Repay all liquidations under backing price!

It’s not fair for other people who manage their assets better.
This rewards degenerate people who don’t care to learn how risk or free markets work.
They should not get a free pass. Wonderland is not responsible for your actions.
Also it was never said the price could not fall below the buyback price and
it was also clear that the buyback is not a automated immediate process.


Of course I have an argument. That is the point here.

The treasury was not used to “prevent the liquidation cascade” [although it was made clear it would be, repeatedly] because what? sleeping?

And you have no problems with that because you weren’t in a leverage position, because what? Not bullish on the project?
Or did you think Sifu was lying about said prevention techniques?

I definitely understand that you thought you were safe, but you also knew that the buyback to backing was a manual process. Sorry for the loss, but I can’t support this. Taking leverage comes with liquidation risk.


You are raging, I get that. But at this stage you are just spamming. It would appear as if you don’t know basic math judging by what you are talking about. They (the treasury) don’t have a crystal ball to see the future, they are not machines that are staring at a volatile price 24/7 to do your bidding. The treasury did exactly what they said they were going to do. The price has come up.

So your statements don’t hold ground.

In fact this has given more trust in them because they did exactly what they said they would do.

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Asking Sifu (treasury manager of the project) was their own research. He suggested, “no worries, we have mechanisms to prevent cascade Liquidation”

Again, your statements don’t hold ground. They (the treasury) did stop the cascading. The price didn’t go to zero which is great. They saved so many people by what they did.

I’m just responding and presenting an argument, Not Spamming (as you can’t spam here, there are mechanisms to prevent it).

I know basic math. Thanks.

I was sold a product.
That products’ founder & treasury manager claimed specifically, that there are prevention mechanisms in place, against Liquidation cascades.
None of them were implemented, “because sleeping”

Thats basic fraud, through a certain lense. I’m willing to look through that lense, because I was injured in the negligence.

Can you comment on this?

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Your treasury was built by people taking risk in investing, and yes leveraging. Relax on the self righteous stuff. This is not an argument about leverage, never was.

“Manage there assests better” is an opinion. That is a nonstarter, and not what the argument is about anyway.

DAOs are a super super super risky investment, you then went and leveraged that position making a sss risky investment ssssss risky and then complained when it exploded and point at excues like blockchain transactions clogged up the network preventing me from deleveraging or saying I was well under backed limit.

All these excuses are not my issues why should we pay you out of the treasure.

Will you also pay me out of the treasure for the dip in the time price you fools caused???


Absolutely, that was on January 4th. Two weeks prior.

The arguments I making, are about the hours leading up to, prior to Liquidation cascade, in specific reference to possible cascade. Repeatedly saying that they were to prevent this from happening. Which they didn’t (or even try, because sleeping).

“I’m just responding and presenting an argument, Not Spamming (as you can’t spam here, there are mechanisms to prevent it).”
• No you are not, what you are doing is dictating and spamming. You have over 80 responses (more than 21%) to this topic alone. Your statements don’t hold ground.

“I know basic math. Thanks.”
• Then use it because what you say contradicts basic math. If you know it then use it. Quite simple.

“I was sold a product.”
• No, you invested in a product yourself. You chose to do that, no one else. You are expecting free money to cover your losses which is unacceptable. Do you throw a fit as well when you lose money in a casino?

“That products’ founder & treasury manager claimed specifically, that there are prevention mechanisms in place, against Liquidation cascades.
None of them were implemented, “because sleeping” “
• Again, stating incorrect facts. They (Wonderland) stated that they had a manual process in place. Not an automatic buy process.

“Thats basic fraud, through a certain lense. I’m willing to look through that lense, because I was injured in the negligence.”
• There is no fraud here apart from your statement. You even seem to not have a basic grasp of the law
• Again, I repeat myself, your statements don’t hold ground. They (the treasury) did stop the cascading. The price didn’t go to zero which is great. They saved so many people by what they did.


The treasury was there, in part, to prevent these cascades (or at least that’s how it was presented). It was never used for that.

If you slaughter the people at the front willing to risk for the project (the most bullish, willing to take on risk) All you’ll have left is the sideline players.



You have a lot of spare time, I’ll give you that.


I’m arguing a perspective, and they’re all valid. Re-read. And/also, you’re welcome to leave.

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I lost $30k yesterday. I have something to fight for. I made time…

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And prevent they did after a while.

Was the treasure there to prevent 100% of liquidation? No otherwise I’d have leveraged my position.

“If you slaughter the people at the front willing to risk for the project (the most bullish, willing to take on risk) All you’ll have left is the sideline players.”

What are you on about? You took the loan out yourself, no one else used your money but you. You chose to do that, no one else. But now you are expecting other people to pay for your losses. Why don’t you give your house and car to people that lost theirs, may as well give your pc and all your belongings to people that don’t have any or lost it by their own actions. This is your logic. Grow a brain man

“I’m arguing a perspective, and they’re all valid. Re-read. And/also, you’re welcome to leave.”

You can’t even respond to what I said. It shows you don’t have a clue how the real world works, get out of your fake bubble.

Like I am sorry you lost money I am. Its horrible but this is life.

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You lost $30k on a super risky investment that was leveraged which increased risk to insane levels then complain when it exploded.


I’m really sorry for your loss, it’s not good for sure.

I don’t know if 30k for you is a large amount of money. Everyone is different, with different wallets and goals.

Also I don’t know if you put all your money, and savings in to this project… And after that you leveraged it. I simply don’t know and I won’t ask.

I can only say this… The crypto market is a volatile beast and a smart investor will invest just what can afford to lose.

Said that.
Your money. Your actions. Your responsibility.