[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

It’s crypto? So what, it’s doxxed crypto. Certainly feels like someone ran off with my money. I was led to believe there would be revenue sharing airdrops and a backed token. Lies. All lies.

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Thats why the team needs their feet put to the fire…No lights out over here! Dani and team need to get to work plain and simple. To dissolve this project would be the easy way out…and thats not acceptable.


agree with this!!!

We cannot vote for this. This would be voting for one final rug pull/loss.


Five days to fill the biggest job in the world of Defi. Two months would be more fair


I like the Bastion guys too the YouTube video made them look good.

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It will be fine if it takes longer than five days if we vote no to dismantle, right?

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No crypto it not doxxed…who told you that? The owner is doxxed but he didnt have to come out and there are many none doxxed companies/project out here. You got ebases like the rest of us…you got it backed…they tried to keep backing the price but whales and bots kept manipulating it causing cascade liquidations…what more did you want? They told you the backing were manual…6 people have to open the wallet to back. your coin price. Thats not easy as you think. Also how were they going to rev share and even air drop if the VC never was able to come to light? They were in the works to do it until the sifu thing happened.


I was promised there was a backing price- you didn’t read the white paper. Anytime leverage always have whats need to cover if called - sucks bro thats why i never leverage in any investment. sure you will make it back

I’m not reading that wall of text. A doxxed developer means accountability for his actions if he does anything untoward. And it means he can be jailed if he does something really bad like, I don’t know, employing friggin Omar Dhanani

If you own wMemo on Pendle and OT and YT memos, how will this be handled in the event Treasury is redistributed back to wMemo holders? Thanks

here! here!! Brother!! HERE! HERE! (salute)

Well if you want to play this game I was promised there would be revenue sharing that I would have used to lower my liq price. Where in white paper bro did it say they would refuse to deliver airdrops. Where in the white paper did it say they’d force everyone into WMEMO randomly and without a vote. Get outta here, sifu

Am I the only one who didn’t leverage and stake their wMemo? I just want my unrwapped memo back at 3k minimum

:roll_eyes: geez…smh. bruh…really? smh

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I got in fine…what are you talking about?

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Probably won’t be a random Lawyer off reddit that gets them but it’s possible an individual “frog” might employ a lawyer and maybe get a patreon going idk.

:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:It would be SO STUPID for us to wind the project down. :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang: If we did that then the project would have been nothing but a rug pull because frogs would be out -90% of their initial investment! it would be SUCH a huge waste to close down the project now, we need an opportunity to rebuild and makeup our losses. It’s worth a shot


guys is the site down because its a rugpull? do we need to all bail with our money now? Can they bolt to another country with the treasury? We have zero clue who the “Team” even is…

If the snapshot is taken this way, whales will dump what they buy in the dip, thus decreasing the treasury value. You won’t even get what you have now.