PROPOSAL: WonderlandLabs + Growing Frog Nation

Dear Frog Nation,

Let me first briefly introduce myself. I am currently in charge of a national department in a small European country dealing with laws regulating digital currencies. In a nutshell, I am lobbying for cryptocurrencies and doing my best to protect this space from strict regulations. I have experience dealing with institutions such as the World Bank, UNDP, EBRD, etc. Previously, I have won a few awards and/or nominations for my work in the startup industry. I have established excellent relationships with different institutions and corporate entities, which led to my work being featured in the major media, such as Forbes. I have no previous affiliation with Daniele or members of the team.

I do not think that shutting down this project in any format or giving free funds to people would solve any problems. I have personally lost a lot of money investing in $TIME but I have never invested in the current value of the Wonderland assets; I have invested my funds in Daniele and his talents and overall vision. Some people might benefit from proposals related to actions like refunds, but many others would be financially damaged. Nonetheless, giving up after lousy PR and adverse developments would damage the entire DeFi industry and invite harsh regulations into the space.

Daniele is a gem we need to protect at all costs. This man is a brilliant developer, and he has dedicated his life to executing superb ideas. Sure, he did not tell us about the recent findings, but such a mistake (and a lesson for him) cannot blind us from all the opportunities and the fact that Daniele has created an enormously valuable DeFi machine that we just need to navigate in a different direction.

Furthermore, reading this forum, I can see that we have received some fantastic proposals from folks like TheSkyHopper - clear proof that this project has all the required resources and people to make this project successful. All we need to do is expand our execution capacity, reorganize our operating structure and modify our growth strategies.

In addition to standard Wonderland VC and other plans and activities led by Daniele and the rest of the management team, I am proposing the establishment of WonderlandLabs, a department within the Wonderland ecosystem that I would be personally the head of, reporting directly to Daniele and the treasury department. I would also hire additional team members to help me with all the activities. The allocated annual budget to this venture would be up to $20,000,000 – this would be allocated to activities, hiring and operating costs. All the costs would be transparently reported to the entire community.

The labs department would be dealing with the following (depending on the interest of the community and the leadership team of the Wonderland ecosystem):

  • Seed investments in DeFi and other startups ($50,000 - $100,000 per startup) including mentorship (Wonderland Accelerator). This can help us expand to new horizons, establish new utility for our assets or secure new revenue streams.
  • Acquisition of startups outside the DeFi ecosystem (creating additional revenue streams for the Wonderland community)
  • Securing legal support for ventures within the Wonderland ecosystem in collaboration with established legal entities. This is much needed to protect our investments and the future of our ecosystem.
  • Exploring the option to establish institutional relationships for Wonderland and collaborating with them on DeFi experiments. This will add value to our credibility and enable us to support the adoption of cryptocurrencies across the globe.
  • Promotional activities. While at the current stage of development, we need to work on regaining the trust of the community and creating a positive image in the media, moving forward I would stay away from classic promotional activities and hiring PR agencies – I would focus more on promotion through positive impact, collaboration with well-known projects in the blockchain space and establishing our institutional presence (e.g. organizing a small conference with well known political and other institutions to discuss DeFi and DAOs). This will benefit the entire segment of the DeFi industry and help establish DAOs as reputable entities (making Wonderland a trendsetter).
  • Partnerships with other VC funds, accelerators, corporate entities, etc.
  • Exploring opportunities in the industry and proposing new development ideas for the Wonderland community.

Here are a few additional details to take into consideration:

I would personally not be managing any funds. I would just be making official payout requests to the team handling the treasury.

I would be working directly with Daniele and other members of the Wonderland team. I am also open to the entire team meeting in person at a certain destination once or twice a year to discuss the overall development plans.

I would be transparent with my work and brainstorm all the core ideas with the community.

My annual compensation would be $600,000 in crypto ($50,000 paid monthly, not expecting any funds in advance). This includes me dedicating my life to this venture, not making it my side project. If unhappy with my work, the team and the community will have the power to terminate my professional engagement within the Wonderland ecosystem.

Considering the uncertainty of the current regulations and recent development, I am not willing to initially go public but I am open to doxxing myself to Daniele or any other third party. In two years’ time, I am willing to become a public face of the aforementioned venture (by then, we can establish a certain legal structure, establish a credible reputation across our ecosystem and have a clear view of the regulations).

While I would not be public within this community, I would publicly communicate with relevant institutions, potential partners, entities we would want to hire or partner with, etc.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Whether you support or not support this proposal, please fight for the future of Wonderland – this is a great project led by an incredible developer and community builder hence it deserves a second chance at decentralized greatness.

P.S. I am open to discussing the benefits and compensation of full time engagement and the execution of the aforementioned proposal.


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Ok so add cost of 20M/year
Pay you personally 600K/year
Not doxxed and meeting with the team 1-2 times a year
Promoting Skyhopper who knows Dani and Bitfinex
Kinda sounds like the old with new costs
Not saying your a bad person but its best to give all investors involved an option imo

Heres a different plan
Freeze all WMEM0/TIME trading…Set up a buyback page…those who want to sell at backing price can… Those who want to stay can…Unfreeze after 72 Hours…restart with the remaining holders and whatever is left in the treasury…solves both issues. Except for making anyone whole which is kinda unrealistic at this point…if you want to be made whole stay with the project and you might have a chance…for everyone else let them leave at backing

Love the idea except the salary part.

I am available to help you or/and Dani and the team for at first free then we can discuss compensation.

We need to have a vision I will create a post about it and every one that can help us recover for the mess will be welcome.

The goal is to help wonderland reborn without costing nothing for the frog if we prove that we worth it we can then discuss will all the frog for compensation.

Agree with the idea except one point if you need this to work people that leaving need to pay a tax ! because the liquidation of a lot of asset will come with a price.

The cost can be something like 25% from the current backing price.
But first thing first before doing that we need to fix where the project go and what will be put in place to achieve that.

I have a lot of idea to solve the current mess.
Please dani or any one from the wonderland time please feel free to contact me.

I would be please to give idea and solution to solve this crisis.

Thank you for the reply.

I would actually be doxxed, with Daniele or any other third party or legal entity. I am also open to signing a contract and I am not asking for anything in advance. Given the consequences of recent developments and announced regulations in the DeFi space, it is just unreasonable to expect anyone to be public representative of Wonderland on social media at this stage of development. Many things need to be figured out and fixed prior to people putting their face on this project or its operational segments on Twitter. But I do agree with you 100%, people need to be doxxed and responsible for their actions and they need to publicly represent the project when it comes to establishing relationships with other parties or executing activities (e.g. I do not mind introducing myself as head of WonderlandLabs if I am going to a meeting with XX entity).

My proposal is for the path forward, involving the future growth and development of the Wonderland ecosystem - a quick list of activities that Wonderland can consider and pursue moving forward in addition to standard plans (activities that Daniele will be executing). Just take into consideration that Wonderland recently invested the proposed annual budget in a single seed stage betting app without any legal plans and I am here offering that Wonderland invests a certain budget at a similar ask to expand to a few new horizons that are incredibly valuable for the credibility and future growth of this project (furthermore securing new revenue streams that would make our treasury more stable). For example, I believe that we have the potential to fund the development of electric cars and AI, we do not just have to focus on investments in apps.

If community decides to refund some people in the meantime via a structure that you have proposed here or any other format similar to it, people who want to exit, that is fine. After that, Wonderland still needs to keep moving forward, bringing talented people on board and expanding its presence and development outreach in different dirrections. That is how this project can be successful and take a leadership position in the industry (also attract more serious talent).

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I am open to discussing the compensation and all the benefits but you cannot expect anyone serious to work on Wonderland full time, especially to bring their connections to the table, for free.

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