TIME for Education — Educating the audience with simple short videos + Content creation and Social Media Management

TIME for Education — Educating the audience with simple short videos + Content creation and Social Media Management

  • Create a dedicated team for Social Media Management, Content, and Education
  • Create team for Social Media and Content, but hire professional Video Editors to create short animated quality videos
  • Just more Social Media Presence with a dedicated team is good, we don’t need no education
  • Make No Changes

0 voters

Name: [RFC] - TIME for Education — Educating the audience with simple short videos + Content creation and Social Media Management

Scope: Create simple (animated) videos to explain the whereabouts of the project (tokenomics, how it works, about tokens, future plans, its purpose in the Defi ecosystem, how it works with Abracadabra and Popsicle, etc.)

Previous proposals that are relevant:
Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: “[DAO Discussion] - Your Title Here”

Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: “[DAO Discussion] - Your Title Here”

Objective: Educate the audience about the ecosystem in a simple and animated manner. Also, make this part of the social media strategy.

Provide a High-Level Overview: Creating more animated content about how TIME Wonderland works and its specifics, educating the public in a simple way so everyone can grasp the complexity and purpose of the Project.

Provide Low Level Details:
The last 1-2 months have been hectic. I have been absent all this time, and when I came back, it was a hassle catching up with what happened and I still don’t comprehend everything, just some of the general lines about what happened and what comes next.

  1. A dedicated team for Social Media - see proposals linked above

  2. Creating animated short videos about 30 - 120 seconds long, simply explaining how the whole ecosystem works, how it should work, about the voting system, how each token works, what are the future plans, how will the new token work, maybe videos about popular RPCs and WIPs, etc.

  3. Choosing 1-2 people that would be in charge of creating the videos and coming up with ideas discussing with the devs about technicals, creating the scripts (or a single person could do the research and scripts, and the team could hire a dedicated video editor/animator to create simple videos about each topic). (honestly, podcasts are a good idea too to complement other SM aspects — 1 short one with 3-5 min episodes, and a longer one with 30-45 min episodes. — any longer than 45m is not a good idea).

  4. The most important thing I believe is about how the project works and what is its purpose in the environment. You know, dumbing down what everything is all about.
    It is all about educating the audience, lowering the barrier of entry, increasing trust in the project, explaining to people the long-term value of the project, etc. We should help everyone understand.

Business and/or technical requirements of the implementation of the proposal:
A team of 1-3 people would create the content (infographics, Social Media Posts, Videos, Social Media Management, etc.). As this is part of the Social Media Operations, I suppose the same team should handle all these, or employ another person to create the videos and keep communication with the team and devs about the technicals.

Since an RFC is a “work in progress” Proposal, not all of these points need to be filled out from the beginning. They can be added over time as the RFC evolves into a mature Proposal.

This post was rejected as an RFC and moved to general discussion so people can discuss this proposal directly.

The two discussions are an RFC and another discussion that are already closed and did not move forward. While this post is related, it is its own idea/proposal and should be discussed here first.

Keep in mind that there are already discussions on going with people proposing to do something similar.

Feel free to modify the post to change the format if you’d like.

This is in our mod todo list. We are organizing it

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Oh, okay. Sorry for not posting properly

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Yes, but communications should be here or on the website EXCLUSIVELY. Not on Twitter and other media, that is crazy!

How can that be good, why should the same information not be communicated everywhere ? This forum has less people then the Discord and the Discord has less then Twitter.

Our main issue isn’t that we have more then one place to provide the information. It’s that we are not using them all the same way. Pretty much every company has more then one platform to distribute information. The communication plan is the problem, not the platforms used.

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