Hire the Professor and implement these changes

I like how this proposal prescribes a single token and token rebranding. As much as I loved the Alice In Wonderland theme, and as much as it fits in with the rest of the "cutesy, non-serious money names in DeFi (pancakes, sundaes, popsicles and wizards), I think there should be a rebrand that reflects the new mission and vision. i thin this for a few reasons, tha attraction of nes investors as chief among them.

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Yes, an un-doxxed professor might keep too many from voting


Where do i vote? cause i vote for this.


I like this overall. I think some things should be itemized in the vote to approve this but I’m on board.

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Best comprehensive proposal yet.
Count me in on this.

People, this was a “proposal”, not a “job application”, LoL
The title of this thread “Hire the Professor” is probably catching people off guard.
Unless the Professor is putting in an application for hire, he’s probably not obligated to Dox himself just yet.

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I’m on board 100%. This is the way out.


I’d have to agree with you on the itemization aspects.
Get this passed and work out the details later.

Sounds good, but apparently he is not for hire!


Well in this particular case I dont know whether it is important who he is because what seems important are his suggestions and ideas. It can be beneficial having him in the core team of a future WL 2.0 but theoretically the ideas from him could be implemented withouth him being doxxed or anything.


Ah, This is true when I think about it

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Yes, could and should but I was also caught out by the click bait title and subsequently changed my initial comment “But, who is he” to my now corrected comment above. He is not for hire. It’s an interesting, long-winded article though. For our purposes it would need to be summarized AND somebody would be needed to execute it.


This is an excellent proposal. Simple, straightforward and it leaves no one behind.

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I see this now, Thank you very much

I agree with this but it doesn’t have to be a soulless corporate “finance” name but it would be nice to reflect being a VC and a DAO.


I agree with this proposal.

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This is quite a good summary already. i think the subject warrants the summary being this long. I support this proposal.

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I posted this a couple of days ago:

The Professor has the solution.

Read this and spread the word. This is the way.

This addresses what likely happened, proof of some questionable events, Dani’s strengths and weaknesses, this great community, this powerful treasury, the areas of concern in the existing system and governance and the potential path to extraordinary earnings if we can get on the same page; this page. Dani’s vision and a proper support team.

If we can dox and hire the Professor as a transition consultant and executor it seems that would get us on the road to viability. I hate the idea of wasting another three months wondering how to consolidate a thousand ideas into one action plan and then executing it. The Professor addresses every weakness we’ve exposed in this experiment and offers solutions for those issues


It is a theoretical proposal or a hypothesis, but the “Professor” is not a candidate. So far it is merely a suggestion of what could be done, but it would still need a team to carry out this proposal. Therefore, there is nothing on which to vote at this moment.

Unless, this unknown “Professor” presents himself as a candidate.

Lets put this one up for a vote

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I like it, it’s very interesting suggestions and very clear.

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