[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

hahaha and not mention all the money the milked us for through there other projects


delusional my man. wow

There is a lawyer starting a class action suit. Doubt any dollars are recouped though

If they want to pay leveragers out of their own pocket who cares. But it should not come out of my share of the treasury as a long-term holder. I didn’t take stupid risks and should not have to pay for it.

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where? Do you have his info?

the lawyer will get them

he rugged us all you ,web site is down

Any body considered this…

“Due to this we think that if the proposal is voted against, and no counter proposal within 5 days is made by the community with relevant people who are willing to take over the multisig and willing to take on this challenge, we will still unwind the treasury.”

cant even unstake now

I think we need to organize. We need to hire a firm that can manage the process of breaking down everything

how ?? …under what law

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Have 5 days if the vote goes through.

For people in the states only:



Co-counsel and I are evaluating a potential class action lawsuit against Danielle Sestagalli and Michael Patryn/Omar Dhanani/Sifu. As I stated in my Reddit comment, there appears to be actionable claims against them for violation of false advertising and unfair and deceptive acts and practices laws.

However, we are currently monitoring the situation, including the upcoming proposal to liquidate the Wonderland treasury and repay all holders at treasury value. This and other developments in the coming days will inform the viability of any lawsuit.

If a class action lawsuit is filed, you do not have to do anything to participate in the lawsuit and receive a pro rata distribution of any funds that are recovered through a judgment or a settlement. If, however, you would like to more actively participate as a named class representative (in which case you would receive your pro rata recovery amount plus a service fee, which is typically $5K-$10K), please indicate your interest in a reply to this email.

Thank you, and we will be in touch."

Could easily be another scam though

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Imagine if this was Sifu scamming again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Vice now making articles about TIME. This is too far gone

Unfairly. Its called leverage you got called and didn’t cover. The white paper states its the treasury choice to by back if it hits below the backing price. In my opinion its unfair if someone leverage just enough that the backing price will cover. This is called arbitrage and this type of arbitrage doesn’t happen in traditional finance. Anybody who invested their life saving or money to pay expenses this is gambling. Think alot of people just saw the APY. I looked passed the APY for me the APY was crowd funding to get the treasury to amount to invest in seed projects and have a part of the revenue

Sounds like alot of people used leverage that didn’t have the funds to cover, in traditional finance i guarantee you would have not been approved for leverage and you be crying that my bank wouldn’t allow me to use margin

Lets keep this project going i think it be great to partner with BAstion Group real professionals

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Mannnn stop it! This is crypto…geeeez. You lost you money and now crying? Get over it. I live in the States and im telling you …get over it! Nobody stole your money and ran off…smh. sillyness at it best

Correct me if I am wrong but:

  • You leave the pool open to allow whales to take advantage of arbitration and buy our treasury at a big discount and thus vote YES on dissolution?

  • The wmemo from the treasury are burn? What are the $ per wmemo, which token do we receive etc

We should absolutely not be repaying anyone who got liquidated. If you play with leverage you chose to take the risk

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Backing price is 75% below or more than most of us paid. I agree refunding purchase price is what’s needed or going ahead with a new Sifu. Daniele should stay.