Proposal for wmemo upgradition to automation

Hi everyone,
I m just a ordinary guy like you . I dont know anything about coding still i m trying to prapose my view point . If like this pls danny do it for all frogs

     I m following jade for long time and also got rect in it but after all this i saw jade project who has so small treasury compair to us .they made  separate treasurey balance and automatic buy back and fix floor price project has survived this long and holding strong.

  I think We still have time to do this thing in our project think about it we still got good investments and treasurey balance.

How it will works

1 . Total no of wmemo gets a fixed floor price which gose only up by treasury profits and fees.

  1. Floor price amount should store seprate valut which only use for buybacks

3.close all other contracts of time and memo their will be only one contract of wmemo like all other coins

  1. Dosent need to show higher apy and rebase

  2. From investment treasury what profit is generates it gose to floor price treasury so every holder gets automatically profit ratio

  3. We decide ratio of generated treasury profit ratio for how many goes in new investment and how many goes in floor price treasury by vote

  4. All contracts should be audited by reputed firm

8 . And new doxxt treasurey maneger should be appointed for new investment strategies

Benifit from this

1.every invester gets backing protection

  1. Protection from big whales

3.every holder gets his share of investment profit confirm
4. Dont need new buyers to buy because our own treasury is buying . We grow in this way slowly but surely.

         I m not a good writter or explainer  but pls understand what i m trying to say

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