[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

I agree. If we take take their deal we are rugged and the whales win. This is our treasury they messed up - let’s take it back and make the most of it. No leveraging, no wild schemes - a mixed portfolio with stables and risk. It will take a while but if we lock in to different rates for revenue shares, then you can take your shares out as you please or let them roll over. The frogs will gain the most this way.


Let me just say that this is all over the news already. So really consider how you do this Daniele… Those thinking this is an easy fix are delusional in my book. “JuSt RePlAcE ThE TrEaSuReR.” You really think anyone is ever going to be comfortable investing into this project. Let alone whales that you need for the project to survive? Trust is already lost. Sifu the big news. No Airdrop, No revenue share. Rebases being worthless. What else are y’all waiting for? Another liquidation cascade so Dani and the new funds manager can cashout more? The only reason this is even remotely positive is because of the shitty repayment plan. Whales are buying in to steal market share then will dump on you all bringing the price to near 0 and removing all liquidity so small frogs get rekd.

I think using a snapshot during the airdrop, that includes anyone who bought after that. Regardless of liquidations, selling etc need to be refunded. (Those who sold in proportion to their initial investment.) As this is the only logical and fair course of action. That will save Danis reputation and other projects. Along with slowing the lawsuits that are already being filed which will make more problems down the line for Wonderland. Having whales buy up the market share is not only going to make current investors upset. But those who were long term believers and in way before the current holders. You made a mistake. Now own up to it or you will likely face much harsher consequence’s in many ways… (This is not a threat and merely the truth and my thoughts my man)


We need to keep Wonderland alive, for all the reasons you say. I suggested a call on twitter tomorrow. 12.00 Eastern or 17.00 UTC. We really need to act fast. I get the impression they’d like to close it down. We all loose if that happens.

Spread the work
Charlie T


Yeah, but look at the state of this forum, discord, twitter, etc… It’s a complete shambles. Dani and team clearly don’t want to carry on and how would we ever manage to align ourselves without a leader? Any leader actually capable of managing a project like this wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole and is likely already leading their own team on another project. This situation will only be attractive to people who couldn’t build a treasury to this size themselves and such, probably wouldn’t be capable of managing it.

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spot on. I’m down to consider the possibility of a class action lawsuit

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We will need a members only discord with skilled moderators and consequences to bad behavior. We have a lot of paid fudders, bots, and people without any skin in the game just bringing us down. Several voices have risen above the chaos - I have been writing their names down. I don’t know the people in the opposite time zones but I’m sure they have good people as well. We could vote in a team, that comes from all over if they agree.

And how much would that set you back? We invested in a ridiculously risky investment offering a completely unsustainable APY in the hope that we would get rich. We’re in crypto because these opportunities exist and we know the risks we’re taking. Threatening legal action when it goes pear shaped, come on.

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I think Daniele is done building guys. If he wrote this then you can tell he’s tired of dealing with wonderland. Feel for the guy, whatever happens, happens from this point.


Nobody even fucked up? Are you blind??? This whole thing was a complete disaster. From lying about the BSGG airdrop, to the sudden change to wMEMO rendering rebases worthless, to tricking everyone into thinking there was a hard backing when there wasn’t, to removing the calculator and changing the entire dynamic of the protocol as it was initially presented, to hiding the fact that a known scam artist was managing the treasury… i can go on and on.

Yes the whole market is down right now. But when most coins are dropping 20-50% and now rebounding while users of Wonderland are down 70-90% even WITH rebases, that means they fucked up. BIG TIME.

You need to realize when you’re being lied to and stop believing in someone who conned you. Dani seems like a nice dude but at the end of the day he and his entire team are responsible for the mismanagement and deceit of Wonderland and that caused many thousands of people to collectively lose many millions of dollars.

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This reads like we are winding down the treasury no matter what. Who is going to be a clear cut person to take over? No one. It’s over just let us know what we get out of it

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they already have profited man, long before this

This became a circus. Yesterday you said on twitter that you think the best is for project to continue, today u say the team thinks the cleanest way is to destroy treasury and share the fund to everyone.
I can already see price jumped 30% because whales are buying it so they can claim again all our assets. Even someone who is first time in project will get big share of 700M treasury, are u right in your heads? Seems like you are ignoring common sense and sanity because you are preparing another scam here. Yes, it wouldnt surprise me you are buying wmemo from your own pockets now and treasury will go to you mostly, meaning you are “the whales” in this story among others whales ofc.
This is everything but clear, also refusing to say anything about if there will be snapshots included of preFUD, and not current amounts of holders. Why should someone who gets into wMemo now get share of my treasury that im holding since november??
This really really seems like people behind wonderland are preparing one big last thing to pump out entire treasury into their pockets. Ofc if thats correct, they will vote out however they want, because they have vote power to do anything… This is so hopeless, i will forever regret getting into this scheme. Hope some kind of justice will come to all of you who were behind this someday, after all you ruined so many people with your scam.


100% Let’s discuss it further in my DM

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I leveraged nothing, just held on for dear life. I put money into this after reading all about Dani and his other projects. All I wanted was a long-term hold with the rebases and an evolution into an ecosystem afterwards. If you leveraged on an experimental DAO then I’m sorry, but you should have paid more attention. I’ve been a true diamond-hand through this entire ordeal. I’d like to think this could go on, but the reputations are tarnished already. If this dissolves, repay people that stuck through the entire time. No snapshot after Sifu leaves or institute a sliding scale based on TIME in the project.


Has nothing to do with the APY… Moronic if you think so. They profit off liquidations. Which in return they purposely drive the price down. So they can profit. If you think Dani, Sifu and all other leaders were “sleeping” during the last cascade and not coordinating whale sells. You have lots to learn. Its a scam…


What about the promise to refund whom were liquidated below backing price that two black days? Please keep your word Daniele

  1. No one who leveraged should be repaid

  2. Snapshot cannot be after the vote : an announcement like this is market manipulation, off course if whale can buy now at 25k and sell automatically at 40 they will do it

  3. @daniele if you really care about the frogs then you should not make a dime on wonderland. Inject what you have in treasury , that you earned with wonderland. Same goes for sifu.

  4. A calculator and the exact amount of the treasure (that can be used ) should be available

  5. Team members benefits should be capped.


Im here for the same reason everyone is. We agree to play by certain rules. If the rules get broken and as a result I lose everything 2 days back to back because I trusted Dani and Sifu.

They created the liquidation problem. This doesn’t happen with most other protocols. Look at the liquidation fees paid to Abracadabra from Wmemo
Last I checked it was $60M. Dani could have easily made a deal to buy the liquidated memos at a discount over the counter. Not to mention that he and Sifu caused it when they got liquidated. Are you saying they didnt know any better?


The snapshot should be before the Sufi vote.


With a potential entire wind-down is there potential for those people who are ‘last to the exit’ having to sell their AVAX/MIM etc. at a discount because everyone else has dumped before them.

Yesterday I voted to liquidate the treasury, but since I’ve calmed down and can see a future in Wonderland if it continues to acquire/work with various projects that have huge potential. As a result if we were to continue forward revenue share needs to start and pretty quickly.

I feel like this should be a snapshot too; it’s plain to see than in the midst of the chaos and even before that, whales were dumping and then buying back in the fear. They shouldn’t be rewarded for that. The HODL’ers who have been in and simply held since day 1 are the first people who should be allowed to get out. We’re the most down and yet we showed the most loyalty to the protocol. Potentially from snapshot of either the BSGG snapshot as that was already taken, a snapshot just before the Sifu news was released or a snapshot just before the absolute bottom. The snapshot should be taken from one of these options to allow, as I say, those who didn’t look to destroy the protocol should be able to get out first at a better rate than those who profited by damaging the protocol.

Also, those people who were liquidated should NOT be refunded, at least not from the treasury. Dani is of course free to do what he wants with his own funds, but I’d prefer him to help out the HODLers. Everyone knows the risks of leverage. If their trades came in good they wouldn’t be sharing their wealth, so we shouldn’t be refunding them.