Proposal - Nomad to manage the Wonderland Treasury

Frog Nation,

Let me start this off by saying -
I have no affiliation with Daniele have never talked to him in person or over the internet in anyway before.

After seeing what has transpired on wonderland over the last week and how my and the frog nation’s investments have been subject to fowl play and FUD, I really can’t sit back and not at least give it my best foot forward to apply for the (treasury wonderland role) myself!

I am a person with great passion to learn and help other’s, and have never been subject to any felony’s or jail time so i want to clear the air there.

So, Yes i want to apply for the role and i do have a background in management i want to clarify, i would be more than happy to sit and talk with Dani if voted for!

These are things i would work on to get rolling right out the gate for the Frog Nation

  1. 0xSifu would be removed from Treasury Management INDEFINITELY ( i have no hate towards sifu as a person but things do need to change ASAP, i personally have lost a lot of money here so i think that should tell you how driven i am! )

  2. (The Price) i hope to recover through different tactic’s and approaches devised by myself and the (Frog Nation) as we are together on this to the end

  3. ANNOUNCEMENT’S PAGE on the main wonderland website (how many times have you been lost on what the latest updates are on the main website i will strive to initiate a nice announcement’s page for all the frog nation so you can see the latest updates in one place (i really wanted to make this top priority but there are bigger bug’s to squash at hand)

those are just three of my idea’s to get this going i have many idea’s beyond that also deal with the problem’s at hand

I want to make it a note before I go I do see proposal’s from other’s and i am excited to for the future of frog nation regardless of your vote, if we can get back on track the right way!

But this is just my opinion/view on the matter at hand, i personally would like to see someone new and regardless if you vote for me or not unassociated with Daniele as i think this would give a outsider looking in perspective to the matter at hand with people’s emotion’s and fear’s with there money. As I’ve stated earlier i lost a lot personally and i want to make it back for people to the best of my ability! I do think others will help the matter out but personally i want someone to fight for me that hasn’t lived so comfortable with millions of dollars. Well that’s it Fellow Frog’s

My Twitter is (
But im usually in the wonderland discord so see you there!!!

If you vote for me i plan to do this frog nation justice to the best of my abilities together we rise!
Vote Now!!! :point_down:

    1. I Vote For, Nomad
    1. I Voted For Another

0 voters

This is great, Hope others read through definitely want someone this passionate on the team :fist:

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Make sure you look at this post. This one is something to consider

I Like this guy have talked to him a couple times always in discord has my vote

If we want frog nation to live we gotta get someone new up there :+1:t3:

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Anon, are w ready to doxx? If not no thanks.

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yes i can talk to Dani and dox myself if hired an really needed i am more than up to it i got nothing to hide :+1:

Damn he’s ready to be Doxxed also has my vote we gotta fix this I got money in this that isn’t little 🥲🥲

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