Staked wMEMO not showing in Wonderland

I staked my wMEMO in Sept 2022 and never checked it until now. My staked wMEMO now shows zero.
How do I get to see it again? Here’s my wallet address 0x67766a00106d8e1Ad69b10CE381A4DB8eB942B0F.


Hey! I see you still have $529 worth of wMEMO in the farm. I would suggest these steps for troubleshooting:

  • Clear browser cache or cookies
  • Make sure you’re on the Avalanche network and have the correct wallet connected.
  • Check that you are on the correct website

If these don’t help, we recommend switching your browser or trying on mobile Metamask. Let us know if you need further assistance :slight_smile:

HI smilbur thanks for your reply. I’ll try your suggestion.

Hi @smilbur< I tried your suggestions.

I did these but no luck:

  • Clear browser cache or cookies
  • Make sure you’re on the Avalanche network and have the correct wallet connected.
  • Check that you are on the correct website

This one worked:
switching your browser → switched from Chrome to Brave

Thanks for your help!


Glad you got it fixed!

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