Moving Forward - Food for Thought

Wonderland is in a beautiful position, the protocol is growing comfortable as worthwhile part of the defi ecosystem in it’s own right. Once and when these next several WIP’s pass (TAP, Organizational Structure, Gov Framework, Community Rewards) I think Wonderland should have a serious community discussion as to what the next steps are for this project.

Although Wonderland has no real need to expand the protocol further, I think it would be wrong to slow down and get complacent with the progress that has been made this year. I believe it will soon become much easier for the team and the Dao to fix the lingering issues at hand without much conflict or stagnation or need of community interference.

With that said, I think the community (everyone who is already or desires to be involved in Wonderland’s affairs) should have a serious discussion as to advancing this masterpiece even further.

It is important to realize that with the proper structure in place we are now equipped to discuss possibilities of potential partnerships and interior protocol developments.

The Dao runs the show, so the Dao should discuss the full list of options it’s community is curious about exploring and so begin to narrow the focus down and put a mutually understood lose roadmap or plan of action in place.

I believe there are two broad areas of key focus from this point on.
1. Interior protocol development
2. Building upon our foundation through increasing exposure with potential partnerships or other
creative means of outward development.

Both are very important to the future of the protocol, and without a proper roadmap, we must be consistent in our conversation of moving forward less we get too comfortable relying on a big treasury in it’s own right to bring value to the project alone.

I am not necessarily proposing anything, but I do wish to see the Dao organize itself so that we are able to do more than sit on our hands while waiting for these WIP’s to pass. Planning ahead is everything, having options is everything. The Dao needs to be on the same page so that we move seamlessly to whatever end is decided upon.

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I agree, but also think it will take a while to get everything setup and running well. Legal registration should be focus as next step (don‘t think anybody argues that); followed by finalization of structure positions, as they may change with that.
Specifically Treasury Team will need some love sooner or later.

I would love to see some partnerships, especially with protocols that we are already involved with, but not limited to that at all.

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I agree, legal registration is absolutely a priority. But I think the Dao structure can serve as a compass for the team. Beyond the core members, there are affairs the community could easily organize such as getting involved in nft collections/web3 games, talking to other Dao’s and discussing mutually beneficial relationships, hosting internal discussions about the direction of the application. There are so many things we could do to prepare for the future without necessarily committing to anything before the team is ready.

I think as a Dao, the goal is to balance participation. Shared responsibilities are what make a Dao a Dao, perhaps I could try to find a few non-team member volunteers who are able and willing to represent that intrests of the community.

The team obviously does this as well, but the team has priorities that most likely go above and beyond the heads of the majority of community members, it is important to ensure everyone is capable of contributing in a meaningful way so that the Dao is a Dao.

Perhaps I will try to gather a group of volunteers from the active community and we can ensure that we all have a way of contributing equally in some context or another. A way of checking and balancing the dynamics between paid members and unpaid members. What do you think?

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I think that‘s a great idea, the more, the merrier. There should not be anything that we can‘t achieve - Team is keeping things running, sure.
But in the end team isn‘t the one setting the direction, that is the community - so community initiative is super important :heart:

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