Treasury REWARDS - Tokenomics change from JoyHunter

Treasury will split profits 50/50 of STABLE COIN and LP profits.
a. 50% goes to treasury to keep growing the backing price.
b. 50% goes to buyback wMEMO on open market. Positive effects below.

  1. Price goes up
  2. wMEMO becomes deflationary

Treasury will split profits 50/50 of investments like BetSwap or NFT games
a. 50% goes to treasury to keep growing the backing price.
b. 50% goes to wMEMO holders as REWARDS via airdrops

To conclude: Price goes up and wMEMO tokens decrease with the above changes. This is well balanced which favors not only the Wonderland holders, but it also helps grow the treasury.

Warm Regards,


You should deleted this post since you made a new one for the same reason.

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