Reward loyal staked users and not penalizing anyone


I know this discussion around whales buying before rebases and selling after rebases and people here say that it doesn’t impact price of TIME but i think it does, and it did today, and then the same whales buy again after price drops so they are winning from rebases and what i call “self-rebases” (because it gives them more TIME) by buying at lower price

My proposal is simple, buyers that stake before at least 3 rebases (one day) or 2 rebases shouldn’t win rebases at all and the ones that are longer term with staking (loyal stakers) should get the rebases that the others that are trying to “manipulate” the rebase token system, i know it’s a simple proposal but harder to implement because the smartcontracts would need to be changed because the rebase % would not be the same to all, another way that would be simple is reward the loyal stakers of TIME by some other way like an airdrop that it was discussed already here or in any other way that you frogs could think

i think this proposal would stabilize price more and it wouldn’t lock anyone from trading if they want

Let the discussion begin… or end right here, i will let you guys decide.


I like the idea. The whole idea that the whales aren’t hurting the economy can’t be correct. Every single rebase it happens. It dilutes the token. I understand long term it may not hurt hodlers, but we have less new investors if the price of time declines faster than the rebases help.


I find the proposal interesting; I think that this prevents spies from wanting to manipulate the market (Whales):whale2:, Although the contract has an unstake issue of one withdrawal every 24 hours, it would be interesting for those who are already stake to have their three overruns, and not a FUD that enters and benefits as if it already had two weeks inside.

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Exactly, I think the same; And there are also whales that are FUDs that just want the price to go down to buy lower and fuck the market. 🤦🏽, something Elon did with Bitcoin and Tesla🤦🏽.

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Every time you buy in or cash out, you pay a fee. The fees get put into the treasury to be paid out to those that are still staked. Staking rewards are paid in MEMO, which doesn’t have a trade pair, so you’d have to unstake it, which has a fee. You then trade that TIME for whatever other coin you want to exchange for, another fee. You get ready to buy back in for the next rebase, a fee there too. For the small .0665 or whatever the rebase amount is right now, that’s a lot of fee revenue brought in to offset it every time there’s a rebase.

All you’ll accomplish blocking rebases for a certain period of time is discourage new users from staking. Why would you invest money into a long term project that’s only paying out a 9ish percent ROI over 5 days when you could just arbitrage or stake it on a platform with a higher stablecoin APR?

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I would say, adding a “diamond hand” reward would attract more people to stake and not just sell after rebase, not sure if doable but a higher APY for those who stake their TIME for a certain amount of time would be a good idea to incentivize staking.

My proposal is not locking anyone from anything, new users could be an exception to this proposal, smartcontracts also would need to be changed to allow that, but i think it’s naive to think that fees by unstaking and staking it’s alot of revenue when comparing a whale like 1Milion value in MEMO taking advantage of this rebase system, i have seen with my own eyes on dexscreener a whale with 1M sold and price took a hit, and it’s not just 1 whale, there are many doing this, maybe they don’t even stake at all.

I have also heard on voice chat someone saying that we are being atacked by another project or DAO with this kind of strategy, there are alot of forks of OHM out there that want to takes us out maybe

I’m definitely more of a carrot person than a stick person. Let’s find ways to incentivize new users instead of punishing people that are having a negligible impact of the price of the coin. Yes it does move each rebase, but it’s done that from the start. There are also people cashing out or taking profits. I’m not sure how you’d mitigate that without having long lockup periods. A virtual lockup period doesn’t seem any better to me.

As a side note, how would you code the dollar cost averagers? They have a certain amount of TIME, they buy more every week or so, when would the two rebase period lockout begin? From the initial date or from the new deposit date? Also, Would you have to have separate rebase periods? What about tracking profits from that, you’d have a nightmare of a time tracking it for tax paying purposes.

This all just seems like a solution without a problem. There are dozens of posts saying the same thing, and I haven’t seen anyone make a case as to why punishing people that do it is more profitable overall than incentivizing new people.

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I posted this in a related discussion but it applies here…

I don’t believe airdrops are the solution and neither is punishing short term traders. Short term whales may have occasional wins, but it is a big risk due to market volatility (as we’ve seen recently)…so if they want to take that risk let them roll the dice and contribute fees to our treasury.

However, I do believe there should be an incentive for Diamond Hands–perhaps one that you can opt into.

For example: Stakers can either just stake and unstake as normal OR you can choose “Diamond Hand Staking” which allows the stakers to choose between several long-term staking options for a bonus incentive (something we could vote on).

3 month Stake, 6 month Stake, 9 month Stake, 12 months…if you fulfill the FULL stake period then you earn the bonus, if you don’t then no bonus. But it is optional, so not everyone has to do it.

This could help contribute to the stability Wonderland and provide incentives for longer term stakers who are willing to make the optional commitment.


If you look at the sales immediately after the rebase. You will see any sale greater then 1 Time token are not doing the buying before rebase and selling immediately after. Follow the wallets and look at their history. Most are swing traders trying to play the charts or momentum. Most are losing.

I have 19 days of data on this. Its not a profitable strategy.

I think the more elegant solution is to increase the number of rebases. It reduces the reward per rebase making it riskier and less profitable to buy in and out. It also rewards the holders because they will benefit from all rebases without a penalty or lock.