my farm wmemo is gone. please help

please help i lost my wonderland farm wmemo. What to do

Have you looked up your address on Debank to see if it is still there ?

If not, you can paste it here and we’ll take a look to see what happened.

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here is my address 0xd68bAa3E84D93534D278C496a9698177D5d328d0

Looking at Debank history tab DeBank | Your DeFi wallet
On 20/12/22 there was a swap of 0.01 wMEMO > 0.31 ETH then that ETH was transferred to this address
0x47cde3fe43e6170f3a5618921e28942a3ea5810b if that’s not your doing, I’m afraid your wallet has been compromised.

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