Looking for my wmemo

I had wmemo that I was able to access on Wonderland.money. I hadn’t checked in several months and wonderland now takes me here to Volta, but my wmemo is nowhere to be found. Can you help?

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in the same vote… lets stay connected.
Kinda sucks being robbed again, does not it?

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Hey, send me a message or you can share your address here… Chances are it’s in the farm or you need to wrap it.

Those links should help:


If not, you can also open a ticket on our Discord server.

hey are you part of the team? if so why are you sending contradicting messages from what other team members are sending?

hey they admins most likely will not help and tell you that youre sol…
DM me im putting list together of wmemo holders who were robbed of their token by forced deadline migration and a vote that we did not participate in.

Hey, the shield next to my name is indication that I am a moderator on the forum. Not sure what is contradicting in me giving them locations on how to find their token, but please let’s try to keep this topic about that subject. You can DM me to clarify so we don’t spam this post.

You can tag them in your other post if you want to contact them for that reason.

@jlnasty as a general rule, please be careful when DMing or being DMed by someone.

Let me know if you still need help locating your wMEMO.