PROPOSAL: Full forensic audit before any funds are reimbursed

If there have been any improprieties in managing our funds, we need to get to the bottom of it.

I agree, we need to take control back and audit everything. And not onceā€¦ this needs to be done yearly.

I agree ! Plenty of money in the treasury to hire a top outside firm !

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This was a con from the get go with shady stuff happening from the vey beginning. Weā€™re weā€™re scammed by a notorious convicted scammer. These guys are going to walk away rich and we are going to walk away with massive losses . In my opinion danny has one chance to save his reputation if he even cares about that anymore and that to use every dollar in the treasury to pay people back as close as possible as to original investment. We were lied to and mislead from day one . I never wouldā€™ve invested had I known what was being withheld from us. Audit is a must, too much control of that treasury funds are gonna walk out the back door ! Some of you need to stop with the Stockholm syndrome , they are laughing at you as you call yourselves frogs as they rob you. They made you feel apart of something so they could part you with your money and your begging for more ! Insane !

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Yes, 100%

No reason to not do this.

Yes 100% this has to be put to a vote regardless of whether the treasury gets dissolved or not !!

In my opinion this is an absolute necessity.

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This should be completed before any decision is made on how to structure the DAO and management of the treasury.

It does not make any sense to commit to any changes or not before having this kind of information in hand.

This should go to a vote ASAP.

Even if WL is not dissolved, there should anyway be an audit. If nothing else it will either clear up any and all improprieties or get rid of the FUD.

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Why the condition on if it gets dissolved??

Why not just to resolve disputes and division with the community??

There are many who believe current management have embezzled funds. Not surprising that some would suspect this given whatā€™s happened to the value of their investment and the resent unfortunate revelations about Sifu.

Nobody really knows though and a full audit may absolve Wonderland management of any wrongdoing which at least allows us to choose to move forward with Sifu and others who until the crash and dox everyone thought was fantastic.

On the other hand, if anything nefarious did occur, we need to know, whether the treasury gets dissolved or not.

The proposal should disregard whether funds are to reimbursed or not.

We need this to move forward without the constant FUD and division within the community!!

Hopefully reveals whether thereā€™s any truth in this:

Post above was meant to be a reply.

Big assumptions and accusations youā€™re making there. I hope you retract your comments if an audit proves otherwise. Also, if profit is your concern, you may be better off maintaining your position in a DAO with control of a large investment fund that pays returns to its members.

Love the project, love the vision.
But after I read the article yesterday night on cryptobriefing about danieleā€™s alleged past, things may get much more confused and chaotic, soon. So I completely agree with this.
Would love to see WL succeed. Not because I am in loss. this is just one investment only for me.
Mostly because I am tired of continues dramas for weeks now and never an action. I am in since 28th Dec. Just in time to receive it allā€¦

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I read the article. Interesting indeed. This could all be tied in to Tether. If it is, things will indeed become messy.

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