotional rewards through gamification.

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Coinbase does something similar with quizzes for new cryptos, have to admit that I learned quite a lot from those… Good idea!!!


That’s a great summary! Thanks for mentioning my topic, your idea nicely broadening it!

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I think this is crucial. And very cheap, if not free for treasury.
Good information about the project and its mechanisms are healthy for create a strong community.
We need official documentation ,simply reachable from official website.
I know we already have a little medium documentation but is very concise, we need something more detailed and with simplification for newbies.
My vision is combine written documentation with simple video tutorial in an official website.



I had a similar thought but thought it could be a community academy. Nothing crazy just educational videos like you describe with some sort of competency test. Pass the test, a new part of the game unlocks for you, or higher levels of leverage become available.

Edit: Future iterations could make it some sort of gamified defi with some sort of community badge (NFT possibly) prize at the end.

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I agree. The only educational videos you can really find are how to buy and stake. Its really hard to educate halfwits that are just chasing $1000 but i do believe we need people to be more educated on our platform on risk and rewards. I don’t believe people should be rewarded for educating themselves though. The info is the reward and if you buy and stake you can win. People just need to learn that time isnt made for day trading, there are plenty of other crypto out there that can fill that need. We are a long term stake and be rewarded system. If you don’t want to do that go trade avax or ethereum. EDIT: specifically need educated on the risks of leveraging and borrowing. Someone that spends even 30 minutes a day on tiktok doesnt understand the sever risks of doing that. We all lose when dumdums try to get rich quick buy borrowing something they cant afford

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i will try to do something about but i cant do it alone hehehe i was thinking in create a simple newsletter with drip content from basic stuff to security and some basic strategies strategies

I think someone asked this on the lastest AMA and that person volunteered to help. Maybe you should see if something is currently in the works?

yes, i saw it too, i will check it later :slight_smile:

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