Time consuming discussions with no effects

It‘s quite nice to see this discussions…
quite nice to see, that proposals are made by Danielestente and some guys from frognation (??)…
all people are nicely discussing and are busy… and some guys think, the project is a community project…

But STOP!!!
the project owner is the OWNER! Nobody else… he can take the money and finish!

I lost my whole profit of the last year within 3 weeks… awful…
But I was following a friend, who was glad about the stories and the capacity of daniel…
All guys where fixed in dubbling the money all 30 days… and where getting crazy and didn‘t think about the background of this clear ponzi-scheme.
Where should the money come from, when you pay 80.000% …
crazy…. so all investors have been blind to see what happened.

Awful is the big treasury for the dev‘s…. but in the first steps nobody was afraid about that… take 300-500 Mio USD and bring us the millions too…. and nobody got afraid…
Now we have the disaster…
And no Daniel to be showing up…

I think, we all need to realize, that we got cheated. With wide eyes open…

Daniel would have the chance to make decisions, which could bring up a solution on a long term… But the only profit for him is to improve his reputation.

With the current situation hopefully every normal investor will say goodbye to any Crypto-scheme, which has only a light contact to the frog nation team and especial to daniel and sifu.

And I now people, which have invested millions… I can‘t believe, that this guys flying in private jets will accept this result without a late reaction….
When I would have the opportunity, I would do the same…

We will see, what‘s going in the next few days…
I wish Daniel Estente, that he will make a good personal decision…

Take our money and be blamed forever… looking after each new contact whether it might be an old one… or clearing the situation, taking care of his reputation and being able to show up with new projects, that crypto in total and his project concepts will be successful…

Will see soon, for which way he decides…. He is alone responsible for him and his future.

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