FINAL PROPOSAL (before RFC): Harry Yeh as TM (better then Bastion Trades) & The Professor

Offering Harry the position entails talking to him about what he would do, IF he’s even interested in taking it. At that point, if there are irreconcilable differences, the idea simply falls through.
Harry may even just act as a consultant. In whatever role, I do believe that he would lend a great deal of credibility to Wonderland.
I really liked what the Professor had to say, including the bit about Sharks and Sifu – we may find out yet that the whole thing was a big setup…
Anyways, how many votes do you need to move it to the next stage?

I have doubts about the Professor background in Crypto. I would prefer Harry and I would extend the collaboration with Bastion.Presence on Asian markets is a must but Hong Kong is politically unstable.
Have someone look at Singapore instead? TROY trade is a quite underevaluated company but them as institutional crypto Hedge fund seems ideal. I’m not too sure about Bastion I don’t say there not good or they don’t have the best intentions but there’s the Chinese Communist Party which can’t wait to come and fucking confiscate assets whenever they feel like .
We can still hire the Professor in an advisory role but I’m afraid that most of his ideas don’t apply to crypto.
Killing APY too quick isn’t good for mass adoption beside is main incentive & reward for early adopters.
You won’t hear Zhao saying that Pancake Swap huge APY rebates were bad when cake was 3 cents and now around 20 USD .
Is market that would fix this.Everything that goes up it goes down and furthermore and same is goes up and furthermore.
What Professor didn’t mention and what we’re missing as big picture is
1.Burning mechanisms reduction of supply to keep the APY sustainable as was established initially.
2. Reduce APY with the growth and give choice towards Profit share model once with the sustainable growth in ROI.
3. Implementation of Smooth changes with enough transition period that would allow us to redeem our Time bags as is our reward for being early adopters.
4.Do not scrap Time as it has good listings if you rebranding the protocol make sure isn’t delisted.
5. Burn Wmemo gradually don’t scrap it while most we’re in loss as would mean lost of capital.
I reject the Professor recommendation to scrap the APY to 0 must come with some numbers to show us a better ROI otherwise just let the APY run as was promised initially.
6. Lock up assets is a must.
More support for people who got hacked a proper customer support where you can submit tickets
7.Security measures creating a safe environment before connect your wallet
Possibility to connect tour Yubico key to Wonderland ,2FA linked a password to protect us against hackers.
8. New professional management ,yes people with impressive crypto background getting stronger with a Professional team.
Say No to Wonderland 2 .
Who wants to go out can sell we don’t have to pay them no backing price nor anything.
As well no charitable pays of those who got liquidated because they gambled stupidly.
Whom those got hacked won’t receive no compensation why those who gambled should?
Let’s unite this around a stronger proposal.
I will appreciate your feedback

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I think you have to be careful about accusing people of having “gambled stupidly” – if the Professor is correct then the mysterious person who tipped someone off about Sifu’s identity may have planned an attack that would make the buybacks break and cause these cascading liquidations. Even someone who leveraged very conservatively, like 10-20% would have been caught. And then the websites froze up and some of these guys could not repair their position in time, even though they tried, because everything happened so fast. There is also a possibility that this same scammer hacked people’s wallets using the staking helper contracts. I think we need to find out more about these alleged attacks, before making a final decision. Plus there were some good proposals around to help people, but do it in a way that it wouldn’t hurt the rest of the token holders. I would rather help people and restore confidence in the whole project than taking a complete hard line. Matter of opinion I suppose…

Then should include me when my 1st 3 memo walked away from my 1 st account.
Now generally you don’t leverage mostly when you don’t know how a coin moves.
They have to create a data base then off all wallets affected & hacked.
OK let’s assume I’m wrong it was an attack
1.create a possibility to people to submit tickets with the information.
2.Take a fair decision to compensate
3.Stop leveraging.
My point is they shouldn’t leverage in the 1st place regardless how traditional you leverage. Mean you can be liquidate on leveraging bitcoin X 3-5 now they leveraged 10,20X in a whole new token that you don’t know how it moves.
Still stupid I believe
Oh well

Mysterious person who tipped Sifu identity dude that’s even comical now :joy::rofl:this why I won’t vote Professor proposals.
First we don’t know how many people Sifu burnt
Yes they attacked us but why? To fuck with Sifu projects and turn to shite everything what Sifu does.
Playing with fire you get burnt.
So don’t tell me about leverage please. I still believe that shouldn’t be any direct payment for this or anything.
Maybe some bonuses or something but no.
I won’t get my crypto when I was hacked, Wonderland hasn’t secured site before connecting the wallet.
If they’re had a password, a 2fa linked or possibly to link by Yubico key before connecting my wallet nothing of this would happened.
Security wasn’t took seriously another reason of why people sold crazily

I believe Harry is the best bet bet number 1 I’d suggest having Bastion trade as plan B I fully agree with bringing both why not is a lot of money to be made so anyone with strong backbone in Crypto is always welcome if produce real growth.
We need strong people to get the burden from Danielle. Obviously we need more staff we need strong IT people to improve the security, Alice I think she’s doing a great job as Moderator.Yes we need a strong team.
The Professor I appreciate his expertise however it would be good on an advisory position. Some of its ideas might be applicable.
However I have reserves towards adoption of an unique currency so sudden. Don’t forget that Time has good listings Gate io and Hotbit are Top exchanges maybe not top 5 but continuing we could aim having Time and Wmemo listed on more exchanges.
This is absolutely vital for our project to succeed to be visible to increase your rating on CMC as well to became top projects in Crypto.
I agree with burning Time and Wmemo with locking up periods of minimum 6 months and keep the APY as long as possible and do a gradual reduction of it to avoid other liquidation cascades and FUD.
The best solution forward and the wise one is getting the good bits of every proposal and merging into a new White Paper.
Vital is having a prestigious company for Audit which audited other projects before.
Let’s unite together finding the best solutions.

I don’t particularly like the idea of ditching $Time either, but it is true that the whole $Time, Memo, wMemo is confusing, especially to new people.
Since we WANT to attract as many people as possible, we have to assume that many are newbies and need some handholding.
I think right now many people are coming forward and dumping ideas and proposals. And it’s very difficult to vote, because yes – I like some piece of Wonderland 2.0, you might like some other piece, I like some piece from the Professor or Bastion, etc.
So they have to have discussions and then, as you say, merge everything into a White Paper, so we know exactly what we’re actually voting on.
Finally, yes I think people like you should get some sort of reimbursement if it turns out that the hack was an inside job from a team member and not someone foolishly giving away their seed phrase… It should be possible to tell, if all the money was siphoned off to a particular wallet. I’m actually hoping Sifu will find out who rekt him – that should provide some interesting clues!

There few quick solutions in place
Obviously a Defi academy meant to educate the newbies.
Scrapping Time is dangerous I told before why because of the listings. Now they want to change the contract this is an automatically delisting and in bad news for Crypto.
We don’t want to lose the important listings of Time if you’re agree on.
Obviously if you want to scrap Time and replace with something better make sure you don’t get delisted otherwise don’t move it.
Would be better to scrap Wmemo.
But main trouble I see is that the price of Time is down , Wmemo too scrapping it you’ll scrapping in loss.
Rebranding same as Polygon did well this is next level.
And of course improving security measures and security protocol let’s put this example.
You click on the Wonderland site connect your wallet ok?
And you’re in. Your wallet is compromised and the hackers not only take your funds from inside of your wallet they’re going deeper they take funds from the Wonderland and use your compromised wallet to make a fucking mess.
I wasn’t the only case that woke up with all my Wmemo out from Wonderland okay?
Connect your wallet ok ?
Before pressing the button on the website says please input yours password and Google 2FA code … are you with me now? Then please insert your Key code(Yubico) then press your Key ok? Then you’re in into a secure environment then .
Now regardless if your wallet is comprised and you sent everyone on Twitter and Telegram your seed they still shouldn’t be able to get through.
I don’t think was an internal job they tested on a small scale.
My worries are that they’ll hit big and they’re waiting.
None of proposals refers at more deeper security measures to protect us from hackers.
Please support this point if you’re find it reasonable.
Scrapping coins must be made carefully weight the risks improve the contract is ok make sure you don’t delisted .I don’t think I need to emphasize and explain the importance of being listed in decent exchanges …

As good as Harry might be, there may be a conflict of interest if he joined WL. Better to have someone fully vested in WL and it’s success.

Harry is the best man to fill this position. We should have him…he is a must hire candidate for this project. Also I think Danny should hire a change/communication consultant to ensure we are bridging all the communication gaps be it community or social channels.

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