Monthly Community Meetings - Organizational Structure and Team Status

We reserve time to discuss specific important matters and fundamental agenda’s. On the 1st of each month the dao opens up a dedicated voice & chat channel where all willing contributors conduct an organizational overview of the dao’s current state of affairs.

The goal is manifold, categorically it is to address relevant and pressing ongoing matters, to keep everybody updated with the most influential statistics, indicators, and topics, and to discuss past decisions and outcomes and preparations for the future.

We are a team and must find ways to ensure mutual cooperation, like any team… we must find the best ways to work with one another.

If this proposal is accepted, the dao should delegate or hire someone to provide summaries of each meeting to the community, as well as someone responsible for enforcing the schedule and conducting the monthly event.

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Very thoughtful suggestion. How do we make this a reality? I fear just putting out there like this does very little around here. Things die quickly because they get lost.

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Love the idea of gathering to discuss topics relating to the DAO. I don’t think we need to go through Governance process for this as we can organize ourselves without anyone needing to approve of it.

Generally, it’s better to avoid calendar days for recurring meetings; July 1st is a Friday, August 1st is a Monday. If you want to maximize the availability of your audience, it’s better to pick something like 2nd Saturday of each month or 3rd Thursday of each month.

I’m sure we can find a volunteer for this. If the planned volunteer can’t make it, the responsibility should fall to the chairperson of the meeting.

I’m sure meetings like this are already happening in smaller circles within the WL community. I believe your post could serve as a call to action to bridge the gap between these independent groups and work towards deeper alignment. Everyone working in their own silo is less productive than getting a wider group discussion going.

To make this a reality, we would need to:

  • Declare your intention to set up this type of recurring community discussion. (Maybe mods can help out by adding this to one of the bots that automatically posts things in Discord every so often).
  • Directly contact certain members of the community who you would like to participate in this discussion, explain the objective and the high level topics you hope to discuss. Ask them if they have any points they would like to raise to the meeting.
  • Settle on a date/time
  • Settle on a voice chat server
  • Send out a final agenda with all the topics you collected from the invitees as well as the meeting where/when they can present themselves.

Let me know if you need help.

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I think like @isthatlowfat said, this could be done without going through governance (althought it can).

I thought of doing some after the mod proposal passed, but I wanted to wait for forum admin (bad call on my part there) to be better organized for it and kinda forgot about it.

Could definitly look at this again.


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