Proposal for Wonderland Governability

Proposal for Wonderland Governability

Considering the recent events, we need to come together as a team and realize that we need to bring light, transparency, and accountability.

My Proposal

Vote 1

Public Auditory that should include treasury management since its inception, and the team members, including founders and current members. We cannot afford to keep people in the shadows anymore.

Vote 2

Should the Wonderland treasury be liquidated or continue?

Vote 3

It is necessary to create guard rails that will enforce checks and balances. Therefore, we need operative agreements, a board, and a structure that will hold the reins of the project. All those roles must be subject to a finite period of service.


LO = Legal Officer

CFO = Chief Financial Officer

CTO = Chief Technology Officer

CISO = Chief Information Officer

PRO = Public Relationship Officer

PO = Project Officer

Wonderland community member from the Americas

Wonderland community member from Europe and/or Asia

Wonderland community member from Africa

Requirements to serve on one of the previous roles:

Their wallets must be public.

They must be elected and removed by voting.

The votes must be individual and not by the amount of wmemo tokens hold.

A 3-year term with no re-election, but subject to a nonconfidence vote that automatically will call to a vote to elect another person to that post for the remaining time of that cycle.

The person should submit to a background check that should be public and easy verification for all the members of the Wonderland community.

The person should have enough experience to serve in the position that could be elected for.

Vote 4

The rewards for those serving in the previous roles must be 1% of the total amount of the dividends generated by the investments during their tenure. This will be subject to an annual auditory that should be fully transparent and with a different company yearly. The payments must be done in Wmemo

Vote 5

Monthly public video meeting with the Wonderland community and the board members:


Where we are financially

Where we are technically

Where we are from the project perspective

Call to community votes

Q&A for members no more than 30 minutes!

Annual public video meeting with the Wonderland community and the board members:


Where we are financially

Where we are technically

Where we are from the project perspective

Call to community votes

Q&A for members no more than 30 minutes!

Vote 5

No more buybacks. The treasury should be used exclusively for investment.

Long-term holders and short-term holders must be in the same boat. However, the memo rebases must correlate with the dividends to be collected. The more time you hold your Wmemo and memo the greater the outcome for the long-term holders.

Vote 6

Re-instate of borrowing of wmemo in Abrakadabra.

Weekly burning of the tokens that are liquidated on Abrakadabra.

Vote 7

A diversified portfolio of investment that shall include, but is not limited to:


Cloud Computing

Green Energy




Real state

The amounts of investments and time frame solely will depend on the wonderland community votes.


Yes Iā€™m all for this but include, things that are already doing well, and maybe getting apart ownership of say. Casino site. Like

Please help me out to promote it!

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