We have a dream

Hello Frogs. How are you? My name is Glauber and this is a little tobacco and hookah company: Yóz. Of me and my friend Yuri. We are small entrepreneurs and dreamers. Our resources and capital are scarce, but our creativity and love for what we do is abundant, we are managing to create something passionate and exciting for us. But obviously financial investments are crucial to a business. We customize this environment in our tobacco shop with artwork in reference and tribute to Wonderland. We love this community and the people. All together, mad and dreamers, making it together. This also inspired us. We did all this that you see with Almost no purchasing power. We invested in Wonderland, but it’s only 2 digits. But we are believers and fighters. And let’s risk everything for what we want. We just know we can’t do it alone. We need 10000$ for infrastructure, acquisition of products and equipment we need, improvements in our tobacco shop in general, to expand and scale our business. We think we could achieve this value through crowdfunding. It’s worth trying. So, if you were touched or if you liked our brief story told here. Help us.

If it is not possible to help with money. Help by spreading the message. Help us reach out to more people. Maybe Daniele knows about us and will help us. We are little frogs in this pond. But let’s give it back one day. We are going to make our company grow. We will be eternally grateful. Peace to you all.

Excuse me, but what is your dream? Do you grow your own tobacco? If so, how is it different from, I don’t know, Bali Shag or Drum? What do you need money for? What’s your financial plan? Or maybe you like to draw more? (Then why do you need a tobacco shop)


We live in a small town in Brazil. There are no opportunities. So we don’t regret it. We went and created our opportunity. And our business started with something that is our culture and that is part of our lives. Our dream is to be able to have our own business and experience this universe and culture. We are not tobacco producers. We used a part of Yuri’s father’s house and set up a makeshift shop, along with an environment to receive people, our friends and customers. We customize, we paint the walls. This business is where we have today to make money and survive. We need money to fix the roof, it’s badly damaged, we want to improve our environment, buy a pool table, we want to renovate the floor that has cracks, we need a motorcycle to make deliveries elsewhere, we’re going to officially register our brand, etc. . That’s why we’re asking for help from this community. Thanks since now.

Here are a few more photos for you to know about our business that is just beginning. A friends business, about things we like and that are part of our culture, here people come and have fun, talk, interact, have a good time together, there is not even wi-fi. But this is good. People become more present in the moment.

We hope to make this business our livelihood. Having our own property. We sleep right there, in this part of Yuri’s father’s house that we transformed into this environment. But we are proud of what we are building, even if it seems like everything is against us at times. There is prejudice and there is a lack and scarcity of resources. But let’s not give up. That’s why I’m here. This is what our dream is all about.

If you want, I can record a video in which Yuri tells you about the company’s history. He started it all, I joined later. He will speak directly to the Wonderland community. It will greet you all and show you who we are and what we do. We will make the video directly from the house in the photos.

I’m a bit lost. I do not see a concrete proposal, and to what extend you and the DAO will benefit.

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You have to better organize your pitch with actual business plan/model, projected revenue, so on.

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I will prepare a concrete proposal and bring it to you. I am an early entrepreneur. We will elaborate and structure in detail everything we want to do with our business and how we can benefit investors and DAO in the future.