Reasonable Rebate to those liquidated on the "Bounce" and lost 100% of collateral

This is a bit different from the last topic… and Unfortunately I do not know how to create a vote…

…here is the scoop… I had 3 account that got liquidated… 2 on the way down, and 1 on the way back up… the two on the way down had SOME collateral remaining… but the 1 on the way up went from 170 MEMO to 0.4 MEMO…

IF it was wonderland that liquidated me… I would appreciate a small rebate (just on the one account) that will give me SOME collateral back more reflective of a 75% collateralization ratio and 12% liquidation fee…
…if it was someone other than Wonderland… then I just feel super unfortunate, not cheated… …let me explain…

I’m sure I wasn’t the only one liquidated on the “bounce”… I recognize leverage of any kind is degen…
…but I feel OVER penalized if I was liquidated on the way up… and Wonderland profited…

…almost cheated since I seeded that bag with over 80K, a much of which I bonded to the treasury, often at a loss … if the end result was the same regardless if I was liquidated going down or on the bounce…
… and Wonderland (and abra) were the sole beneficiaries of my misfortune… I would appreciate a small rebate, closer to what it might have looked like if Wonderland liquidated me on the way down…

I still love the project… learned my lesson and will happily stake wMEMO for Airdrops “thooon”… and drop all leverage…
…I have sent many ppl here… …and will continue to when things hopefully turn around…

Cheers !!

I’m sorry that you lost money. It’s unfortunate :frowning:
dani has said time and time again that you need to be careful when leveraging, hope you do better next time!


Wonderland has no power over liquidation.

Abracadabra controls their own platform.

There is an ongoing discussion about repaying liquidations, please continue the discussion there:

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