Proposal for Wonderland to repay the initial investment for all members and close the project

Unfortunately, my faith in the team has been dying a slow and painful death. I’m still holding, not been on the hopium but I’ve lost that much money it’s not even worth withdrawing as that’s a permanent loss- signed on the dotted line. Hope the team have a nice retirement with our money. At least someone’s benefiting from our money while I’ll at least benefit from my losses by classing it as education.

Not everyone wins and that’s life, but when treasury money is fluctuating wildly with shadynomics applied it’s hard to believe the dev’s want to succeed.

I count myself lucky as I wasn’t dumb enough to sink major money into this but feel sorry for those who weren’t so smart and invested more than they can afford. The apy had to be short lived for success, reward the early investors etc. But to sustain the unsustainable is an inevitable failure.

Ps… I was still dumb enough to fall for it but I’m in till the last cent now.

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Go duck yourself with this proposal. You want to sell? You know where the door is. Bye!

I invested 830 two months ago. Now I have only 112.

Still don’t want to sell? XDD Just admit, my proposal is the best decision right now

Feels, like the only way forward to this is to draw a line. Distribute whatever is left in treasury to holders, potentially based on length of holding. Mistakes were made (first being ceding control over treasury to criminal convict), and it feels like they are unrepairable at this moment. Concrete proposal need to be drawn though, how this has to be implemented etc.

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I understand everyone’s frustrations but this is impossible to do without people getting fucked. Most of the people will get their funds but a decent amount of people wont see a dollar.

Price Difference between Backing price and Purchase Price can come from DANI and SIFU!!!.

This whole Saga is SHADY as F.

Is the Merger Proposal a way to get rid of the EVIDENCE? ie, Tear down WONDERLAND for SPELL ???

Given we know that when Minting - tokens gets distributed to the Treasury and the Minter - How do we know that the Protocol didn’t MINT tokens to themselves somehow? Do we trust the Protocol CODE??

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Yes please RFC time @diaryofmatt

Yes this is exactly correct. Or to make things as confusing as possible so the jury won’t know what to make of it if it goes to court.

Rebases, airdrops, mergers, spell, magic internet money, time, memo, wmemo, how will a normie jury make sense of all of this? Heck, even crypto people have been confused by this project.

Though, I think it can be simply explained by a good lawyer.

Project promised X, it did Y, then Z then A. And loss of money will always be understood by a jury.

Abra with Wonderland treasury could make us rich. It could 10x quite easily as spell is traded even on DEX.

In principle I like the idea. I prefer Defi VC, but that is very uncertain.

The chance of getting money out of Sifi Dani is virtually zero. So I want something that can easily multiply, which is Abra++ or following through with the VC idea. These projects are things we can work out now that Sifu has gone.

A merger won’t go through at the moment. I am glad because Wonderland can pump from here, so can Abra.

A merger wouldn’t destroy the blockchain, emails, etc. So it wouldn’t prevent an investigation.

It would muddy the waters, confuse a normie jury

The project make no more sense, backing price is long gone, airdrops don’t come, revenu share neither, faith is lost in Sifu (and, at this point, in Dani)…
Airdrop the treasury and that’s it, what else can be done considering everyone wants to get out ?

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Um, not at this low point. Not when we just got the good news that Sifu has been ejected at last.

The price is going to go up from this, the treasury is going to go up from this, and I want a bigger treasury to do whatever, even if that is just redemption.

It is childish to want to cash out just at the point of a crash, when the price is going to go up.

It won’t happen anyway. So make peace with it.

you will not get new investors the project is fucked

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New people will come into the project for the treasury.

Getting rid of Sifu is enough to pump the price once people see that the treasury hasn’t disappeared.

If they get a better team onboard, no more fucking anons, the price can pump even more.

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