Getting wmemo on Sushi

If I go to the sushi page there are Avax and wavax, what is the difference?

Can I just buy avax and then swap it to wmemo?

Don’t want to do anything wrong.

Buy with MIM.

If you have AVAX, trade it for MIM first.

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Is there a difference? It sounds like one more step to go until I have wmemo. Thanks for your help though :slight_smile:

Liquidity is in MIM. So you could get less wMEMO by using another token once the transaction tries to convert it.

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Thanks a lot. Appreciate it :wink:

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Is the way back the same if I want to cash out at one point? Wmemo to Mim, then Avax, then sell it on coinbase for example to get precious Euros :sweat_smile:

Yup. They may add MIM on Coinbase at some point, so look out for that, but yeah that works.

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