Hire the Professor and implement these changes

To be honest, I was pretty hopeless with what has happened lately. After reading this article, I feel extremely hopeful and excited of what can really happen for this project. I agree that everyone must read this, frog or not. Very informative, business and entrepreneurial and startup strategies. I extremely relate to this proposal because I had to go through it with one of the startups that I supported. Please take the time to read this, it will add to your perspective, knowledge, and power for the financial future.


This is an excellent proposal. I’d vote YES for this to be implemented as it’s both thorough and well thought out. We need professionals of this caliber to save wonderland from this death spiral. Tbh, I’ve been waiting for a solid rage quit option but if this passes, I’d rather hold because it’s turning wonderland into an amazing investment & realizing Wonderland’s full potential.

Only suggestion would be a soft dox of the professor & other hires due to the trust issues we’re facing. They don’t need to reveal their full identity for safety concerns but we could get a 3rd party, eg zachxbt, to confirm they are who they say they are.

The proposed management structure sounds solid and hiring needs to begin immediately. We can’t drag our feet, get this to market asap while we still have the spotlight. It’s the redemption ark!. Need to vote asap and internally campaign to ensure people know how to vote & what they’re voting for.

They’ve also picked up on core issues that have been overlooked in the past which gives me confidence in their leadership skills namely:

  • Educating the community in a structured manner - we simply can’t rely on frog voting governance for everything when so many frogs still don’t know that rebases are a marketing scheme / how to wrap MEMO.
  • Leveraging Dani - they know his strengths and will enable him to productively do what he does best. It will keep Dani out of the weeds & not dealing with the minutiae.
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how do I vote yes on this?

This was the most detailed and precise suggestion so far.

I am very impressed with your keen insights and guidance on how to safely transition away from the high APY’. The high APY approach was phase I to build up the treasury, but many newer investors didn’t really understand that this is a long term play for steady headed, diamond handed, non-emotional investors. If educating new investors is a big challenge and this now becoming more of a true VC/Rev share model, could we potentially CAP at 500,000 FROGS and be somewhat of a “closed fund” with a deflationary token. Then all loyal frogs would be on the same page every step of the way with long term 2,3,5,10+ year mind set. Our shares of the FUND would be more valuable on the open market. !!! … thoughts ???

Wonderland 2.0 questions:

Can someone explain the performance fee? 30% right off the top to get into the “dividend” pool seems extreme. Are we expecting 50-80% returns per year to make up for such a huge cut off the top?

I also do not understand the “compound pool at all”. Could someone explain this to me in English? Super grateful for any clarifying replies.

All for this. What is the next step? How does it move from here to snapshot? Only worry is that the vote can still be messed with by whales since we still don’t have a measure in place to prevent that.


I just created a proposal, go take a look and please vote and share, thanks!

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I have posted these points before and I am again posting it…I have nothing against any proposal that improves WL…But all proposals should be looked at the merits and demerits of each point that is proposed. So in my opinion we can select all the good points of all proposals and then create a master proposals that will have all good points.

  1. Allow a Rage Quit Solution: NO WAY. This is a great exit for the very guys who wanted to take advantage of the situation a couple of days back. So if they want to exit, exit at market price, whatever SUSHI offers. no sweet deal please.

  2. Have a single token: Scrap wMemo, Memo and Time and replace it with a new rebranded token. PLEASE NO.
    New token, new tokenomics, new FUD…
    The FUD started with the change in focus from TIME to wMEMO…So let us not create another situation…Lets live with wMEMO…concentrate all liquidity in wMEMO LP’s

  3. APY vs Revenue Share: The author rightly mentions that a monthly distribution of earned revenue will NOT allow any compounding.
    So I would argue for maximization of profit by redeploying the treasury gains and growing the whole thing rather than a monthly payout. Some returns may be thought about whenever there is a windfall…But please no periodic dividends…I am looking for wMEMO to multiply in value.
    With this being said, once we are in wMEMO,
    APY is a FUN GAME…actually nobody looses in the STAKE and MINT game, there are only gainers. The reward per rebase should not exceed 0.6% and MINT discount should not exceed 5-6%. Let the game continue is what I feel

4. Management structure is well thouught of. The only conditions that I would like to impose is that the total expenses of running the DAO should be capped at and x% of the total treasury value (AUM)…Should that be 2% or 5% or anywhere in between, we can discuss and finalize

  1. No Leverage is something that we can wish for, but if there is a protocol that would accept wMEMO as a collateral and offers loan against that, there is not way we can restrict that. And definitely no bail out of liquidated position from treasury.

  2. Definitely no merger now…it’ll only add to the confusion


Totally agree.
Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

I think communications team should prioritized and put to task on a visionary way to manage the communication structure, information delivery and voting mechanics of a DOA. With Frog Nation we have the opportunity to be at the forefront of the evolution of DAO’s

TL;DR: The Professor’s proposal is great, but consider scrapping the rage quit option to ensure no gaming or draining of absolute treasury value.

I love The Professor’s proposal.

One thing I’m hesitant about is the ideas of allowing rage quitting and artificially maintaining (even if only temporarily) backing price with buybacks. As mentioned in the article maintaining backing price would be necessarily for a while to avoid arbitragers and gamers of the system in a rage quit scenario. One problem with it is that It’s unknown how long backing buying bot would need to be preserved (presumably until price organically maintains above it), and thus uncertain how much of the treasury would remain. Although treasury value per wMEMO (or it’s rebranded alias) is the most important, preserving the absolute and massive size of current treasury seems like a great advantage in the DeFi economy, and positions Wonderland in a unique position among frog VC DAOs.

Because of this complexity and unknowns in terms of market gaming/arbitrage and remaining treasury value I think it’s better that we focus on doing the right things for the long term (applying the rest of the Professor strategy). At the very least we can break that part out and decide on it separately, once the rest of the strategy is put in motion.

PS. No need to hire the Professor (or KYC him) in order to go with his strategy, but great if The Professor would apply to one of the positions outlined (corresponding KYC requirements would then apply).


Hi Professor (and Wonderland:)

I love your proposal. It’s clean, simple and builds on the founding principles of Wonderland - while keeping us firmly on the boat leaving Ohm fork island for the New World.

I was working on some thoughts for a proposal - but when I read yours, my brain just said ‘yes, thank you’.

There is part of what I was thinking that I wanted to share though - firstly, to see what you all think and also because, if you like it, this would work within your (The Professor’s) proposal as it exists (it’s more ‘how’ vs ‘what’).

Because we have the largest (and best) community in Defi, it’s fair to say that we have people from lots of different backgrounds with different skill sets and levels of experience.

Moving our community from $Time to Memo to wMemo was a great example of how something that seems fairly simple to someone native to DeFi, really isn’t to someone who’s just landed here. Wonderland is like DeFi’s Heathrow - a ton of people land here first before continuing on to other protocols.

For that reason I feel like we want to make Wonderland a simple, fun and joyful experience. And, of course the premier spot for passive income as well.

So, let’s make Wonderland a fun, easy to use high-yield protocol that combines the power of DeFi’s largest treasury with both the tech power and social buzz of NFTs and the Holy Grail of passive income (drool).

How could this work?

Just as you suggest in your proposal we return to a single token. For simplicity I’ve used $Time - but it could be anything (I’ve also used the Wonderland overlay but if that’s re-branded the skin can easily change).

When people land in Wonderland they are invited to buy $Time tokens (Sushi anyone?).

Leaning into the now familiar ‘Node’ structure we can have Ten $Time tokens be needed to mint a Wonderland NFT. These are created by some of the best and brightest names in the NFT space. They’re not from the old Lewis Carrol book - they’re officially ‘dope’. The minting is random - but you want these.

So what does your new Wonderland NFT do?

To begin with its yield bearing. Your NFT provides you with xx% revenue share from the Wonderland treasury. The revenue payout is in DeFi’s best stable coin - MiM. Now there are two things you can do with your MiM.

You can compound it back into your NFT. Compounding your earnings back into your NFT increases the amount of rev share the NFT receives moving forward.

Or you can simply convert your MiM to Fiat currency and buy a new Cat, or a Cat bed or some Cat food. Or anything else you might be really into.

For the value of every 10 $Time tokens you compound back into your NFT, it will receive an icon (i.e.: a little pocket watch) that shows the increased passive income earning power of your NFT.

Your Wonderland NFT also grants you access to the DAO community. It allows you access to our chat room, votes and maybe even real world events and concerts as they begin to pop up all over the Globe.

Eventually if you want, Wonderland NFTs can be sold on a resale market. So all that work you went through compounding and building its impressive passive income value pays off when your NFT sells for big money on the open market.

Or you can just let it print. While you hit mint again and head down the Rabbit hole again with your second or third Wonderland NFT.

Potentially we could also use Dani’s amazing ve(3,3) tech and allow Wonderlanders the opportunity to lock their tokens in for different time frames. Doing this will increase the rev share power of their NFT while still allowing them to use its value as collateral.

I’ve attached a quick chart to help show the thinking. The hope is it might make Wonderland a bit stickier, more fun and at pace with the market. Plus we get people using our NFTs as profile pics and for bragging rights on all the socials:)

** The same mechanics as https://docs.univ.money/what-is-universe/the-solution but for WL

Thanks for your time. Again not sure if this fits the vision - but wanted to share the thought.


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Just sounds like another guy from the wonderland background team who wants his hands on the steering wheel. No thanks. Not impressed. Just another undoxxed anon guy who can text. :face_vomiting:

Just the fact that he is promoting dani and not urging the community to kick him out, is prove enough that this guy knows nothing what he is talking about :exclamation:

Still Dani didnt took any responsibility. His lies and sabotage against us are still not adressed. I cant take anyone serious who is praising Dani and trying to get in here.

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I like this proposal the best out of the 3. Put it to RFC.

I would only disagree with this because, if we make it thru this, it proves a DAO can work and we should be proud. We wouldn’t want new ppl finding out we tried to run, with new names, that looks suspicious.

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Dani admitted every single mistake he did,
I suggest you to listen to the last AMA On discord has been recorded

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Thanks for helping me get the word out on this. I truly believe this is the best way for wonderland to move forward, please spread. I am doing my best to get as many eyes as possible on this, cheers!

This guy sounds like he’s got some business experience but calling himself ‘The professor’ suggests he’s got an ego too. I also find it concerning how he says ‘no bail out for those who got liquidated below backing’ but then he compliments Dani’s ‘character’ for proposing to compensate frogs with his own funds. So are we to believe this guy has no character himself?? Hmm. I’ll take the guy with character please, and I’ll trust his decisions are based on good morals rather than profit. Dani’s offer would regain the trust of all the frogs who thought the leadership would keep their promise of buybacks below backing and therefore didn’t deleverage to protect their collateral. A real professor would have the intelligence to appreciate the value of leaders delivering on their promises and would know not to shoot himself in the foot!


Excellent proposal by The Professor. I would back this 100%


I agree with the proposal.

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