[RFC] - Offer Rage Quit Before Other Decisions Are Made

I think wonderland is overal just failure like most DAO.
Instead of rage quits they could continue buyback which means instant profit for treasury since treasury would be buying 1 for paying 0.7
Now that opportunity will be lost for the treasury.
I am in favor of this proposal though. But most logical way was continues buybacks under backing price.
Now arbitrageurs will made money instead of treasury.

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I want to continue Wonderland, but I agree, that we get rid of those people, who don’t share the dream. As mentioned in Discord before, I prefer the calculation of rage quit share by Buy-in prices. There is an excellent explanation on Youtube: My plan to fix Wonderland - YouTube
So everyone that wants to quit, gets the same percentage loss on their buy-in. No one can profit, as long as the remaining treasury is below the overall buy-in price. That seems the most fair method for me.

I’m pretty sure this proposal has matured enough. It’s just a whiner contest now, let’s go to the vote.

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Those who want out will get what was promised to them and Wonderland will be able to move forward with a more united investors/member base. In the process, the treasury is gonna take a hit from arbers some of whom may have even been involved in orchestrating the mass liquidations and the doxxing of Sifu, and I hate to see them profit from other honest people, but this is the unfortunate price we’re gonna have to pay to get this show back on the road. Those who have done wrong will receive their karma. Wonderland needs to move forward. Take this to a vote.

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I don’t have a good enough understanding of the mechanisms to make the rage quit option the fairest it can be, but one thing I might suggest, is that a cap is placed on how much this is cost the treasury. If that cap is reached, funds get distributed disproportionately to the amount of TIME/MEMO held, based on length of time held or some other factor, or everyone simply gets less than the backing. But this won’t be known until the commitment is made to exit or not.

all in YES, please offer rage quit option. I want to quit


We really need to get moving forward. What does it take to make these WIP? I feel like we have everything stuck in RFC. Who makes them WIP and who snapshots the vote?

Rage quit option is unacceptable, as we literally just voted against distributing the treasury. And now, a week later, you’re proposing we do it anyway although that option was just voted against?
Are we going to get a vote to distribute treasury every week until it passes?
No. This should not happen, Wonderland has to continue with the current treasury, otherwise the project will end.
It was never a thing that you would be able to randomly exit your position at backing price. Backing price was always only a metric. This option was only on the table if the project itself would be closed.
An option like this means stealing from long time holders by killing the project outright, stripping it of any capacity to make diversified investments, farm and even attract competent people to manage whatever is left of the treasury (which would not be much at all).


It’s best to stay together. No rage quit.

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I support fully. Put it to a vote already so the project can move on ASAP

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Actually I think you are right.
Why should anyone who bought below backing be able to leave now at backing.

  • They say there was a promise of backing.
    In some way there was. The promise was that if price goes under backing, bouback would Happen.
    This promise was not held, the manager Sifu failed, and he was voted out. So. We are in a new position now.

  • The next part was the Winding down vote, Wich would give everyone the backing price when leaving. This one was also voted down. So new position again.

  • And now a lot of arb traders want this proposal to go through, to take advantage of the current situation and be able to loop their money through WL. Come with 1$, leave with 2$ and so on.

Even though the actual promise of backing price was made to only those who bought above backing, before the Sifu vote.


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It’s just like people don’t see that the Winding down vote and give people backing price, is actual the same proposal as this one.

And the backing price was originated for the people who bought above that price. Sifu failed to manage that part and was voted out.

So actually this one has already being taken care of.

[RFC] - Offer Rage Quit Before Other Decisions Are Made - #177 by JensLyn?

You have made your views known numerous times now. Let’s just leave it to the vote now. No use spamming the same things over and over again.

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I don’t understand that a protocol gives assets to those who quit, and those who hold for a long time will be fucked again. what kind of brain-dead protocol, why still discussing rage quit


I would vote yes on rage quit, but only if the snapshot for eligibility was taken before the vote. I don’t believe a vote will pass that allows arbitrage buys due to fear of excessive treasury draining from the arbitrage traders. Remember 55% of the vote to unwind the treasury was a no. I think more than 5% of these votes would support rage quit to let the disgruntled folks go, but not if they feel there will be unecessary treasury draining due to arbs.


Yes Simon. You are right. But Im fighting for the best for FrogNation and the avarage frog.

And this proposal is just the half part of Winding down. Wich was voted down.

We got to get the people out who want to leave as soon as possible.
This ‘should’ clear out a lot of the chaff and noise for the hodl’ers.

if they want out, sell at market price, just like you would normally have to, fook um


Still NOT in favor of rage quit or buybacks. It only helps the whales to profit from arbitrage or those who bought at the dip. They are not long term holders and are only looking to profit from the buybacks. If we move to a revenue share model with more rewards for longterm stakers, this will incentivise people to stake longer and this will reduce selling pressure. This will automatically push the price up. At that stage people who want to quit can quit at a higher price.