[RFC] - Appointment of Risk Officer

[RFC] - Appointment of Risk Officer


Appoint a Risk Officer (RO) as defined in WIP #22.


Appoint a RO to help the protocol generate returns and increase yield for the treasury by evaluating risks on proposed strategies and ensuring Wonderland’s risks are properly managed.

Link to previous discussion:

Call Letter - Risk Officer

High Level Overview:

  • Appoint Tikkamasalas
  • Appoint xxxMETALxxx
  • Appoint Sifu
  • Appoint InteriorCrocodileAlligator
0 voters

AMAs will be organized with the candidates based on availability to give them the chance to answer the DAO’s questions and expand on their application.

Low Level Details:

The Risk Officer is meant to ensure due diligence on investments, directional exposure, and deployment of DAO funds into DeFi protocols.

The individual elected as Risk Officer requires a deep knowledge of DeFi. They are required to evaluate the risks of deployment into farms on a host of possible protocols, vet sourced deals, and other strategies.

The Risk Officer is not responsible for quality or profitability of investments or strategies nor provide advice on, but is in place to ensure safety and reduce risks for holders.

This position is effective indefinitely, until the individual holding the position steps down or is relieved of the position through an emergency and/or governance process.

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:

Appointed ROs will be added to the required group chats to ensure proper communication and efficient work.


Cant we have a risk council and have 2 officers i like both Sifu and Tikkamasala


That would probably fit more in the scope of the treasury council. Risk officer is a pretty specific position, requires a lot of experience and knowledge.


For those who missed the AMA, you can listen to the event recording here!

Recording on SoundCloud:


Lots of great info in the RO AMA - thank you all for taking the time to participate! :two_hearts: Wonderland is lucky to have so many knowledgeable members in its community.


Topic has been approved for WIP: