[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

Honestly I think Dani will rebuy WMEMO at a higher price than it is currently. Still a scam though.

:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:Petition to have Dani put his own funds in to pay everyone back at the all time high wMEMO price NOT the current price….:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:


so are you staying in or are you selling what little you have left?

Dani and Sifu are off to India to get IBS and then get a double cremation. Sorry about the monies sers!

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Nope, it has to be 100% if it’s going to be a “forced” shutdown like this proposal is saying. That’s literally the equivalent of a rug pull.

The treasury needs to BURN ALL wMEMO MEMO and TIME FIRST!

Oh yeah. Now we’re getting somewhere.

I’'m gonna give my 2 cents and be transparent…

I researched Time Wonderland and invested about $50K in wMEMO initially back in November…


Since I was making good gains, I invested another $48K in wMEMO in December and moved 1/2 to Pendle to LP there and earn yield, which was going great. Then without much warning, the entire complexion of the project changed. People began to leverage/over-leverage and shit blew up, probably because our leaders weren’t paying attention and weren’t prepared.

I didn’t take stupid risks with leveraging. Rather, I followed my plan to invest for the long-term, which should have been a win-win. Instead, everything changed…and right-quick…to a point that I didn’t even recognize the project I invested in…


I did not get the benefits that were promised to me for the reasons I invested in the first place and would not have invested otherwise. So I feel bait & switched, whether it was on purpose or not. Honestly, I should get my money back, PERIOD. If you paid for an orange but got an apple or a lemon, shouldn’t you demand your money back?

To be clear, I am not complaining because I was expecting a guarantee. I wasn’t. Just like any other investment, my decisions are my responsibility. But this is something different. This isn’t just sour grapes on may part because I lost money. Everything changed after I invested. I didn’t get the orange I paid for. Instead, I got a rotten apple (I’ll let you make the connection).

On top of this, the money I invested into Time Wonderland…


can’t invest my money in anything else to earn a return. So I am double-screwed with this shit show, and I really shouldn’t have to feel like I need to apologize for my feelings or disappointment because I simply did not get the benefits I invested for. Actually, I did get them for about a month, just long enough to get teased into investing more money before everything went south. Thinking about it in this light actually makes it seem more like a ponzi, which never really crossed my mind until typing this now. Do I think Dani intended it? Probably not. But unfortunately, it is what it is.

And just to reply to those people who want the project to continue somehow…there are way too many variables to consider starting from scratch and it would take way too long to conduct another experiment with my (or anyone else’s) money for a sliver of a chance to make any return. I would rather have my money now to put into another project that has a much better chance of success to give me long-term returns like I thought I was getting with Wonderland.

And just to add one more thing…the wording of this proposal is indicative of the lack of structure in this whole project. If we only knew.


I heard there’s lots of “lawyer” scams rn about this where they ask for your seed phrase lolol be careful!

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How will the people that got liquidated below Danielle be compensated? this was mentioned by Danielle himself so how would this work?

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Has the team lost all hope??? Who created this article? Dani seems to think we should continue!?

It makes absolutely no sense for the team to say that they believe winding down the project is the best solution. A few days ago everything was fine - now you say all is lost? What a quick turn of events.

I don’t get it - how can you be ready to abandon your own baby because of a small mistake. You should be positive and look into the future!

And how can anyone make a rational decision with this little information? “you get the money you are entitled to” - what does that mean? We need numbers.

I feel like winding down is not only the easy but the stupid way out. Our future is bright, just replace Sifu with someone who can do the job and move on!!!

I got in right when you did and went big like you. So, with the wonderland site down now, are we crazy not to take the 20% left of what we put in? Like Now? Are we waiting for a reorg that will never happen or a buyback that will never happen?

How much money would you be out though if it cashed out at current? You’d prob only get like $10k back that’s such a fucking waste to realize those kind of crazy tragic losses… if we continue on and try to rebuild at least there’s a chance to make it back.

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Bro that’s genius. Act as a lawyer, then ask for seed phrase so they can verify that we actually bought TIME / WMEMO. And then steal other assets people have on their ledgers (I wouldn’t even bother paying gas to steal WMEMO lmao)

But we shouldn’t be giving Sifu and Danni boy ideas!

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I love your thinking but with the site down now, is this a sign this is a legit rugpull?

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You’re an idiot to sell now or realize those kinds of losses. 20% left? LOL waste

And can they steal the treasury? I mean does anyone know who manages the treasury besides Danile who was buddies and colluded with this sifu guy?

Reason to make the snapshot at time that Dani went public with the confirmation on SIFU… That would eliminate new whales from taking the treasury and give to people that were holding at time of collapse

Bro please relax. This is out of our control. Sit tight and you might get something back but if it turns out you’ve lost all your money accept it. I have. I went for a 6 hour walk and touched grass today. Your best bet is to relax, not waste any more energy on this, and see what happens. If some sort of legal process starts I will give evidence but that’s it.


so you dont think they are taking off with the treasury?