[RFC] - Wonderland Moderator Compensation

The moderator activity since September isn’t a valid representation of their work as mods. I know for a fact some weren’t even mods then so you can’t count posts for their time as a regular community member as proof of work. I’m against payment of any part of it not being stable coin. The thought it gives incentive to mods to do a good job is ridiculous. Mods who have been mods since September could have easily quit instead of putting up with the bs that happened. They didn’t so I think they already have incentive they don’t need payment in wmemo. Plus that requires a review when price changes which creates more headaches later not worth it. What’s our recourse when the core team doesn’t deliver timely to mod team? What is the process for changing mods and would that require a vote since they aren’t on the list of names approved for compensation? Have you considered those not listed and their contributions and what incentive will they have to continue when others get paid? I think there needs to be a rewards bucket that let’s the mod team reward other unpaid members who are doing great things to continue and maybe that bucket can pay for server fees since the person who should be paying isn’t doing it.


Wholeheartedly agree on this and stable is easier to calculate into fixed monthly expenses and no need to go through another governance process to reduce the wMEMO amount when the market price double or triple from now.

Senior moderator @AliceInWonderland Will be monitoring and checking qualities of moderator team work, she can revise and replace inactive moderator which will be submit to higher order for approval of replacing the current team which can be choose from current Cats and Guards, it’s not fixed to those mentioned in the proposal.

We already have that in mind but it’s not in the proposal because it will complicate the already complicated proposal even more.


respectfully ser. i don’t understand your interest in this mod compensation when you are not on that list, does NalX and you have a agreement to share the mod pay? and don’t you think there are too many mods on the proposal? dont you think they should hire professional mods instead of investor mods like yourself?

I wish the other important proposals for the 99.9% of the investors were able to move into RFC this quickly.


So do we. If that proposal passes, we’ll be able to help that happen.

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I find your effort to force nefarious intentions into this discussion is unhelpful, at best. I not only have no intention of being a paid discord mod, I would not accept pay for my help provided as a discord mod. It is not my intention to be a discord moderator. It is my sole intention to help wonderland grow into a stable and impressive machine that bring fruitful returns to it’s investors while assisting the growth of blockchain projects in the process.

I specifically want mods like those in this list to be our first group to chart this course with us Because they are investors. I acknowledge the potential to save money using an off-the-shelf, average discord management teams and I reject the notion that we would actually want such a thing right now.

If you have issue with the dynamics of this proposal or would wish to criticize it with an argument of substance, that would actually be appreciated. But just assuming nefarious intent and asserting it must be the case is both reckless and counterproductive.


dani has zero interest in wonderland, apart from the treasury. every time he is talking about the future of wonderland the only thing he is talking about is how he has big things planned for abra. the only thing he is interested in is giving the treasury to abra.

Managing a discord channel is a challenge, but is essential for the success of any project in crypto (or more than that these days).

The level of compensation 24-7 round the clock team management with upwards of 10,000 members, and with 80,000 Wmemo holders is essential in regards to long term growth.

300,000 US Dollars equivalent yearly - is a bargain in my opinion for this kind of WORK (yes, its WORK).


From my perspective is very simple. As a DAO we should not pursue anything that doesn’t directly help to recover investment.

It’s extremely easy to spend money. Call it dollars, mim, wmemo or whatever. If the business isn’t self sustaining by creating money, this just transfers what is available to some- at my further expense.

Yes, overall crypto is down- as volatile as this security is, and the BS endured, I for one am extremely sensitive to any outflows.

Take everything and put into a traditional bank (yes, I said it) and would at least have a positive return on investment rather then the current donation to some unknown asshat I wouldn’t know from Adam if I passed those associated on the street.

A volunteer works hard? Thank you. A volunteer gets paid? Not at this time.

A strong no, though in reality it will pass as nothing is done by community. A better alternative would be to take 100.00 bills and light on fire. That way could at least stay warm through this crypto winter!

looks like the vast majority of mods are active on the Sifu.Version channel, wondering if sifu will compensate them :thinking:

Those of us whom are also on sifu.vision are active on both servers doing back and frontend work. As for compensation there are currently none.

Your strong “NO” and other strong NO’S, may just be the downfall of the community and DAO. What the mods do is great, i see them helping people in ways that “FIRST POSTERS” have never seen. Are you active on discord? If you are, why is this the first time you have commented on anything? Have you seen what help they give to others? Have you witnessed that? If the mods just decided to quit, where would most of you be, with no understanding of what is going on? with no support, if you have problems, with no solutions to your problems. Well I think, a damn good amount of this community and investors would have already left. Do you really expect people to donate their time (pardon the pun) to help you daft fookers that do not know what is happening with your money? Look at the long term, follow discord, check out the forums… Don’t just pop in with your uninformed views, then comment on something that you really do not know about, but have read a few other negative comments on…Yes we are all down, the price could be better, but months of un certainty has dragged this down, look positive, vote this through, watch the growth, i believe that will happen

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Seems a bit strong for you to imply that not paying MODs will be the downfall of the DAO. What portions of a decentralized community should have paid employees? Say the MODs all decide they feel a certain way about an upcoming vote. We would have paid employees pushing their own agenda through a community board. People assume employees are not acting with bias. Do you feel certain that the MODs would act without bias? They are also voters. Do you get paid for adding content to wikipedia? No. Do you get paid to answer questions on stackoverflow, or any of hundreds of knowledge bases around the internet? NalX is about the only MOD I see working regularly on this board, until the questions about MODs getting paid shows up and then out of the woodwork come the other 7 people looking to get paid. If a new group Wonderland Facebook group gets formed would the admin for that group get paid as well? The better question should be why there are multiple venues for “authoritative” information about Wonderland. You would think the information would be directly tied to app.wonderland.money so people would know what the authoritative source of information is coming from a verifiable source. One or two MODs could easily manage the questions that are not clearly answered in FAQ pages.

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I kinda wondering will this long-ass discussion on the mod compensation can cause longer deployment of whatever so-called money making strategy by dani? (i’m saying dani because unlike many of you think of your delusionary power as a community member, dani is the only one with power to move wonderland forward)

because it’s starting to look like nothing is happening. I’ve hearing “Owh liquid staking team 100% ready, we paid them bla3, owh new investment here, there, owh rev sharing smart contract completed bla3” but… nothing still. weird…

It shouldn’t. Dani’s involvment in this process was limited to looking at our initial proposal and the WIP, which was done fairly quickly once he got to it and approving moving to the next step.

Other than that, he’s been working on the things you mentioned. Abra and Popsicle also had some stuff lined up, so I’m thinking that might cause some delay if he has to focus on those too.
