The Vision
For months Daniele has been talking about his vision for his protocols.
On December 24th, Daniele tweeted a draft of his plan:
- Sushiswap as the Multichain AMM & DEX (two separate things)
- Abracadabra will allow liquidity to be deployed across all meaningful pairs cross-chain
- Popsicle with leverage and tech will allow to execute always at the best price MIM pairs relative to any other market
- Wonderland will funnel growth and invest earning from the ecosystem. 2022 will be amazing, and trust me on this, I’m 1000% to make all of this happen.
Since then, a lot of things have changed, but the vision remains.
The Aftermath
After all the drama and the FUD, the ecosystem was broken and shaken up to its core, but the protocols are still standing.
In the last two AMAs, Daniele reiterate his intention to bring his vision to life
The latest one went a bit more into details and laid out some options to make his vision happen or, if the communities choose to, go a different way.
- One token to rule them all
- Rebirth of the Ecosystem
- Status Quo
- Windown / Rage Quit 2.0
The Future
Keep in mind that none of these options are actua proposals, they only serve as getting the discussions started.
An actual proposal will have to go through the governance process before any of these options move forward.
One token to rule them all
One token to rule them all AKA “the merger”, was the first option presented. Simplify the ecosystem by combining the protocols together.
Rebirth of the Ecosystem
A rebirth of the original vision. Each protocols remains independent, but complement each other to bring the vision to life.
Status Quo
The protocols are going their separate ways, they may work together if the opportunity arise, but each one will focus on themselves and leave the big picture behind.
Wind down 2.0
The Wonderland “experiment” is over, holders are given different options to exit and go on their own way.
Let us know what your vision for Wonderland is ?
- One token to rule them all
- Rebirth of the Ecosystem
- Status Quo
- Wind down 2.0
Special mention to Popsicle (ICE) who will be indirectly affected by this.