Structure and Communication

To the Frog Nation:

The community of frogs is very diverse, both culturally and financially. This is the goal of decentralization, a place for all protected from outside influence. An achievement to the Frog Nation for constructing this common ground with such a following, it is actually incredible the foundation that has been brought together.

However; with common ground, there are unique challenges when the financial pillars are not in place, not understood, nor communicated sufficiently to the stakeholders. Further compounding, the team who takes the community into their charge are not able to reinforce these pillars (discord / twitter / etc) due to the lack thereof. We not only are providing a disservice to the community, but to the team members who are relentlessly discussing the day-to-day optics.

In all aspects of life, organization is extremely important to maintaining confidence with those in our charge. We must deliver on our commitments, communicate in a manner that is aligned with those commitments, and continue to educate our community to understand how our commitments provide value for this symbiotic relationship. Structure, Communication, and Education, these are the pillars in which we can rebuild the community.

Below I am going to propose a series of operational changes that will build Structure within Wonderland, provide a consistent Communication protocol, and an Educational cornerstone to unlock the full potential of the Frog Nation:

1) Structure

The internal structure of each business division; in this case Wonderland, needs to have clear objectives to achieve within the community. The structure is to support the Vision Dani + Team has created by organizing in a way that links the vision, the operation, and the community. Today this is missing. To build this, the following organizational changes need to be made:

Each Discord sub-group needs to have a person(s) who takes care/responsibility and support members instead of covering for the entire discord.

I am not familiar enough with the Time Cops / Chesire Cats / Fud Fighters, but will discuss as a group to organize them into relevant teams to handle the different sectors.

The team members will be provided with the protocol’s Commitments and Educational Material, then be fully trained on these to provide a harmonized response on how any parts of the system work or be able to point community members to content/representative that is aimed to do so.

We will aggregate the community members who have bravely taken on the Wonderland Flag in their Youtube / Twitter / etc to get their ideas and feedback on how to continually improve our structure and communication, while gaining their support on Educational content.

All of these will be cross functional hybrid organizations that work with Abracadabra, Sushi, and Popsicle Finance.

Hybrid Divisions + Functional Groups working together with a clear purpose to provide value.

Anyone not capable or not motivated to provide this service in the structure created will be asked to step down.

The discord is the communication hub for the frogs. It needs to be precise and manageable for the team that supports it and the frogs that use it. To optimize this, there are channels that need to be removed as they are not being used, are redundant, or do not have any connection between the commitments to the Frog Nation. All channels in the discord should provide value, these below do not inherently:

Down The Rabbit Hole<

  • Resources – redundant with Official Links.
  • Sneak Peek – not in use.

Advice From a Caterpillar<

  • Price Talk – the commitment is being a VC. VCs do not worry about the price of their holding, only the returns on their investment. If the price of the holding goes to 0$ yet I’m still receiving returns that exceed my initial investment, then my holding is not important for anything other than identification of my ownership in the VC. (Again, the need for Education is important here.)
  • RPG Rabbit Hole – Does not align with the commitments.
  • Using wMemo – will be redundant with our Educational pillar.
  • How does wonderland work – will be redundant with our Educational pillar.
  • Avax On-boarding - will be redundant with our Educational pillar.
  • Json Error - will be redundant with our Educational pillar.

A Mad Tea Party<

  • Spell-Ice-Sushi-Talk – this is now redundant with the Frog Nation Discord.
  • Fantom Talk – I understand it’s a rising blockchain; however, either we need a channel for each blockchain or for none of them. Too much to manage, we need to cut down.
  • Lambo talk – part of the overall issue with the current breakdown and will be managed through the Education Pillar.

We will open up a new Sub group for education only. The community can decide what to call it. It will have restricted channels for content and unrestricted channels for discussion/support and training (see education)!

2) Communication

The single most important task of the protocol is to deliver on our commitments. To ensure the community knows we’re doing that, we must pro-actively engage them with information and have the structure (mentioned above) to receive feedback and clarify uncertainty in a harmonized way. Like I mentioned before, the community is very diverse, and the level of communication will need to be more structured and clearer than usual VC funds. (To the educational pillar on how we continue to improve this.)

Luckily for us, we’re all humans and if we simplify ourselves down to that common denominator, we can rationalize the topics we need to address when we communicate to our fellow Frogs:

  • Physiological
  • Safety and Security
  • Social and Affiliation
  • Esteem and Recognition
  • Self -Actualization

The protocol(s) are already working hard to provide positive value; however, the communication does not support the satisfaction of those basic human needs. We will transform our communication and harmonize it all the way to the newest member to DeFi to ensure we satisfy these needs. We will do so in the appropriate foundation to ensure the highest level of alignment with our community.

(I can go into detail on how we approach this if needed.)

We will have a consistent cadence to how we communicate. Even if there is nothing to say, we will uphold our commitment to communicate with our community.

As brought up in all the AMAs and can be seen in discord/twitter, the community completely misses the engagement on how the entity is progressing or general position of the products.

To support this, effective immediately we would start to send an update weekly on the protocol’s general health, monthly we will report the statistics of the treasury’s value generated (in a CLEAR way), and quarterly we will report on projects, progress towards major milestones, and VC acquisitions.

  • We can do this a myriad of ways; however, any of the methods chosen will have a direct link with the discord.
  • We will have regular sessions for feedback from the community to continue to develop tools to communicate with them in a manner that satisfies the needs above.

The community is scared and in all reality they should be. Not because the project was on a trajectory of failure, but because the lack of communication caused major transparency issues and fear. The frogs must not live in fear, they must be the fear traditional finance has in Dani’s vision. The only way to make this transition is by communicating to them clearly and educating them. They are an unstoppable force if supported correctly.

3) Education

I want to say it again, our single most important responsibility is to deliver on our commitments. Where we see a divergence is when the protocol is actively delivering while there is extreme fear with its stakeholders, like today. This is for two reasons: communication and education. Part of our commitment as a community is to ensure all understand how we are delivering on those commitments. Above we’ve addressed communication, but communication will not be enough.

Working with CFOs, accountants, and other financial representatives, it is clear that even within their own organizations they mostly do not understand basic financial principles, how they apply, and what outcomes are likely with common strategies.

As such, we will employ a version of TRM – (Task Relevant Maturity) for our community and team members right away. Education, Training, Readiness to take community responsibility, and shared experience committees.

We’ll start by defining the team members who are capable and motivated to building educational foundations for finance and protocol dynamics to put all frogs on the same playing field. Once those are built, we will have members who are sound at explaining the mechanics to provide training to the community to support those who need more mentoring in their lesser strengths to catch up.

This process will be coupled with affiliated social media influencers who can help provide content that supports the educational and training process.

Once we build a set of community members who can continue to take this foundational education to the front lines and provide soft landings for anyone who joins the frog nation, we then will expand to more complex concepts.

The commitment is to publish the foundational finance information and protocol dynamics with 7 days. Then bi-weekly publish more educational / informative content moving forward.

4) Further Support

Additionally, we cannot provide financial advice; however, that does not mean we can not propose strategies as information that our community can take to protect their portfolios from too much risk.

We have too many members who are committing their entire cash position to single entries or levered positions with the hope that it works out. Part of our commitment to the Frog Nation is to support them to make wise decisions so they are protected from those who intend on doing them harm.

I will publish 3 strategies; from low to mid risk, immediately and be open for questions for all community members in an effort to reduce the exposure of all frogs from losing their safety net.

5) Conclusion

I have fought my entire career for the front line workers in the manufacturing plants I managed. Prioritizing their education and training, not for the company, but for them and their families.

I’ve built training programs, promotional pathways, leadership initiatives, investment classes, helped employees file for business licenses, protected them from mistakes, helped them transition to better jobs outside of the company, taken their place on the shopfloor when they’ve had emergencies, among many other things. All of those facilities were turned around and its because we invested in the stakeholders. When you provide people with the tools to break free of barriers holding them back, you create an undefeatable community.

We must do the same here.

I am in full support of the Frog Nation + team and this is my commitment to help turn it around. If you’re interested, I’m ready to start by initiating all of these aspects with the team.

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