How long are we going to be stuck in the proposal stage and can there atleast be alleviation for people who want to exit?

I DO NOT want to stick around while a proposal is being decided on… however long that is going to take…however I also do not want to sell my WMEMO 40% below the treasury backed value at the secondary market. Please give us a release option…we are stuck between a rock and a hard place


Hello. Your request is reasonable but I am of the belief that this “rage quit” option would not be beneficial for the project. If wMEMO stays below backing many people can exploit the treasury by simply buying and rage quitting at backing value. It is a no brainer to buy a dollar at 60 cents.


Apparently you were able to buy, I’m sure you’re going to be able to sell. The process is pretty much the same.
Do you need a tutorial?

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Yeah but eventually the treasury backed price and the market price will converge and the spread will become thinner as the treasury backed value goes down with the market price.

i feel zero pity for people who tried to make a quick buck with arbitrage. you took the risk and you got burned. sell at market and be done with it


so whats the problem in waiting a bit more if you are in here for months already? if you are down 90% then rushing to get out at 80% loss is not really that big of a priority, considering that a good proposal could easily turn the project around. seems like you are being protected from making s stupid decision


As much as I hate for us to take another hit, I really don’t think we should be keeping hostages. Wonderland advertised backing and from this point forward we must make good on the things our leaders have said. Nobody really saw this coming and so I would suggest a tiered exit with backing price -25% for immediate withdraw and scaling it down to 2% over two months. I hope those leaving will understand our need to not take the hit all at once during this black swan event.

Many of us voted to save Wonderland were overwhelmed and shocked by the suden proposal of winding down. Please go to Snapshots to vote again. Since the result was so closed. Many of us have changed our mind after seeing the recent implications.
Wonderland team decided to quit, we deserve 2nd chance to think it through.

Many of us voted to save Wonderland were overwhelmed and shocked by the suden proposal of winding down. Please go to Snapshots to vote again, snce the previous result was so closed 3 days ago. Many of us have changed our mind after seeing the recent implications.
Wonderland team decided to quit, we deserve 2nd chance to think it through.

The true win-win rage quit option should be based on the initial purchased dated price, not a fixed buyback price, therefore the whales won’t be able to raid our treasury.

Most of the long holders who wish to exit are small investors, the total of their initial investment would be a small fraction compared to the total payout to whales with fixed buyback.

Would you rather let whales raid our treasury with buyback or let them exit according to purchased price? No more no less!

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