Most likely you only approved contract interaction with your wallet for harvest, if you have already refresh the page click harvest again this time it will harvest your BSGG reward, it’s a 2 steps process for the first time, after that you can click harvest anytime and won’t have to approve again unless you change a new wallet which requires you to approve again.
I followed your instructions, at least I think I did.
I logged in via MetaMask, clicked the harvest button, confirmed the transaction on MetaMask, I got messages saying transaction confirmed and that my balance was updated - refreshed the pages, went through the process again, from 2.387403 to 0.002517 refresh the pages and it changed to 0.004466 and then to 0.006334 and then finally 0.025013.
I must be doing something wrong, does anyone know if there is a YouTube video to show non technical people like me what to do, before buy and farming more wMemo.
Farm page does not give you any more additional wMEMO, that balance does not change unless you buy more and stake that. Once you harvest, BSGG rewards will be sent to your wallet address, you can import the BSGG token to Metamask and will see the harvested rewards. More BSGG will slowly drip to your rewards every few seconds so that’s why that balance changes almost every refresh. We don’t recommend harvesting too often as it will cost gas every time, like you noticed.
BSGG address: 0x63682bDC5f875e9bF69E201550658492C9763F89
(Just click Import tokens under assets in Metamask and paste this address, it will autofill the rest)