[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

so get out now? what are you doing?

The only way it would be ā€œfairā€ to the frogs is if we were paid out our wMEMO at the all time high backing priceā€¦ otherwise everyone would be losing 90% of their initial investmentā€¦ if weā€™re going to abruptly end the project then Daniele needs to back the treasury with his own funds to the point that everyone would get their INITIAL investment backā€¦

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I mean yeah everyone will still be down 90% This is exactly like popsicle, except worse when you think about it. If Dani wants to work in crypto again this has to happen otherwise no one will touch his projects with a barge pole.

Iā€™d settle for a 70% of ATH to account for the bearish crypto market

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so are you selling what little you have left?

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Essentially this action will realize every remaining loyal investorsā€™ losses, except for whales to swoop in at low price and boost their votes to liquidate the treasury. Investors will likely get back something much lower than current backing price. Even having Bastion to manage the treasury is a way better option than winding down.

The wonderland website is down. Is this a rugpull and is there even going to be a vote? Is this all phoney?

Wonderland needs to wind down slowly. The treasury still needs to be used to make profit. People donā€™t all need to be paid back at the same time. Earlier investors get paid back first. Most people would be able to wait months to be paid back. I would certainly.

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Possibly. I wonder if SIfu told Danny to get fat so when he disappears he can just get thin to disguise his appearence. No need for plastic surgery. Not even joking at this point.

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Why are people buying $wMEMO now on a failed projectā€¦

because you can buy at $20K and then vote to dissolve @Wonderland_fi and get the backing price $40K.

Total bullshit and slap in the face to all early investors the held until the house of cards collapsed. The snapshot must be taken on the timestamp when Dani went public about this fiasco, probably sooner


This proposal is seriously so fucked up. ā€œStrongly recommendingā€ that we close the project when everyone is down -90% of their initial investment?! Thatā€™s the definition of a rug pull.

Also how the hell are us random ass non-DeFi employed people supposed to find someone to replace Sifu on our own? Isnā€™t that Daniā€™s job? My mind is blown.

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hes a fat slob no doubt. Seriously is this whole thing a mafia backed scam?

A snapshot prior to the cascades seems like the best solution. These are the people that built this treasury. I am one of them and think its irrelevant if we as builders were leveraged, sold to stop loss, or are still holding. They all should be the ones getting the treasury returned.

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Stick a fork in itā€¦ sheā€™s done.

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Thatā€™s stupid af everyone would lose -90% of their initial investment if we ā€œcashed outā€ nowā€¦.

so selling what you have left or hoping there is some kind of reorg? Is the site down for you?

Youā€™re not going to find a team because any competent team can just fork the code and make their own DAOā€¦ why would you want this drama?

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Sorry if I was unclear. The project needs to be wound down slowly so people can be paid back 70 or even 100% of their inital investment. Not 10%

then why is the site down at the time sifu gets busted? This all looks like an orchestrated scam. Im hungry for a legit reason they dont steal the treasury and jump on flights to italy and the middle east

I donā€™t think you have this right. Itā€™s called over collateralized loans. I had my funds as collateral covering it. They manipulated liquidation problem to take my funds at a discount. They are doing the same to you right now. Stop acting like itā€™s different

Aint nothing doneā€¦geez. No wonder big whales keep taking advantage of small investors.