Land in the metaverse

Hello all!

It has been mentioned many times by team and members about Wonderland being involved heavily with the metaverse.

This may already be underway but I believe Wonderland acquiring space in Bloktopia specifically was mentioned. I don’t think we should restrict to Bloktopia but it certainly seems the most “flashy” in my opinion.

I don’t think we should wait too long to get into buying space in the metaverse given it goes fast in some cases and gets wildly expensive as well.

Having a space for metaverse users to interact with Wonderland would great especially if we intend to make it big in that scene. Additionally it’s great advertising.

Also, just for some future thought. If we are going to crank it in the metaverse I believe we need to get going on some nft’s and physical products as well. We will need things to sell if we end up a brand or brand of sorts. That’s a slightly different topic for a slightly different post.

Anyone with metaverse experience please engage!

I would like this post to gauge where the team and community sit on this.



Full speed ahead!
For example to have an entry in the future game : star atlas which will be released in 2022 and which has gigantic potential

Sandbox, Decentraland, Roblox, Bloktopia, PAVIA… there are several cool metaverse projects. Picking which ones best align with our goals will be key.

Bloktopia looks fascinating and PAVIA is incredibly inexpensive currently as it’s just starting up.


Definitely think land would be a good investment for us. :+1:t5:

Axie Infinity NFT p2e game also has Land for sale and is only 1 year old , but has 3 million daily active users… They will probably be huge in 2022 with there upgrades .

Look into METAHERO

I am already personally invested in this. Tell me what you think.

If this project succeeds it will be one of the biggest out there just because of their 3d scanner, and the potential it has.

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Wow , it seem like a wonderful project . Very nice visuals .