Hire the Professor and implement these changes

Yes, this sounds great. The DAO needs to move towards a more defined company structure. The professor knows this business. He sounds legit.

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Very well written article, I would support this article except rage quit option, as we need to exclude that point for now and move on with the rest of the article, this could turn this ship around and make wonderland a big VC firm in DeFi world.

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Has anyone answered this yet?

I read a several proposals, which made me confused.
That’s why I made "task orders[DRAFT] " for myself.

First of all, frogs will decide “how to Govern”, for example, “Wonderland2.0”.
After that, we will do many tasks.

I will continue to update.
Please check this, not perfect, for discussion.


Wonderland 2.0
Wonderland: The Rise, Fall (and Comeback) of the world’s largest DAO. The Professor

[competitive advantages]#############
Professor_a1. Large and passionate community
Professor_a2. Strong Brand: “Fuck the Suits”
Professor_a3. Prior success in other projects
+>Defi Bank (Abracadabra)
+>automated market maker/yield hunting platform (Popsicle)
+>decentralized exchanges (Sushiswap)

WL2_Phase1: Govern /////////////////////////

WL2_P1_01: Responsibilities ++++++++

  • we need to make clear what has to by ran by the DAO and which decisions can be made by the team.

WL2_P1_02: Voting procedure ++++++

  • for the things that need to go by the DAO we’ll have to implement a strict procedure that details how we go from idea to implementation.

WL2_P1_03: Community engagement +++

  • we’ll need to clean up the forum and be more strict in forum moderation.

WL2_P1_04: Voting weights ++++++++++

  • we have to make some adjustments to voting itself. Votes get dominated by the large players, we want to move to quadratic time-weighted voting to give the little frogs a louder voice.

WL2_Phase2: Engage ///////////////////////

Professor_c01. Scrap wMEMO and replace it with only one token.
+Transition to a one token protocol.

Professor_c02. APY vs Revenue Share
+Kill the APY, change tokenomics to a capped supply of tokens, move to revenue share model where to qualify investors need to hold for 30 days.

Professor_c06. No Leverage
+Abolish all leverage, especially if rebases aren’t cut.
+No bail out for people that were liquidated with Treasury funds.
You live by the sword, you need to accept dying by the sword.
It is up to Dani if he wants to compensate these people from his own funds.

Professor_c09. Beware of Sharks.

Professor_c05. Monthly Audits, Treasury Dashboard and Backing Price
+Create a clean Treasury Dashboard showing assets held, current cash flow and P&L and clear metrics of total circulating supply vs DAO owned supply.

Professor_c08. Education & Support
+Create an education platform for investors with video content with FAQs and How-To’s so that the Discord channel and AMAs don’t get clogged with these types of questions.

WL2_Phase3: Strategy /////////////////

Professor_c03. Management Structure
+Keep Dani on as CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) and free him up from Treasury Management to maximize his strengths.
+Restructure management, bring in a COO, CFO, Treasury Managers, Investment Manager, Communications Director/Risk Manager and other external consultants. If we are truly to grow, there needs to be a larger team helping to push it forward.

One of the proposals ********************
Bastion Trading / TheSkyhopper to manage or advise on Wonderland Treasury

Professor_c04. Allow a Rage Quit Solution.
+Allow Rage Quitting for those that want to exit by locking trading for 48 hours, then burn tokens to increase the price well above backing. Win-win for both sides.
+Implement anti robot technology to prevent bots from gaming the system and our own bot for automatic buybacks to protect backing price but only for the short term.

WL2_Phase4: Grow ////////////////////////////

Professor_c07. The Merger
+In $SPELL, to have Abracadabra own the majority of the MIM liquidity and not need to be exposed the mercenary liquidity, which will increase price pressure for the Spell token.
+In $wMEMO[=speculative ex1.excited seeing rebase, ex2.early stage VC],
not to be interested in waiting around for a year for the token to double or triple in value.

proposals *****************************
Expecto Patronum: A shield for all frogs

Frog Nation: A bold idea potentially becomes the biggest thing Crypto and DeFi have ever seen.

ve(3,3): SOLIDITY
0xb4ad8B57Bd6963912c80FCbb6Baea99988543c1c 642992
0xF9E7d4c6d36ca311566f46c81E572102A2DC9F52 609195
Morpheus Swap
0x9685c79e7572faF11220d0F3a1C1ffF8B74fDc65 536754



An incredibly well written summation and proposal. Respect :+1:

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Sounds good. Now I want to know who this guy is. Full doxxing like Dani. Anyone hired from this time has to be known, background and foreground.

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Lets Hire The Prof and make another vote on Harry Yeh as TM

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Great proposal. :slight_smile: Well thought out and articulated. I agree with everything so far and I hope that we can implement some of these ideas. If the Professor can be added to the team that would be a great addition to the team.

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the professor posted NEW!!!

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I will try and move this thread to RFC and have the new article incorporated

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is there going to be an AMA with the professor before this proposal goes out please?

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I was drawn into Wonderland by a couple of things. One was the connection to Abracadabra and the degen leveraging which is inherently risky but I wish there was a safer way to bring that along. More importantly was the wrapping/debasing combo to keep taxes at bay. If Wonderland goes to a dividend model, I’d like to see the wMEMO model stay for the same reasons.

Other than that, I think the professor has some great ideas.

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One point I left out, I am afraid with hiring a bigger team that Wonderland will become more centralized which goes against the ethos of Frog Nation. That said, I agree that Danny needs help so I’m not sure there is a better way. We need to be very careful that we stick to the values of Frog Nation and not simply what is expedient.

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i agreed.
i’m afraid about your point.



I prefer to have private doxxed organisation help at the moment before hiring one guy who we don’t know to have too much influence.

No full doxx, no vote from me.


no full doxx no vote.

I like the proposal too but to take this risk now, it is foolish. At least wait for the audit results. I much prefer to have a doxxed team come in and clean the mess and get some structure in place for 2 months before rushing in with someone we don’t know.


Let’s keep APY or install another instrument of payment where also the small frogs get her cut.


Yes! When and where can we vote for this. So much work for the team though. But has to be done. Hope we can find the right people!

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