[WIP #4] - Wind down Wonderland, and give the treasury back to its holders

I like your perspective. :wink:


thanks for talking me off the ledge. I put too much in and trusted too much

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Man I did exactly the same thing paid into my borrow twice and got liquidated yesterday at 15600 price like 70 percent below backing. I was at work it was fine paid 50 bucks checked an hour later and somehow the price fell from 325 per time to 268 per time (my liquidation price). I checked the price was trading exactly the same but my collateral was gone. I was liquidated and thereā€™s no record I can find of the price ever falling that low. So what about me eh? I bought the top at 9500 and held to the bottom and then got fucking liquidatedā€¦

Hi, Anyone having trouble accessing the platform on the avalanche network? I am not able to access the platform

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This is also why I just want to get back whatever $ I can and put it into something positive.

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thanks for sharing. Same. Not leveraged but a lot of my own cash. Scary man

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Iā€™m down life savings my friend. But I am in my late twenties and can come back from this. It will take years but itā€™s not the end. Concentrate on what you have. Health, family, friends. If you donā€™t have these things, the fact that you have electricity and an internet connection means you are luckier than 40% of the worldā€™s population. I am sorry for your pain though, I can feel youā€™re panicking. Donā€™t commit suicide over this stupid project.


you can look it up here


You got to pay back all those unfairly liquidated wayyyy below backing.

Yes, I am still in with what I have left.

I feel like he will just to salvage his own reputation.

But then I have no chance now or in the immediate future to turn that $ into something positive. Soā€¦:stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. But this should come out of Daniā€™s pocket, not the treasuryā€™s. The responsibility needs to come from the top without damaging the rest of us.

hahaha depends. Will I get my fair share?

Dude. Youā€™re seriously lol-ing on that insensitive comment? Cā€™mon man. Some people are really hurting.

youā€™re right. Iā€™m sorry

I was thinking about killing myself with benzos and alchohol yesterday. Some people use humor to cope. People are absolutely hurting. Lives destroyed. Luckily nobody depends on me so I can earn my money back over period of 2-3 years. But people do use dark humor to cope, Iā€™m just saying.

Yes humor is how i cope myself. I told my wife and i pretended i had heart attack 5 minutes later

You donā€™t even have to kill yourself to kill yourself.

Just go to India, pretend you have IBS and then buy a death certificate like Sifuā€™s good business partner Gerald Cotten, who still has millions of other peoples stolen crypto and who, I assure you, is very much alive.

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Just stick to original model, the rebase model with TIME and MEMO builds an 1B treasury, the debacle starts with the revamp without asking in a DAO for god.

WMemo has to be an option for TAX purposes (only that) set a more sustainable APY an keep that model on.

The ecosystem its really strong, POPSICLE, ABRACADABRA, SUSHI and WONDERLAND.

Thats the model we came for, that generates confidence and with Dani upfront SEEMS pretty solid, why change that???

Back to the origins ITS NOT TOO LATE

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