[RFC] - WTM z0li

[RFC] - WTM z0li

  • Take all Wonderland to the real world to grow huge
  • Keep all Wonderland in the crypto space for yield farming
  • Take only a percentage (30-50%) of Wonderland to the real world

0 voters

Name: [RFC] - WTM z0li

Scope: Decide the future of Wonderland, fully or just partially crypto?

Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: “[DAO Discussion] - WTM z0li”

The goal of this proposal is to take Wonderland to the real world by establishing a company. Invest Wonderland part of the treasury to change from yield farming to a venture capital fund.

High Level Overview:
The European Union is planning to create laws to regulate the crypto market, including a law that requires to attach a name to every crypto transaction. China already banned all crypto transactions → 54% of computing capacity disappeared from the bitcoin network in one day. This will be the end of the wild west for crypto. It probably will end the anonymity, too. And with regulations rugpulls will definitely have consequences. So my goal is to forego / overtake this by starting the “compliance” before the laws require it. This will be a huge advantage for us in the future.

Provide Low Level Details:
The big problem with crypto projects is there are very little real world use cases. Some businesses accept bitcoin, but their first thing is exchange that to fiat currency. Luna (freaking funny how Luna / Terra is the perfect example for “how to do things very well” and “how to do things really bad” at the same time…) had some real world application: you could buy things in webshops with your coins. Learning from Luna’s mistakes I think if we have a root in the traditional finance system we will have a really tough and reliable backbone we can grow on. We could grow a huge fintech company from that root that offers a cheap / fast / reliable / trustworthy payment solution using crypto / blockchain technology (more on this after the patent has been filed).

Looking back the history shows us there were a lot of booms and busts, but only few ones survived the bust. They become basically monopolies. Bitcoin is 13 years old, but we are still at the beginning of a crypto boom (all cryptocurrencies worth about 1 trillion USD, while the finance system is about 200 trillion USD). AI is couple decades old, but we are still at the beginning. VR, AR technologies are also at early stages, so by finding the right technologies and companies we will be able to grow huge. This is the growth rate I aim for. In comparison the highest yield would look tiny.

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:
There are fees and expenses to create a company, also an initial capital needed. These expenses varies depending on the country, company type, law requirements etc.
Filing patents also need some expertise, so there are some expenses.
Hiring (We have the team we just have to make them employees. :upside_down_face:)

Then the real work begins. :upside_down_face:

Since an RFC is a “work in progress” Proposal, not all of these points need to be filled out from the beginning. They can be added over time as the RFC evolves into a mature Proposal.

So what is this a proposal for you to manage the treasury or a proposal to start a corp?

I do not support either options whatever it is.

I’m honnestly still not sure Wonderland is ready to take the step your are looking to take, but we shall see.

In terms of compensation, I’m assuming the amount in your DAO Discussion still applies ?

Yes, that’s still applies.

1 Like

I agree with Kyle, this does not seem like an application for the Treasury Manager position, but a proposal to change the DAO to a real world business entity, and a poor proposal at that.

This either needs EXTREME changes as a TM proposal, or an entirely separate discussion for shifting the DAO to a real world business entity. I don’t support either.

@NalX what do you think about copy-pasting a discussion on discord to here? It was quite interesting and useful little brainstorming and Q and A, I don’t want to lose it…

Sure, feel free to do so! Once the WIP goes up the RFCs will be locked so nothing can be added.

Thanks NalX.

mrfixit — Today at 9:34 AM
well i dont think thats gana happen… unless zoli

jclemons — Today at 9:44 AM
Tbh I don’t think many were keen on the idea especially since it has many details including legal entity ones that need flushed out. I feel like it would be a lengthy process and difficult to do right. Plus it takes away anonymity because kyc gonna be needed to register a legal entity.

Bassalona — Today at 9:51 AM
What if a legal entity creates crypto tokens for WL to buy. Is that possible? As a way of investment and where the token represents the profit of that project.

Don’t kill me, just trying to get some feedback on a brainfart

jclemons — Today at 9:54 AM
That’s possible. The issue I see is who owns n registers the legal entity. Then I feel like you need paid roles to manage all the accounting functions of it etc as well. Short-term TMs I don’t feel would work too good in that scenario.

well i dont think thats gana happen… unless zoli
z0li — Today at 9:55 AM
McDonalds have quite high franchise fees, how about MrBeast Burgers?

That’s possible. The issue I see is who owns n registers the legal entity. Then I feel like you need paid roles to manage all the accounting functions of it etc as well. Short-term TMs I don’t feel would work too good in that scenario.
Bassalona — Today at 9:55 AM
Maybe with the help of trust companies? Let’s go Panama

MattMacGyver — Today at 9:57 AM
I could imagine someone registering a company, that they would like to operate with or without wonderland - for crypto organizations*. A deal with wonderland would be like a seed for them, but would technically be unrelated like SifuVision. I think that would be the easiest solution for us, not being responsible for dealing with the real-world end of things. (edited)

What if a legal entity creates crypto tokens for WL to buy. Is that possible? As a way of investment and where the token represents the profit of that project. Don’t kill me, just trying to get some feedback on a brainfart
z0li — Today at 9:57 AM
yes, that was one of my thoughts to create another token that clearly represents a share in the company… but TIME, MEMO, wMEMO, now another token??? Dunno…

Maybe with the help of trust companies? Let’s go Panama
jclemons — Today at 9:57 AM
There’s likely ways to do it. Need good lawyer to figure out best method so ownership is on solid footing while not giving a specific person too much control.

yes, that was one of my thoughts to create another token that clearly represents a share in the company… but TIME, MEMO, wMEMO, now another token??? Dunno…
Bassalona — Today at 9:59 AM
You’re stealing my idea. Plagiarism! We have way more tokens. Sifu vision, CTA etc etc. It is just another token we would invest in I think

That’s possible. The issue I see is who owns n registers the legal entity. Then I feel like you need paid roles to manage all the accounting functions of it etc as well. Short-term TMs I don’t feel would work too good in that scenario.
z0li — Today at 10:00 AM
the TM, and also legally, morally responsible for that entity

You’re stealing my idea. Plagiarism! We have way more tokens. Sifu vision, CTA etc etc. It is just another token we would invest in I think
jclemons — Today at 10:00 AM
A governance token that reflects ownership in said entity

the TM, and also legally, morally responsible for that entity
jclemons — Today at 10:01 AM
Short term TMs then how do we legally transfer ownership with guarantees when needed I guess is my concern there

I could imagine someone registering a company, that they would like to operate with or without wonderland - for crypto organizations*. A deal with wonderland would be like a seed for them, but would technically be unrelated like SifuVision. I think that would be the easiest solution for us, not being responsible for dealing with the real-world end of things. (edited)
z0li — Today at 10:02 AM
" like a seed for them" yes!

Short term TMs then how do we legally transfer ownership with guarantees when needed I guess is my concern there
z0li — Today at 10:02 AM
next TM buys the company for 1 dollar?

next TM buys the company for 1 dollar?
jclemons — Today at 10:03 AM
Could be as long as we have safety net for transfer of power.

" like a seed for them" yes!
jclemons — Today at 10:03 AM
I could see this working.

Short term TMs then how do we legally transfer ownership with guarantees when needed I guess is my concern there
z0li — Today at 10:04 AM
Also, in the Cayman Islands you can gift without taxation, that’s a solution, too (edited)

Also, in the Cayman Islands you can gift without taxation, that’s a solution, too (edited)
jclemons — Today at 10:05 AM
How do we insure someone can’t abuse power n not transfer is my concern

I could imagine someone registering a company, that they would like to operate with or without wonderland - for crypto organizations*. A deal with wonderland would be like a seed for them, but would technically be unrelated like SifuVision. I think that would be the easiest solution for us, not being responsible for dealing with the real-world end of things. (edited)
Bassalona — Today at 10:05 AM
You are way better and more thorough in expressing what I meant. Would you like to be my spokesman from now on?

MattMacGyver — Today at 10:05 AM
We could have much of what we desire in a corporate entity through an association with one. Our due diligence would need to ensure that company was structured well and we had a secure investment, but it would not need be legally bound to us.

If there is tokenization of shares for the corporation, which seems to be the next push for institutions anyway, we could maintain a semblance of voting power with our tokenized shares. BNP Paribas story was a positive sign for me.

How do we insure someone can’t abuse power n not transfer is my concern
z0li — Today at 10:09 AM
transparency: the DAO’s job will be to hold the TM accountable. I think it could require a phone number, that the token holders can call basically any time. A weekly AMA, maybe a daily blog-like channel here to inform the people what’s happening. Also, if we go with let’s say 3 owners, then we already have some control over the company.

transparency: the DAO’s job will be to hold the TM accountable. I think it could require a phone number, that the token holders can call basically any time. A weekly AMA, maybe a daily blog-like channel here to inform the people what’s happening. Also, if we go with let’s say 3 owners, then we already have some control over the company.
MattMacGyver — Today at 10:11 AM
I feel like you nailed it even for non-corporate situations. Idk about the phone calls but we need to hella step up the comms and get them on a regular schedule.

I feel like you nailed it even for non-corporate situations. Idk about the phone calls but we need to hella step up the comms and get them on a regular schedule.
jclemons — Today at 10:12 AM
I think it would require at least a couple more full time paid roles to ensure specific activities happen

I think it would require at least a couple more full time paid roles to ensure specific activities happen
MattMacGyver — Today at 10:15 AM
Yeah, I agree. I plan to submit a proposal at some point for a comms officer type role, but my concept of that role is more than internal community comms, but a lot of public outreach - which we’re not ready for yet.
I think weekly AMAs are a minimum, with infographics and explainer posts / videos about each and every strategy we deploy. I could go on but I’m not campaigning yet.

jclemons — Today at 10:16 AM
To simplify it we can’t operate in a vacuum of uncertainty and disorder where people are asking if those running things are fishing (edited)

Bassalona — Today at 10:19 AM
Next question…How do we make money in the real world?

Next question…How do we make money in the real world?
Giovi — Today at 10:20 AM
You dont


Next question…How do we make money in the real world?
MattMacGyver — Today at 10:22 AM
Real estate, entertainment (both content and experiences), cash VC with projects that don’t take crypto, merchandising, a lot.

Real estate, entertainment (both content and experiences), cash VC with projects that don’t take crypto, merchandising, a lot.
Bassalona — Today at 10:24 AM
I know there are loads of possibilities, just wanted to discuss what would be a good path

MattMacGyver — Today at 10:24 AM
Like, a very basic example for entertainment - we can’t really profit off a YouTube directly, which we could make bank on if we did it well, because nobody could own the channel. We’d have to have a trust system. But a corporate entity we invested in could, which takes its calls from us through votes and association.

Next question…How do we make money in the real world?
jclemons — Today at 10:24 AM
Invest in companies doing next generation things and a mix of proven performers. I’ll tag you on one I just saw i find interesting

MattMacGyver — Today at 10:25 AM
We could also buy acres of corn

We could also buy acres of corn
jclemons — Today at 10:26 AM
Mr gates is buying lots of farm land

✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧ — Today at 10:26 AM

why buy corn when you can buy porn (edited)

Like, a very basic example for entertainment - we can’t really profit off a YouTube directly, which we could make bank on if we did it well, because nobody could own the channel. We’d have to have a trust system. But a corporate entity we invested in could, which takes its calls from us through votes and association.
Bassalona — Today at 10:26 AM
Yes, if we nail the structure, possibilities are endless. Making the right decisions in the right direction is crucial and fun to discuss

Next question…How do we make money in the real world?
z0li — Today at 10:27 AM
Startups. Interesting new technologies, AI, new solar panel inventions, I would definitely invest in a startup that can effectively and cheap remove lithium from seawater. (I could make some kind of description about the process, how startups work).
The online casino on betswap (and I have more game ideas beyond poker and blackjack)

Like, a very basic example for entertainment - we can’t really profit off a YouTube directly, which we could make bank on if we did it well, because nobody could own the channel. We’d have to have a trust system. But a corporate entity we invested in could, which takes its calls from us through votes and association.
z0li — Today at 10:28 AM
This reminds me I have a youtube channel idea, that I didn’t see yet

Startups. Interesting new technologies, AI, new solar panel inventions, I would definitely invest in a startup that can effectively and cheap remove lithium from seawater. (I could make some kind of description about the process, how startups work). The online casino on betswap (and I have more game ideas beyond poker and blackjack)
jclemons — Today at 10:28 AM
See my link on memes on brainchip I find that interesting (edited)

✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧ — Today at 10:30 AM
why would you mine lithium from seawater when its so abundant in solid ore?

@✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧
why would you mine lithium from seawater when its so abundant in solid ore?
jclemons — Today at 10:31 AM
You get some rain to cool things down some?

✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧ — Today at 10:32 AM
[10:32 AM]
im dying

@✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧
im dying
jclemons — Today at 10:33 AM
That sucks

Next question…How do we make money in the real world?
z0li — Today at 10:34 AM
banks can issue loans, making money off interest (one of the biggest business on the world)
we can start my fintech idea, crypto-based payment system: Visa / Mastercard: 3% fee, there is a payment terminal fee, you have to pay annual fee for the card, we could charge a 2% transaction fee only, that would be a big drive for everybody to use this system.

banks can issue loans, making money off interest (one of the biggest business on the world) we can start my fintech idea, crypto-based payment system: Visa / Mastercard: 3% fee, there is a payment terminal fee, you have to pay annual fee for the card, we could charge a 2% transaction fee only, that would be a big drive for everybody to use this system.
Sifu (might DM) :panda_face: — Today at 10:36 AM
Issue here is partnership with the bank issuing the cards.

@Sifu (might DM) :panda_face:
Issue here is partnership with the bank issuing the cards.
Bassalona — Today at 10:37 AM
Hi Sifu, what are you thoughts on exploring if a real life project is feasible?

@Sifu (might DM) :panda_face:
Issue here is partnership with the bank issuing the cards.
z0li — Today at 10:37 AM

  1. my first suggestion was: buy a bank
  2. my fintech idea doesn’t need cards

✧・゚: ✧・゚♡(ᵘʷᵘ):heart:・゚✧:・゚✧ — Today at 10:37 AM


  1. my first suggestion was: buy a bank
  2. my fintech idea doesn’t need cards
    Sifu (might DM) :panda_face: — Today at 10:39 AM
    For visa/MC acceptance, you would need a partnership, even if through acquisition. Doesn’t matter if the cards are physical.

Hi Sifu, what are you thoughts on exploring if a real life project is feasible?
Sifu (might DM) :panda_face: — Today at 10:39 AM
Mind and management would need to register in their jurisdiction and have lawyers run amok. I think doable, if m&m are willing.
[10:39 AM]
Dani talked about this at the last AMA.

@Sifu (might DM) :panda_face:
For visa/MC acceptance, you would need a partnership, even if through acquisition. Doesn’t matter if the cards are physical.
z0li — Today at 10:40 AM
No Visa / MC acceptance, I wrote those for comparison to our payment solution
[10:42 AM]
(although we going to need PCI DSS compliance…)