[REDEMPTION] Q2 2022 - Redemption Whitelist

Q2 2022 - Redemption Whitelist

With the WIP 9 votes being in favor of implementing a quarterly redemption process, it is now time to announce the whitelist vote for the end of Q2, 2022.

Whitelist Details

The whitelist will begin on:

The voting options will be as follows:

  • YES, add me to the whitelist
  • NO, do not add me to the whitelist

Snapshot link:

The redemption price breakdown will be periodically updated in the comments below.

The final redemption price redemption price will be added on the snapshot vote.

Redemption Details

In regards to the BSGG tokens for this redemption, 25% of the total BSGG held by Wonderland, but not in the staking contract or bound by vesting will be added to the redemption price per wMEMO.

  • Total BSGG:    1,893,239,238 BSGG
  • Total unvested:    559,878,788 BSGG
  • To be farmed:      30,000,000 BSGG
  • Net Total:     1,303,360,450 BSGG

The BSGG tokens will not be converted and will be distributed on top of the USDC.


  1. While you will be able to vote for the whitelist by being staked in the farm, you will need to unstake when the time to redeem comes.

  2. Redemption allows for a fair value exit once a quarter. You are not assured of such fair value exit until the next quarter. The project’s status quo may also change as well.

For more details on WIP 9: [WIP #9] - Quarterly Redemption Option for Holders


Breakdown by @TheSkyHopper as of 2022-06-20T14:33:00Z:

Available BSGG:


Updated breakdown from @TheSkyHopper


Updated breakdown from @TheSkyHopper :

Final breakdown provided by @TheSkyHopper